

①You need to fill this out.
Once your car has been found,
③we'll be in touch.

①First, you need to fill out an insurance claim form.
Once your application has been processed,
③your insurance company will issue a notification.

①You need to file a police report.
As soon as your car has been found,
③we'll contact you.

application /,æplɪ'keɪʃn/ n)申請書
process /'prəƱses/ /'prɑːses/ v)処理する
issue /’ɪʃuː/ v)外に出す、発行する・出版する
notification   /,nəƱtɪfɪ'keɪʃn/ n)通知・連絡

A: Okay, Mr. Jones, we've completed our initial damage assessment. It's okay for you to take your car home now.
B: So, what do I do about getting it repaired?
A: Well, we need to process your claim after confirming a few final details. Once your claim has been processed, you'll need to contact a mechanic.
B: I see.

initial   /ɪ'nɪʃl/ adj)最初の・初めの n)頭文字・イニシャル
assessment /ə'sesmənt/ n)評価・査定
repair /rɪ'per/ v)元通りに直す n)修理・修復

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