I was going to overseas at this time of year, but I can't, since coronavirus outbreak.
(I was going to...はする意思はあったがらかの理由で意思通りにならなかった)
(I was supposed to...は約束や義務としてやるべきことをやらなかった)
because 相手が知らない事柄
since, as 相手が知っている事柄 asのほうが少し丁寧
For the first time since coronavirus outbreak.
What a radical change of life style.
My new mountain shoes give me blisters.
I got a blister on me heel from the new shoes.
Many Japanese people visit their graves at this time of year,
things like equinox day.
I wasn't expecting such a lot of people coming.
I'm in fairly good shape.
blister ブリスター n)水ぶくれ、手足のまめ painful blister
equinox イクノックス n)昼夜平分時 the spring equinox, equinox day
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