
How we take care of each other as a human family during all crises

How we take care of each other as a human family during all crises.

Stacey Milbern never imagined she'd be making large batches of hand sanitizer in her kitchen.
 batch バァーチッ n)ひとまとまり、束、かたまり 複)batches
 sanitizer ニタイザー n)消毒薬、殺菌剤
But over the last week, as the spread of the coronavirus has hit the Bay Areaーand the worldーMilbern and four other volunteers, all of whom identify as disabled, queer people of color, have produced nearly 100 anti-coronavirus kits, and are distributing them to people living in Oakland homeless encampments.
 identify アイデンティファイ v)見分ける
 disabled ディスイブルド adj)(身体・精神に)障害のある
 queer クウィアー n)同性愛者 queer people of color=the gay rights movement in the US
 anti- ンチ 接頭)反、対、非、...でない
 distribute ディストビュート v)分配する
 encampment エンキャンプメント n)野営地、キャンプ地
Along with the hand sanitizerーwhich is 90% rubbing alcohol mixed with glycerine and aloe veraーthe kits include disinfectant and an emaergency vitamin mix, all made from scratch by members of the group in Milbern's East Oakland home(in consultation with a nurse practitioner), as well as an N95 respirator mask and gloves.
 rubbing alcohol ビング ルコホール n)消毒アルコールあ
 glycerine グセリン n)グリセリン    =glycerol グセロール n)グリセロール
 aloe ロウ n)アロエ  aloe vera 薬用アロエ
 ”We are particularly concerned with people in encampments who don't have access to soap and water," said Milbern, who has muscular dystrophy and uses a ventilator to breathe.
Many in the disabled community are all too familiar with feeling isolated and surviving in crisis mode, she said, when resources and support are in short supply. Her small group, which calls itself the Disability Justice Culture Club, wanted to use that DIY know how to help their own community and other underserved populations.
"Often times, disabled people have the solutions that society needs. We call it cripーor crippledーwisdom," said Milbern, 32, who has a day job as a human resources specialist. "We know how infections spread and how to properly wear a mask and wash your hands."
'Really, what it takes to flatten the curve is collective action and collective commitment. Interdependence is going to be what saves us, and COVID-19 is the extreme example of this.'

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