I've been to Japan twice(Tokyo) and I might go a third time. This time it will be in Osaka. I am curious to know. How are people in Osaka compared to the people living in Tokyo?
People from Osaka are type I don't want to get close to.
"certain" only before noun ~名詞の前の"certain”~
used to talk about a particular person, things, group of things etc without naming them or describing them exactly.
The library's only open at certain times of day.
I promised to be in a certain place by lunchtime.
話し手にはわかっているが何らかの理由ではっきり言わない場合 certain を使う
The library's only open at certain times of day.
I promised to be in a certain place by lunchtime.
話し手にはわかっているが何らかの理由ではっきり言わない場合 certain を使う
see if
I wanted to see if you've just got to Japan.
get to/arrive in/land in/reach/enter/disembark
disembark ディセンバァ-ク v)上陸させる
embark インバァ-ク v)乗車する
How are you enjoying your staying Japan so far?
That's good to hear.
Haven't you experienced any culture shock?
Many things are different here.
Welcome, under the circumstances. このような状況下で
bow バウ
Like bowing or taking your shoes off before entering temples and certain restaurants. certain adj)確かな、とある、ある種の(限定)
bow バウ
Like bowing or taking your shoes off before entering temples and certain restaurants. certain adj)確かな、とある、ある種の(限定)
Bowing is something we can only see in Japan.
ritual リチュアル n)(社会的慣習の)作法
Exchanging business cards is almost a ritual.
diversity ダイヴァ-シティ n)多様性
I think it's really important to embrace diversity.
embrace エンブレイス v)抱く、受け入れる、喜んで受け入れる
Cultural diversity is a central feature of modern British society.
central セントラル adj)中心の、主要な feature フィ-チャァ n)特徴
Express Myself
I love meeting people from different culture.
ritual リチュアル n)(社会的慣習の)作法
Exchanging business cards is almost a ritual.
diversity ダイヴァ-シティ n)多様性
I think it's really important to embrace diversity.
embrace エンブレイス v)抱く、受け入れる、喜んで受け入れる
Cultural diversity is a central feature of modern British society.
central セントラル adj)中心の、主要な feature フィ-チャァ n)特徴
Express Myself
I love meeting people from different culture.
(before the lesson)
Life is what you make it. 人生は自分で作るもの
Tokyo Governor said we should stay home this weekend.
I stopped by a grocery sore. but there's not much food left.
買いだめ stock up/hoarding ホーディング n)貯蔵 hoard ホーァド v)ためこむ
stock up on food
Which foods should you stock up on in case of an emergency?
Consumer hoarding of limited goods, such as gasoline and paper, is creating shortages in stores. consumer コンスーマー n)消費者
People are hoarding behind the coronavirus induced panic.
behind 前)背後に induce インデュース v)...を引き起こす
The guidelines suggest stocking up on canned goods, dry mixes and other items that don't "require refrigeration, cooking, water or special preparation.
refrigeration リフリジレイション n)冷蔵
preparation プリパレイション n)準備
How to stock up for coronavirus? What to stock up for coronavirus?
How to prepare for an emergency: What you need to get.
Coronavirus may be spreading, but it isn't necessary to randomly hoard supplies.
Here are some basic necessities to have at home in case of an emergency.
As the coronavirus outbreak continues, many Americans are preparing to quarantine themselves.
randomly ランダムリー adv)ランダムに、不定期に
The winning numbers are randomly selected by computer.
My phone seems to switch itself off randomly.
supplies(supply) n)the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc.
Our supplies were running out.
food and medical supplies for refugees refugee レヒュジー n)難民
necessity ネセスシティー n)必要性
quarantine クオ(ワ)ランテーン v)隔離する n)隔離、隔離施設
Hoarding food: Often food hoarding is directly connected to the child's experience of significant neglect, having consistently had their basic needs for life-sustaining food denied or inadequately met. As a result, the child is forced to become prematurely self-reliant in meeting their own basic needs. For example, in a situation where the parent is chemically dependent, resulting in inconsistency in providing and having food available, it would be reasonable that when food is available, a child would view this as an opportunity. It would be logical that a survival mentality would develop, causing the child to respond to the availability of food by overeating or hoarding food. In neglectful situations, food hoarding is a wise alternative to ongoing food deprivation.
(after the lesson)
I sometimes feel super stupid making a mistake at work such as slipped my mind and miscalculating things like that.
Life is what you make it. 人生は自分で作るもの
Tokyo Governor said we should stay home this weekend.
I stopped by a grocery sore. but there's not much food left.
買いだめ stock up/hoarding ホーディング n)貯蔵 hoard ホーァド v)ためこむ
stock up on food
Which foods should you stock up on in case of an emergency?
Consumer hoarding of limited goods, such as gasoline and paper, is creating shortages in stores. consumer コンスーマー n)消費者
People are hoarding behind the coronavirus induced panic.
behind 前)背後に induce インデュース v)...を引き起こす
The guidelines suggest stocking up on canned goods, dry mixes and other items that don't "require refrigeration, cooking, water or special preparation.
refrigeration リフリジレイション n)冷蔵
preparation プリパレイション n)準備
How to stock up for coronavirus? What to stock up for coronavirus?
How to prepare for an emergency: What you need to get.
Coronavirus may be spreading, but it isn't necessary to randomly hoard supplies.
Here are some basic necessities to have at home in case of an emergency.
As the coronavirus outbreak continues, many Americans are preparing to quarantine themselves.
randomly ランダムリー adv)ランダムに、不定期に
The winning numbers are randomly selected by computer.
My phone seems to switch itself off randomly.
supplies(supply) n)the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc.
Our supplies were running out.
food and medical supplies for refugees refugee レヒュジー n)難民
necessity ネセスシティー n)必要性
quarantine クオ(ワ)ランテーン v)隔離する n)隔離、隔離施設
Hoarding food: Often food hoarding is directly connected to the child's experience of significant neglect, having consistently had their basic needs for life-sustaining food denied or inadequately met. As a result, the child is forced to become prematurely self-reliant in meeting their own basic needs. For example, in a situation where the parent is chemically dependent, resulting in inconsistency in providing and having food available, it would be reasonable that when food is available, a child would view this as an opportunity. It would be logical that a survival mentality would develop, causing the child to respond to the availability of food by overeating or hoarding food. In neglectful situations, food hoarding is a wise alternative to ongoing food deprivation.
(after the lesson)
I sometimes feel super stupid making a mistake at work such as slipped my mind and miscalculating things like that.
Has anything in your lifestyle changed since coronavirus outbreak?
(preparing the lesson)
Has anything in your lifestyle changed since coronavirus outbreak?
Has anything in your lifestyle changed since you moved to Japan?
Has anything changed since you move to Japan?
The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games are going to be postponed amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Medical exparts say outdoor activeties such as hiking, jogging and bike riding at parks are safe as long as you're not doing it in groups.
They advises people to stay 6 feet away from others to avoid possible infection.
Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus.
I got some water in my ear. I'm trying to get rid of it but it doesn't work.
I have hay fever. My nose is running and my eyes itch like crazy.
like crazy めちゃくちゃに
Nobody knows the future. 未来のことは誰にもわからない。
Gym/The Work out class, The studio exercise class has been canceled.
(after the class)
I have three kids. I'm a big help in population decline.
depopulation⇔population increase
There is hand sanitizer even in a mountain hut. mountain lodge
通知表 US) a report card UK) a school report
He doesn't get good grades on his report card/school report this term.
All schools nationwide have been closed.
in my house every day is sports day.
The people living below us will make a complaint.
Has anything in your lifestyle changed since coronavirus outbreak?
Has anything in your lifestyle changed since you moved to Japan?
Has anything changed since you move to Japan?
The 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games are going to be postponed amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Medical exparts say outdoor activeties such as hiking, jogging and bike riding at parks are safe as long as you're not doing it in groups.
They advises people to stay 6 feet away from others to avoid possible infection.
Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus.
I got some water in my ear. I'm trying to get rid of it but it doesn't work.
I have hay fever. My nose is running and my eyes itch like crazy.
like crazy めちゃくちゃに
Nobody knows the future. 未来のことは誰にもわからない。
Gym/The Work out class, The studio exercise class has been canceled.
(after the class)
I have three kids. I'm a big help in population decline.
depopulation⇔population increase
There is hand sanitizer even in a mountain hut. mountain lodge
通知表 US) a report card UK) a school report
He doesn't get good grades on his report card/school report this term.
All schools nationwide have been closed.
in my house every day is sports day.
The people living below us will make a complaint.
Only to learn cutting hours
(Preparing the lesson)
The cherry blossoms are starting to bloom.
But No one wants cherry blossom viewing parties in this crisis mode.
Last Saturday, for the first time coming this school since coronavirus outbreak.
I wasn't expecting such a lot of students there.
The class was six of us, five students in the class room.
I guess Nova should change the regulation from five students to two or three students in a class.
I got to the gym, but only to learn cutting hours.
The cherry blossoms are starting to bloom.
But No one wants cherry blossom viewing parties in this crisis mode.
Last Saturday, for the first time coming this school since coronavirus outbreak.
I wasn't expecting such a lot of students there.
The class was six of us, five students in the class room.
I guess Nova should change the regulation from five students to two or three students in a class.
I got to the gym, but only to learn cutting hours.
Newest Low-Cost Airline to Launch in the US
launch ラーンチ v)(活動などを)開始する、(衛星などを)発射する
affordable アフォーデブル adj)<商品、価格等が>手頃な、手に入る
American low-cost airline will launch a new affordable airline.
We build affordable housings. affordable price
American low-cost airline will launch a new affordable airline.
We build affordable housings. affordable price
previously プリヴィアスリー adv)前もって
underserved アンダーサ-ヴドゥ adj)サービス不行き届きの
underserved airport, under-served aria
underserved アンダーサ-ヴドゥ adj)サービス不行き届きの
underserved airport, under-served aria
serve サァ-ヴ v)仕える、 接客する、奉仕する
direct ディレクト ダイレクト adj)直行の、直接の
specify スペセファイ v)詳しく述べる
direct ディレクト ダイレクト adj)直行の、直接の
specify スペセファイ v)詳しく述べる
reveal リヴィール v)(人に)明かす、明らかにする
headquarters ヘッド クォーターズ n)《単複両扱い》本部、本社
headquarter v)本部を置く
Utah ユタァ n)ユタ ユタ州:州都Salt Lake City
certificate サーティフィケイト n)証明書、証書、免許、認証
fall into place ぴったりはまる、うまくいく、本来の場所におさまる
low-cost airline
cater to ケイター v)(需要に)応える cater to the needs of the society
overlooked オーヴァールック v)見渡す
multiple マルティプル adj)多数の部分からなる、多種多様の
point-to-point 次から次へと
headquarter v)本部を置く
Utah ユタァ n)ユタ ユタ州:州都Salt Lake City
certificate サーティフィケイト n)証明書、証書、免許、認証
fall into place ぴったりはまる、うまくいく、本来の場所におさまる
low-cost airline
cater to ケイター v)(需要に)応える cater to the needs of the society
overlooked オーヴァールック v)見渡す
multiple マルティプル adj)多数の部分からなる、多種多様の
point-to-point 次から次へと
How we take care of each other as a human family during all crises
How we take care of each other as a human family during all crises.
Stacey Milbern never imagined she'd be making large batches of hand sanitizer in her kitchen.
batch バァーチッ n)ひとまとまり、束、かたまり 複)batches
sanitizer サニタイザー n)消毒薬、殺菌剤
But over the last week, as the spread of the coronavirus has hit the Bay Areaーand the worldーMilbern and four other volunteers, all of whom identify as disabled, queer people of color, have produced nearly 100 anti-coronavirus kits, and are distributing them to people living in Oakland homeless encampments.
identify アイデンティファイ v)見分ける
disabled ディスエイブルド adj)(身体・精神に)障害のある
queer クウィアー n)同性愛者 queer people of color=the gay rights movement in the US
anti- アンチ 接頭)反、対、非、...でない
distribute ディストリビュート v)分配する
encampment エンキャンプメント n)野営地、キャンプ地
Along with the hand sanitizerーwhich is 90% rubbing alcohol mixed with glycerine and aloe veraーthe kits include disinfectant and an emaergency vitamin mix, all made from scratch by members of the group in Milbern's East Oakland home(in consultation with a nurse practitioner), as well as an N95 respirator mask and gloves.
rubbing alcohol ラビング アルコホール n)消毒アルコールあ
glycerine グリセリン n)グリセリン =glycerol グリセロール n)グリセロール
aloe アロウ n)アロエ aloe vera 薬用アロエ
”We are particularly concerned with people in encampments who don't have access to soap and water," said Milbern, who has muscular dystrophy and uses a ventilator to breathe.
Many in the disabled community are all too familiar with feeling isolated and surviving in crisis mode, she said, when resources and support are in short supply. Her small group, which calls itself the Disability Justice Culture Club, wanted to use that DIY know how to help their own community and other underserved populations.
"Often times, disabled people have the solutions that society needs. We call it cripーor crippledーwisdom," said Milbern, 32, who has a day job as a human resources specialist. "We know how infections spread and how to properly wear a mask and wash your hands."
'Really, what it takes to flatten the curve is collective action and collective commitment. Interdependence is going to be what saves us, and COVID-19 is the extreme example of this.'
Stacey Milbern never imagined she'd be making large batches of hand sanitizer in her kitchen.
batch バァーチッ n)ひとまとまり、束、かたまり 複)batches
sanitizer サニタイザー n)消毒薬、殺菌剤
But over the last week, as the spread of the coronavirus has hit the Bay Areaーand the worldーMilbern and four other volunteers, all of whom identify as disabled, queer people of color, have produced nearly 100 anti-coronavirus kits, and are distributing them to people living in Oakland homeless encampments.
identify アイデンティファイ v)見分ける
disabled ディスエイブルド adj)(身体・精神に)障害のある
queer クウィアー n)同性愛者 queer people of color=the gay rights movement in the US
anti- アンチ 接頭)反、対、非、...でない
distribute ディストリビュート v)分配する
encampment エンキャンプメント n)野営地、キャンプ地
Along with the hand sanitizerーwhich is 90% rubbing alcohol mixed with glycerine and aloe veraーthe kits include disinfectant and an emaergency vitamin mix, all made from scratch by members of the group in Milbern's East Oakland home(in consultation with a nurse practitioner), as well as an N95 respirator mask and gloves.
rubbing alcohol ラビング アルコホール n)消毒アルコールあ
glycerine グリセリン n)グリセリン =glycerol グリセロール n)グリセロール
aloe アロウ n)アロエ aloe vera 薬用アロエ
”We are particularly concerned with people in encampments who don't have access to soap and water," said Milbern, who has muscular dystrophy and uses a ventilator to breathe.
Many in the disabled community are all too familiar with feeling isolated and surviving in crisis mode, she said, when resources and support are in short supply. Her small group, which calls itself the Disability Justice Culture Club, wanted to use that DIY know how to help their own community and other underserved populations.
"Often times, disabled people have the solutions that society needs. We call it cripーor crippledーwisdom," said Milbern, 32, who has a day job as a human resources specialist. "We know how infections spread and how to properly wear a mask and wash your hands."
'Really, what it takes to flatten the curve is collective action and collective commitment. Interdependence is going to be what saves us, and COVID-19 is the extreme example of this.'
Marco was born in South Africa,
growing up in Birmingham of NW England
I've never met people from South Africa.
He said people from Birmingham have strong/peculiar accent.
peculiar ピキュ-リア adj)独自の
Discussing past plans
I remember you were hoping to set up your own business.
get back into teaching/move upstate 北部、内陸部、自然が残る田舎地方
go for a promotion
I recall you were planning on moving to Golden Hill when I last saw you.
I recall you were planning to move out.
changing jobs/quitting your job/joining a gym/traveling around Europe
I heard she was preparing for a big road trip. preparing to buy a house
climbing Mt Fuji/start your own carpentry business
I think you were getting ready to retire.
sell your sports car/go back to college/travel overseas/quit work
Discussing past plans
I remember you were hoping to set up your own business.
get back into teaching/move upstate 北部、内陸部、自然が残る田舎地方
go for a promotion
I recall you were planning on moving to Golden Hill when I last saw you.
I recall you were planning to move out.
changing jobs/quitting your job/joining a gym/traveling around Europe
I heard she was preparing for a big road trip. preparing to buy a house
climbing Mt Fuji/start your own carpentry business
I think you were getting ready to retire.
sell your sports car/go back to college/travel overseas/quit work
It's uncertain when travel will resume as normal
Update March 19th: Coronavirus Rescheduling & Trip Updates
The spread of the coronavirus has significantly impacted global travel. Right now heavy travel restrictions are in place and it's uncertain when travel will resume as normal. We support the international efforts in place to limit the spread of the virus. These conditions may continue for weeks or months, but they will pass and we are confident we will be leading treks again soon.
significantly かなり
restriction リストリクション restrictions n)制限
in place 実施されて
resume リジューム v)再開する レズィメ n)要約、履歴書
Let's talk
Things are getting hectic. とんでもないことになった
You know, I love traveling. I was going to overseas at this time of year.
Travel restrictions are in place and it's uncertain when travel will resume as normal.
The spread of the coronavirus has significantly impacted global travel. Right now heavy travel restrictions are in place and it's uncertain when travel will resume as normal. We support the international efforts in place to limit the spread of the virus. These conditions may continue for weeks or months, but they will pass and we are confident we will be leading treks again soon.
significantly かなり
restriction リストリクション restrictions n)制限
in place 実施されて
resume リジューム v)再開する レズィメ n)要約、履歴書
Let's talk
Things are getting hectic. とんでもないことになった
You know, I love traveling. I was going to overseas at this time of year.
Travel restrictions are in place and it's uncertain when travel will resume as normal.
I was going to overseas at this time of year, but I can't, since coronavirus outbreak.
(I was going to...はする意思はあったがらかの理由で意思通りにならなかった)
(I was supposed to...は約束や義務としてやるべきことをやらなかった)
because 相手が知らない事柄
since, as 相手が知っている事柄 asのほうが少し丁寧
For the first time since coronavirus outbreak.
What a radical change of life style.
My new mountain shoes give me blisters.
I got a blister on my heel. (on my feet)
I got a blister on me heel from the new shoes.
Many Japanese people visit their graves at this time of year,
things like equinox day.
I wasn't expecting such a lot of people coming.
I'm in fairly good shape.
blister ブリスター n)水ぶくれ、手足のまめ painful blister
equinox イクノックス n)昼夜平分時 the spring equinox, equinox day
I was going to overseas at this time of year, but I can't, since coronavirus outbreak.
(I was going to...はする意思はあったがらかの理由で意思通りにならなかった)
(I was supposed to...は約束や義務としてやるべきことをやらなかった)
because 相手が知らない事柄
since, as 相手が知っている事柄 asのほうが少し丁寧
For the first time since coronavirus outbreak.
What a radical change of life style.
My new mountain shoes give me blisters.
I got a blister on me heel from the new shoes.
Many Japanese people visit their graves at this time of year,
things like equinox day.
I wasn't expecting such a lot of people coming.
I'm in fairly good shape.
blister ブリスター n)水ぶくれ、手足のまめ painful blister
equinox イクノックス n)昼夜平分時 the spring equinox, equinox day
A funny thing happened to me last Friday. I'd gone into Chicago to do some shopping. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find a book for my psych course (I'm a junior at Northwestern University in Evanston). I had gotten to the city early, so by early afternoon I'd bought everything that I wanted. Anyway, I'm not crazy about downtown Chicagoー all the noise and traffic and strange peopleー and I'd made plans for that night. I just wanted to get in my car and drive home before the rush hour, but I felt really tired. I decided that I had time for a cup of coffee and a short rest. I bought a Tribune and went into a small cafeteria near the garage where I had parked my car. I got a cup of coffee and a package of doughnutsー glazed doughnuts. I'm crazy about glazed doughnuts. There were plenty of empty tables, and I found one near the window. I sat down and started the crossword puzzle in the paper. I always enjoy doing crossword puzzles.
psych サイク adj)精神医学の
Tribune トリビューン n)新聞
glazed グレイズド adj)光沢のある glazed donuts シュガージロップをかけたドーナッツ
psych サイク adj)精神医学の
Tribune トリビューン n)新聞
glazed グレイズド adj)光沢のある glazed donuts シュガージロップをかけたドーナッツ
David and Barbara Werner have been married for nearly fifteen years. They have two children, Gary, aged eleven, and Debbie, who is nine. During the last couple of years David and Barbara haven’t been very happy. They argue all the time. Barbara’s sister advised them to go to a marriage counselor. A marriage counselor helps marriage couples to talk about their problems and to solve them, if possible. Sometimes they meet the counselor separately, and other times they are together for the session. This is David and Barbara’s third session with Dr. Joyce Sisters, the counselor.
Barbara’s Interview
Oh, come in, Barbara. Have a seat. Didn’t David come?
Yes, he’s waiting outside. He didn’t want to come here this week, but...well, I persuaded him to come.
I see. How have things been going?
Oh, about the same. We still seem to have fights all the time.
What do you fight about?
What don’t we fight about? Oh, everything. You see, he’s so inconsiderate...
Go on.
Well, I’ll give you an example. You know, when the children started school, I wanted to go back to work again. So I got a job. Well, anyway, by the time I’ve picked Gary and Debbie up at school, I only get home about half an hour before David.
Well, when he gets home, he expects me to run around and get dinner on the table. He never does anything in the house.
And last Friday! He invited three of his friends to come over for a drink. He didn’t tell me to expect them, and I’d had a long hard day. I don’t think that’s right, do you?
Barbara, I’m not here to pass judgement. I’m here to listen.
I’m sorry. And he’s so messy. He’s worse than the kids. I always have to remind him to pick up his clothes. He just throws them on the floor. After all, I’m not his maid. I think that’s part of the trouble. You see, l make more money than he does.
David’s Interview
David! I’m so glad you could come.
Hello, Dr. Sisters. Well, I’ll be honest. Barbara had to force me to come, really.
Does it embarrass you to talk about your problems?
Sure, it does. But I guess we need to talk to somebody.
Barbara feels that you... well, that you resent her job.
I don’ t know. I’d like her to stay home, but she’s very smart. So really, I encouraged her to go back to work. With the kids in school, she needs something to do. And I suppose we need the money.
How do you share the housework?
I try to help. I always help her with the dishes, and I help Gary and Debbie to do their homework while she makes dinner. But she doesn’t think that’s enough. What do you think?
I’m not here to give an opinion, David.
I think we are both too tired, that’s all. In the evenings we’re both too tired to talk. And Barbara...
She never allows me to suggest anything about the house or about the kids. We always have the same arguments. She has her own opinions and that’s it. Last night we had an other fight. She’s forbidden the kids to ride their bikes to school.
She thinks they’re too young to ride in the traffic. But I think they should. She always complains about picking them up at school. But they can’t be tied to their mother’s apron strings all their lives, can they?
inconsiderate considerate
run around
tie タイ v)結ぶ、縛る
apron エイプレン n)エプロン
string ストリング n)ひも、頼り
be tied to A's apron strings 男が母親や妻の言いなりになっている。頭があがらない
Barbara’s Interview
Oh, come in, Barbara. Have a seat. Didn’t David come?
Yes, he’s waiting outside. He didn’t want to come here this week, but...well, I persuaded him to come.
I see. How have things been going?
Oh, about the same. We still seem to have fights all the time.
What do you fight about?
What don’t we fight about? Oh, everything. You see, he’s so inconsiderate...
Go on.
Well, I’ll give you an example. You know, when the children started school, I wanted to go back to work again. So I got a job. Well, anyway, by the time I’ve picked Gary and Debbie up at school, I only get home about half an hour before David.
Well, when he gets home, he expects me to run around and get dinner on the table. He never does anything in the house.
And last Friday! He invited three of his friends to come over for a drink. He didn’t tell me to expect them, and I’d had a long hard day. I don’t think that’s right, do you?
Barbara, I’m not here to pass judgement. I’m here to listen.
I’m sorry. And he’s so messy. He’s worse than the kids. I always have to remind him to pick up his clothes. He just throws them on the floor. After all, I’m not his maid. I think that’s part of the trouble. You see, l make more money than he does.
David’s Interview
David! I’m so glad you could come.
Hello, Dr. Sisters. Well, I’ll be honest. Barbara had to force me to come, really.
Does it embarrass you to talk about your problems?
Sure, it does. But I guess we need to talk to somebody.
Barbara feels that you... well, that you resent her job.
I don’ t know. I’d like her to stay home, but she’s very smart. So really, I encouraged her to go back to work. With the kids in school, she needs something to do. And I suppose we need the money.
How do you share the housework?
I try to help. I always help her with the dishes, and I help Gary and Debbie to do their homework while she makes dinner. But she doesn’t think that’s enough. What do you think?
I’m not here to give an opinion, David.
I think we are both too tired, that’s all. In the evenings we’re both too tired to talk. And Barbara...
She never allows me to suggest anything about the house or about the kids. We always have the same arguments. She has her own opinions and that’s it. Last night we had an other fight. She’s forbidden the kids to ride their bikes to school.
She thinks they’re too young to ride in the traffic. But I think they should. She always complains about picking them up at school. But they can’t be tied to their mother’s apron strings all their lives, can they?
inconsiderate considerate
run around
tie タイ v)結ぶ、縛る
apron エイプレン n)エプロン
string ストリング n)ひも、頼り
be tied to A's apron strings 男が母親や妻の言いなりになっている。頭があがらない
Could you explain that in a little more detail?
24 Feb 2020 定型表現 詳しい情報を聞き出す
Are we all ready for the show house fair this weekend?
we all のコンビはよく使われる
show house モデルハウス fair フェア n)イベント、フェア、展示会、見本市
Are we all ready for the lesson?
Yes, I went to our show house this morning.
How is everything?
挨拶(How are you? / How's it going?)をした後に,、もう少し具体的な返事を求めてい るときに使う。
Here. I took some photos on my phone.
The doctor took my temperature. その医師は私の熱を測った。
on my phone にはステージの「上で」が感じられる
on the radio/on the computer
Thank you. It looks good, but we need to do something for the kids.
Could you explain that in a little more detail?
Can you say a little more about that?
What exactly are you saying?
What are you trying to say?
Could you expand on that? expand イクスパァンド v)膨らむ、広がる、より詳しく述べる
Could you be more specific?
Well, for example, we should have balloons, snacks, and even show cartoons to keep them entertained.
そうですね、例えば風船やお菓子を用意したり、ずっと楽しんでもらうためにアニメを見 せたりしたらどうでしょう。
cartoon カートゥーン n)漫画
entertain エンターテイン v)人を楽しませる
Good thinking. Leave it to me.
So, both of these sentences are a bit formal, aren't they?
That's right.
Yeah. I mean you would use these in a particular context. For example, an academic context or a business context. Among friends, we just say like, "What do you mean?"
Could you be more specific? Investors don't like vague statements.
investor インヴェスター n)投資家
vague ヴェイグ adj)漠然とした、とらえどころのない
statement ステイトメント n)事業報告
What are you trying to say? You can be absolutely frank with me.
何が言いたいのですか? 私にははっきり言っていただいて構わないんですよ。
absolutely アブソルートリ adv)絶対に、完全に
frank フランク adj)はっきり言う
Are we all ready for the show house fair this weekend?
we all のコンビはよく使われる
show house モデルハウス fair フェア n)イベント、フェア、展示会、見本市
Are we all ready for the lesson?
Yes, I went to our show house this morning.
How is everything?
挨拶(How are you? / How's it going?)をした後に,、もう少し具体的な返事を求めてい るときに使う。
Here. I took some photos on my phone.
The doctor took my temperature. その医師は私の熱を測った。
on my phone にはステージの「上で」が感じられる
on the radio/on the computer
Thank you. It looks good, but we need to do something for the kids.
Could you explain that in a little more detail?
Can you say a little more about that?
What exactly are you saying?
What are you trying to say?
Could you expand on that? expand イクスパァンド v)膨らむ、広がる、より詳しく述べる
Could you be more specific?
Well, for example, we should have balloons, snacks, and even show cartoons to keep them entertained.
そうですね、例えば風船やお菓子を用意したり、ずっと楽しんでもらうためにアニメを見 せたりしたらどうでしょう。
cartoon カートゥーン n)漫画
entertain エンターテイン v)人を楽しませる
Good thinking. Leave it to me.
So, both of these sentences are a bit formal, aren't they?
That's right.
Yeah. I mean you would use these in a particular context. For example, an academic context or a business context. Among friends, we just say like, "What do you mean?"
Could you be more specific? Investors don't like vague statements.
investor インヴェスター n)投資家
vague ヴェイグ adj)漠然とした、とらえどころのない
statement ステイトメント n)事業報告
What are you trying to say? You can be absolutely frank with me.
何が言いたいのですか? 私にははっきり言っていただいて構わないんですよ。
absolutely アブソルートリ adv)絶対に、完全に
frank フランク adj)はっきり言う
Tokyo tourist sites nearly empty as coronavirus bites
TOKYO- In Tokyo's Tsukiji fish market, restaurants normally thronged with tourists hoping to sample some of its renowned sushi stand empty, victim of the coronavirus that is battering Japan's tourism sector.
bite バイト v)かみつく
throng スロン v)人が群がる、殺到する、あふれる
renowned リナウンドゥ adj)有名な
stand n)屋台、売台
victim ヴィクティム n)被害、犠牲
batter バァダァ v)台無しにする、滅多打ちにする
sector セクタァー n)領域、階層
deserted ディザーティッド adj)人けのない、さびれた
Haneda airport in Tokyo is deserted |
throng スロン v)人が群がる、殺到する、あふれる
renowned リナウンドゥ adj)有名な
stand n)屋台、売台
victim ヴィクティム n)被害、犠牲
batter バァダァ v)台無しにする、滅多打ちにする
sector セクタァー n)領域、階層
deserted ディザーティッド adj)人けのない、さびれた
Redefining Job-Hopping
Feb 2020
Redefining Job-Hopping ジョブホッピングの新しい意味
redefine リデ ファイン v)...を再定義する ...の定義を見直す
hopping ホッ ピング adj)...を渡り歩く
How's life treating you? 最近の調子どう?
Never better, thanks. 最高にいいです。サンクス。
I'd like to sound you out on something.
sound out (人に...について)打診する、聞いてみる
sound someone out on... ...について考えを聞く
It seems job-hopping has become the new normal, at least as far as millennials are concerned. 少なくともミレニアル世代に関しては、ジョブホッピングが新たな常識になったようです。
new normal 新たな常識
as far as ...するかぎり(範囲)
millennials ミレニアル世代 millennial ミレニアル adj)千年の
concerned コンサーン v)関する、関わる、不安にさせる
I think speaking English has become the new normal here in Tokyo area.
Housing costs plummeting is the new normal.
plummet プラミット v)価格などが急落する
Now that the baby was born, having less free time was the new normal for the new parents.
Redefining Job-Hopping ジョブホッピングの新しい意味
redefine リデ ファイン v)...を再定義する ...の定義を見直す
hopping ホッ ピング adj)...を渡り歩く
How's life treating you? 最近の調子どう?
Never better, thanks. 最高にいいです。サンクス。
I'd like to sound you out on something.
sound out (人に...について)打診する、聞いてみる
sound someone out on... ...について考えを聞く
It seems job-hopping has become the new normal, at least as far as millennials are concerned. 少なくともミレニアル世代に関しては、ジョブホッピングが新たな常識になったようです。
new normal 新たな常識
as far as ...するかぎり(範囲)
millennials ミレニアル世代 millennial ミレニアル adj)千年の
concerned コンサーン v)関する、関わる、不安にさせる
I think speaking English has become the new normal here in Tokyo area.
Housing costs plummeting is the new normal.
plummet プラミット v)価格などが急落する
Now that the baby was born, having less free time was the new normal for the new parents.
High School Students
In my mind, Many high school students go to prep school in order to prepare for college entrance exams, and some go even on Sundays.
Is that fact?
Yes. High school seniors in particular have to study from morning to night, seven days a week.
in my mind, 私のイメージでは、
prep school プレプ スクール n)予備校 =preparatory school プレ パラトリー スクール
senior シーニア n)年上、最上級生 adj)年上の、最上級生の
Is that fact?
Yes. High school seniors in particular have to study from morning to night, seven days a week.
in my mind, 私のイメージでは、
prep school プレプ スクール n)予備校 =preparatory school プレ パラトリー スクール
senior シーニア n)年上、最上級生 adj)年上の、最上級生の
Sorry for the late.
《Small Talk》
I'm well, thanks.
I'm in working out for an upcoming marathon
Did you have any trouble finding your way here?
No, it was easy enough to find. The traffic was also smooth on the way here, so everything has been fine.
Tell me about your self. Describe yourself. How would you describe yourself? Tell me a little about yourself.
Tell me how you think other people would describe you.
What are three words that describe you?
《Small Talk》
I'm well, thanks.
I'm in working out for an upcoming marathon
Did you have any trouble finding your way here?
No, it was easy enough to find. The traffic was also smooth on the way here, so everything has been fine.
Tell me about your self. Describe yourself. How would you describe yourself? Tell me a little about yourself.
Tell me how you think other people would describe you.
What are three words that describe you?
I'm came over from Yokohama.
As I recall
As I recall, you are from... 確か、あなたは...の出身
more than
You are more than welcome! あなたは大歓迎です!
Thank goodness!
Thank goodness you're here. 来てくれてよかった。
what do you think of
How do you feel about Japanese corporate culture.
How do you like
As I recall
As I recall, you are from... 確か、あなたは...の出身
more than
You are more than welcome! あなたは大歓迎です!
Thank goodness!
Thank goodness you're here. 来てくれてよかった。
what do you think of
How do you feel about Japanese corporate culture.
How do you like
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