24 Feb 2020 定型表現 詳しい情報を聞き出す
Are we all ready for the show house fair this weekend?
we all のコンビはよく使われる
show house モデルハウス fair フェア n)イベント、フェア、展示会、見本市
Are we all ready for the lesson?
Yes, I went to our show house this morning.
How is everything?
挨拶(How are you? / How's it going?)をした後に,、もう少し具体的な返事を求めてい るときに使う。
Here. I took some photos on my phone.
The doctor took my temperature. その医師は私の熱を測った。
on my phone にはステージの「上で」が感じられる
on the radio/on the computer
Thank you. It looks good, but we need to do something for the kids.
Could you explain that in a little more detail?
Can you say a little more about that?
What exactly are you saying?
What are you trying to say?
Could you expand on that? expand イクスパァンド v)膨らむ、広がる、より詳しく述べる
Could you be more specific?
Well, for example, we should have balloons, snacks, and even show cartoons to keep them entertained.
そうですね、例えば風船やお菓子を用意したり、ずっと楽しんでもらうためにアニメを見 せたりしたらどうでしょう。
cartoon カートゥーン n)漫画
entertain エンターテイン v)人を楽しませる
Good thinking. Leave it to me.
So, both of these sentences are a bit formal, aren't they?
That's right.
Yeah. I mean you would use these in a particular context. For example, an academic context or a business context. Among friends, we just say like, "What do you mean?"
Could you be more specific? Investors don't like vague statements.
investor インヴェスター n)投資家
vague ヴェイグ adj)漠然とした、とらえどころのない
statement ステイトメント n)事業報告
What are you trying to say? You can be absolutely frank with me.
何が言いたいのですか? 私にははっきり言っていただいて構わないんですよ。
absolutely アブソルートリ adv)絶対に、完全に
frank フランク adj)はっきり言う
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