
2 tbs of starch with water

Starch スターチ n)でんぷん質の食品、片栗粉(Potato starch)
 日本の片栗粉は芋から作られている。海外では Corn starch が一般的なようだ。



And Counting

数の提示+and counting(declining)  数、そしてその数は増え(減り)続けています。k数の提示+and still counting まだ増え続けています
How many jobs have you created? Two thousand jobs and counting.

Here we go!  さあいくぞ! はじめるぞ!

It's really been a team effort, though.

zero in on... ...に的を絞る、...に集中する
We zeroed in on what companies need to get stared.
Zero in は銃などの照準を合わせるの意 座標軸は Zero である
They zeroed in on the problem. 彼らは、その問題について集中討議した。
Brennan Critics Zero In on CIA's Interrogations
interrogation 尋問、取り調べ、疑問
administrator noun, a person whose job is to manage and organize the public or business affairs of a company or an institution, or a person who works in an office dealing with records, accounts, etc.
Such organizational decisions are made by the hospital administrators.
For an application form, please contact out administrator.
He is known as a good manager and an efficient administrator.
He worked for 20 years as an administrator for the National Savings bank.
She was one of the most senior administrators of the exchange programme.

administrative adjective, connected with organizing the work of a business or an institution
an administrative job/assistant/error
15 Apr 2020 Business Communication in Action 2-1

LOOK SHARP/SMART  お洒落にきめている。洒落た身なりである。
You look especially sharp today.
That tie goes very well with your suit. ネクタイがスーツにとてもよく合っていますよ
Any special occasion?
That's the sharp jacket. Where did you get it?

I'm attending a meeting of/with... ...に出席する。...の/と打ち合わせがある。
my alumni association 同窓会
alumni アムナイ alumnusの複数形 n)卒業生、同窓生

You're dressed to kill. びしっと決めてますね。
I was dressed to kill for a job interview in my best suit.
He was dressed to kill for a wedding in a great tuxedo.
I didn't want to look too casual.

Apparel has lost its appeal.
apparel アぺァロー n)衣服、服装、装い
appeal アピィール n)強く訴える、魅力
women's/men's apparel is 2nd floor.
I used to enjoy the smartphone game, but it's lost its appeal now.
Who needs fashion these days when you can express yourself through social media?  誰がファッションを必要とするのでしょう、ソーシャルメディアを通して自分を表現できる今の時代に。

sartorial standards 服装の基準
sartorial standards are certainly slipping. 服装の基準は確かにゆるくなっていますね。
sartorial サァト-リアル adj)衣服の
slip スリップv)つるっとすべる、低下する、衰える

church service  (教会での)礼拝
church チャ-チ n)教会 service サーァヴィス n)仕えること、勤め、サービス

wear jeans to work ジーンズをはいて仕事に行く
I read somewhere that half of Americans say they can wear jeans to work.

Call me old-fashioned, but ... 時代遅れだと言われるだろうが・・・
old-fashioned オ-ルド ファッシュオンド adj)時代遅れの
It's not a trend that I particularly like. 私がとりわけ好きなトレンドではないですね。
Call me old-fashioned, but I think certain standards should be maintained when it comes to what to wear ー and when.
certain standards ある程度の基準
when it comes to...   ...に関しては、...のことになると=as for...=regarding(フォーマル)

be of the same opinion 同じ意見である、賛成している
I'm of the same opinion. 私も同じ意見です。

unprofessional adj)プロとはいえない、プロらしくない
I think it's unprofessional to present a slovenly appearance.
present プゼント v)adj)その場にいる、出席している
slovenly appearance だらしない身なり
slovenly スヴェンリー adj)(身なりが)だらしない
appearance アアランス n)(物の)外観、(人の)外見


because, since, as 理由・原因を表す

I didn't win anything, but I enjoy it.
I didn't win anything in the sushi competition.
何も~ない 何も勝てなかった 何の賞ももらえなかった

I’m really excited. The hiking was really exciting.
I'm really disappointed/excited. -ed形は「人」が主語
The game was really disappointing/exciting.  -ing形は「対象物」が主語

Don't be silly. そんな馬鹿な
Don't be sad. そんなになげか(嘆か)ないで
Don't be shy.

Great Nova teachers from around the world come here.
Great sushi chefs from around the world come here. You did your best.

I'm going to....   , but I don't prepare well enough.
I didn't get a prize, because I didn't prepare well enough.

Don't say that, Boris. (相手のネガティブな発言の後に)そんなこと言うなよ~。
You should be proud of it. それは凄いことだよ。(相手に良い事や褒めたい時)
Don't say that, Boris. You should be proud of being here.

That's the spirit. その意気だ!
Thanks, Nikola. I'll learn more techniques and come back again next year.
That's the spirit. You'll definitely get a prize someday!
BLOSSOM verb, (of a tree or bush) to produce blossom
The cherry trees blossomed early this year. 
BLOSSOM verb, to become more healthy, confident or successful
She has visibly blossomed over the last few months.
blossom into something Their friendship blossomed into love.
As the romance blossomed, he moved to be closer to her.
It was after his move to Barcelona that his career really blossomed.

CIRCULATION  noun, uncountable, the movement of blood around the body
Regular exercise will improve blood circulation.
to have good/bad circulation I have poor circulation. I've got poor circulation.
to have a massage to stimulate your circulation.
People with poor circulation are more likely to suffer from the condition.
more likely
suffer from


Colleges can't say if campuses will reopen in fall. Students are fed up.

Students are weary of online classes. But colleges can't say if they'll open in fall 2020.

College students say they'll revolt if universities put another semester of classes online to avoid spreading the coronavirus- but that's increasingly what campus leaders are considering doing.

be/get fed up うんざり[あきあき]している
 feed-fed-fed feed v)食べ物を与える、供給する、(人に精神的なものを)与える
weary ウィアリー adj)疲れきった
revoltヴォート v)暴動を起こす、反感を抱く
semester セスター n)(米の大学の)学期
increasingly インクリーシングリー adv)ますます、いよいよ、だんだん

Sometimes I find it challenging, but it's very rewarding

6 April 2020 入門ビジネス英語3

You lived in the state. (May I ask) where about? アメリカのどこから?

Isn't it great that coffee is free here?

Yes, it's a small world.
 The world is not as big as it seems.

I'm always tempted to come here.  to buy something
 tempt ンプトゥ v)誘惑する

How did you like it there?
 It was great, kind people, good food and great outdoor life.
 What more could I ask for? 文句なし。これ以上何を求めますか。
I'm glad to enjoy it.

7 April 2020 入門ビジネス英語4

How do you find your work? 仕事はどうですか? findは「見つける」ではなく「思う」
How do you like your current job?
How do you find life in Japan?

Did you get used to a team quickly? すぐチームに慣れた?
 No, not really. Actually, in the beginning,
   I was a bit overwhelmed, but I feel more comfortable now.
 overwhelmed オーヴァーウェルムド adj)圧倒される、まいっている
   I'm overwhelmed by piles of work.

Sometimes, I find it challenging, but it's very rewarding.
I sometimes find it a bit monotonous, but it's full feeling to contribute to the team.
  reward リウォード n)報い、報酬
  monotonous モトナス adj)単調な、退屈な
  contribute コントリビュート v)寄付する、(時間、労力を)与える、ささげる
The job is stressful, but it's rewarding when we win a contract.

Did you join us immediately after graduation? 新卒でここに来たの?
6 April. 2020 英会話タイムトライアル ~困っている人、聞き取れない時~
Do you need some help? 何かお困りですか?
Would you say that again? もう一度言ってもらえますか?
Would you say that more slowly? もう少しゆっくり言ってもらえますか?
Would you say that a little louder? もう少し大きい声で言ってもらえますか?
Would you sat the last part again? 最後の部分をもう一度言ってもらえますか?
It's a little hard to hear you. 少し聞こえづらいのですが。
Did you say "this"? 「これ」と言いましたか?
 No, I said "that". いいえ、あれと言いました。
Did you say 15 minutes? 15分と言いましたか?
 Yeah, I said 15 minutes. ええ、15分と言いました。

7 April. 2020 英会話タイムトライアル ~料理の名前、駅名、地名~
What's the name of this dish/this food?
What's the name of this train station?
This train station is called "Higashi-eki".
"Higashi" means east.
This place is called "koyama".
"koyama" literally means small mountain.
 literally タアリィー adv)文字通りに
That really looks good. What's the name of that dish?
 It's a pork dish called "Tonkatsu". "Ton" means pork. It's deep-fried. It's so popular in Japan.

8 April. 2020 英会話タイムトライアル ~気軽に話しかけと返答~
(It's a)Nice morning, isn't it?
  Yeah, spring has arrived. it's so warm. it's warm today. the sunshine feels nice.
 Nice museum, isn't it?
  Yeah, it's fantastic/great/wonderful.
Crowded, isn't it? Long line, isn't it?
  Yeah, this place is crowded on the weekends.
Cold today, isn't it?
  Yeah, it's colder that I expected.


maroon  verb,adjective,noun

 マルーン  v)孤立させる、閉じ込める
フランス語のマロン 栗色が語源
marooned マルーンドゥ Maroon is usually passive
I felt marooned from my family.
Men tend to be marooned form their family.
 I feel like that the car broke down and left us marooned in the desert.

COMMUTE verb,noun

commute to work/bike to work/cycling to work
I drive to work.
take the train to work
travel to work
go to work by train

How do you commute?
8 Apr. Business Communication in Action 4

I hope the situation is resolved soon. resolveゾ-ルヴ v)解決する
It depends on how calm we are. depend ディンド v)...次第である

Everyday conversation
feel dizzy
have trouble...ing
   I have trouble finding a good apartment/reserving a plain ticket.
wear off   徐々に弱まる、効き目が切れてくる
 the medicine is wearing off  medicine ディシン n)薬、治療 
   the novelty soon wears off     novelty ノーヴェルティ  n)目新しさ 複)novelties
   The effect of the anesthetic were starting to wear off.   
  anesthetic アナスティック n)麻酔 adj)麻酔の
 The kids spent hours on the computer at first, but the novelty soon wore off.
   I might say... I need to take another painkiller. The last one is wearing off.
   Exciting is first, but now the thrill has worn off. (wear-wore-worn)
wear out 使い古す、すり減らす
   I've worn out the shoes. I need to get another pair.


7a-41 How do you feel about ...ing?


Many go to work despite Abe's call for telework

TOKYO- With face masks on, many Japanese people headed to work as usual on Monday, the first business day since Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called for a 70 percent reduction in commuters to curb new coronavirus infections.

head v)頭を向ける、向かう head to work as usual under the circumstances
call for v)...を求める、...を要求する
reduction リクション n)減少、削減
commuter コミュ-ター n)通勤・通学者
curb カァーブ v)縁石をつける、抑制する
infection インフェクション n)伝染、感染
7a-29 I would help you, but...

Sorry, I know you're probably busy, but...
Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you, but...

These boxes are really heavy. Why are there so many?
 I don't know. I assume they're the new books for the office.
You couldn't help me, could you? I'm really pushed for time.
 Sorry. I would help you, but I have a bad back. My doctor's told me not to lift anything heavy.

assume ア -ム v)証拠は無いが...だと想定する
attic ア-ティック n)屋根裏部屋
mow モーウ v)草木を刈り取る
lawn ローゥン n)芝生 mow the lawn/mow your lawn

You couldn't give me a hand with the introduction, could you?
 I would give you a hand, but I really don't know anything about that.

wedding anniversary gift
You've hurt your leg.

I've got to drop this letter off at the mail box.
I could help you if you don't mind waiting until I get back.
Great. That'd be a big help.

30 Mar.-入門ビジネス英語
一言どうぞ と言われたら thank you, Tom などその相手にお礼を述べてから話しだすと感じがよい。
30 Mar.  -英会話タイムトライアル
Welcome to our/my house/home.
Enjoy your meal. I hope you enjoy Japan.

31 Mar.  -英会話タイムトライアル
誰かに声を掛けるとき E---xcuse me!(エ~クスキューズ ミー)エをのばす。Yes?
Sorry about that. No problem. Nice talking to you. Nice talking to you too.
Thank you so much.本当にありがとう どんでもないです Not at all.
文頭にIt's を付けると丁寧 
It's nice to meet you. It's nice talking to you. It's no problem

1 Apr.  -英会話タイムトライアル
intersection 交差点
railroad crossing 踏切
crossing 横断歩道

2 Apr.   -英会話タイムトライアル
Do you need some help? It's that way. あっちのほうです

3 Apr.   -英会話タイムトライアル
I'm a little lost.
How many minutes is it from here?
Does that grocery store have snacks and candy?
Yes, I think so. It has all kinds of snacks and candy.


When will we reopen the country? Antibody testing may help officials decide, experts say: As officials begin to discuss when they can lift stay-at-home orders, companies are rushing to develop coronavirus antibody tests that could help them make those decisions without risking a second wave of infections.

Scientists Discover First Animal That Can Survive without Oxygen: Scientists discovered the first multicellular animal that does not need oxygen to live. Studies have shown that multicelluar animals on Earth perform mitochondrial respiration, a process that converts oxygen into energy. This process occurs in the mitochondrion, which is known as the cell's powerhouse.

Fireworks displays, other summer events canceled due to virus: TOKYOー Fireworks displays and other summer events in Japan have been canceled by organizers, more than three months before their scheduled dates, due to the spread of the new coronavirus.

lift v)持ち上げる、取り除く
infection インフェクション n)伝染、感染
multicellular モ-タイリュラー adj)多細胞の
mitochondrion マイトンドリオン mitochondria 複数形 マイトンドリア n)ミトコンドリア mitochondrial adj)ミトコンドリアの
respiration レスパアイション n)呼吸作用
convert コンヴァ-ト v)変える、転換する
occur アカァー v)存在・出現・発生する
cell ル n)小部屋、細胞、エクセルのセル
powerhouse パワーハウス n)発電所、強力なグループ、最強チーム
display ディスプイ v)展示する、あらわにする

30 Mar.ー基礎英語3
a local library 図書館
It’s pretty straightforward. とても簡単ですよ
 straightforward ストレイトフォ-ワードadj)まっすぐに進む、簡単な、明快な
Since when? いつから?
move in 引っ越してくる⇔move out 引っ越した
Is that required information? それって必要な情報ですか?

31 Mar. ー基礎英語3
What are you talking about today?
Can we come for dinner, too? 我々も夕飯をご馳走になりに行っていいかな?

1 Apr. ー基礎英語3
when I was little/a kid/young
read comics
share them with my wife.
we don't have enough space for all of them それら全てをしまう十分なスペースが無い
reptile プタイル n)爬は虫類
lizard ザード n)トカゲ
parrot パァロット n)オウム
parakeet パラキート n)インコ
own ウン  v)所有する   own pets
Maybe one day, it's hard to travel when I own a pet.
I have my own room, but my brothers all share a room.
It must be noisy.
Is there anything bad about having three brothers?
It's difficult for me to have a boyfriend.

2 Apr. ー基礎英語3
I like talking to them online.
share A with B  AをBと共有する I share the kitchen with my wife.

3 Apr. ー基礎英語3
I worked with my father.
May I have your name, please?


I make it a habit to keep neat and tidy.
 neat すっきりした   tidy 無駄なく配置した  



Call me old-fashioned, but I really like cheesy old movies, like 3 amigos os steve , enter the dragon Blue ,


Endurance sports is my thing such as marathon, triathlon and also mountain hiking.
I interact with people who are really working hard into them.
That makes me improving my speed, skills and motivation.

interact インタークト v)交流する


technique   専門的な技術
skill 研究や訓練など努力して身につけた技能

manner 独自の方法
method 確立された方法
process 目標を達成するための手順


important point




<as for me>
attend(go to) my son's high school entrance ceremony

Today, I went to my son's high school for the entrance ceremony, but we parents were not allowed to attend/enter the ceremony.
It's a shame. Only to learn where his school is.
Everything is not normal.

UK PM Boris Johnson is moved to intensive care in a London hospital.
  intensive インンシヴ adj)激しい、集約的な  intensive care/treatment 集中治療


Abe to declare sate of emergency for Tokyo, 6 prefecture

TOKYOーJapan is to impose a state of emergency in Tokyo and six other prefectures from Wednesday to try to stop the coronavirus, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Monday night.

The sate of emergency, which will be officially declared on Tuesday, applies Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Osaka, Hyogo and Fukuoka prefecture.

More than 3,500 people have tested positive for the coronavirus in Japan and 85 have died - not a huge outbreak compared with some hot spots. But the numbers keep rising with particular alarm over the spread in Tokyo, which has more than 1,000 cases, including 83 new ones on Monday.


Something's gotta give

I'm in fairly good shape and also spending quality time here. 充実した時間

I've been under a lot of stress, what with the gym has been cutting hours.

I dedicate myself to

DO you feel at home here? なじむ、慣れる、居心地よく感じる 居心地はいいですか?

I stick with a job nearly 30 years in construction.

Something has go to give. このままじゃいけない、何かを妥協しなければならない
has go to=must ~しなければならない
give up あきらめる
giveはgive upの諦めるを意味している「何かをあきらめなければならない」つまり「かにかを妥協しなくてはならない」そして「このままじゃいけない」

You know, coronavirus is picking up speed across the nation. Yeah, something's gotta give. I drove a car at weekend for my job. Local park in Kawasaki was pretty busy as usual. Kids and families enjoying the lovely day, sports, BBQs, fishing, a few hanami picnics. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but no possibility of social distancing at all. I hope the explosion of cases can just hold off til end of the month so we'll all have our two masks per house to protect us.

possibility ポスィリィティ n)可能性
hold off 阻止する
explosion エクスプロージョン n)爆発、急増


 I see a lot of people jogging outside now compared to before.
   compared to before/more than before
 I've got a Email from Nova school yesterday. They applied the new rules what students should wear face masks from last Saturday. (what節がC補語になる)
That makes sense. So we follow the rules. But I think every classroom is small here, so Nova have to change the regulations from five students maximum to two students maximum. We need social distancing anytime, anyplace, anywhere.
 Nowadays the gym is half-deserted. デザーティッド adj)人けのない、寂れた
   desert ザートゥ n)砂漠 desert デザートゥ adj)砂漠のような、寂しい
 dessert デザァートゥ n)デザート



I feel more pressured for time now than before.
It's a relief to take an English lesson as a student.
 Japan is still better than Western countries.
   Japan is less horrific than Western countries.  
 horrific ホフィック adj)ひどく恐ろしい
 terrifying レファイング adj)非常に恐ろしい
 alarming アラーミング adj)不安にさせるような
   It's a same story all over the world. 世界中どこでも状況は同じです
 I sometimes saw a drug store with a long line without social distancing.
③在宅勤務 work from home/remote work/work remotely
   Many people changed working places from their office to home.
 A friend of mine said, the number of people during morning rush hour is               decreasing.
 Rush hour train/packed train/crowed train/jam-packed train/over-crowed train
   super packed train/an extremely crowed train/The train is packed
   I wish I could avoid rush hour on the train.
 commute(commuting time) コミュートゥ n)通勤/通学 通勤時間 v)通勤する
   The commuting time is long/short. I have a long/short commute.
   How long is your commute?/How long is your commute take?
   Do you have a long commute to get to work?
   My daily commute to work is one hour long. two hours long.
   I drive a car to work. I need to set off a little earlier in the morning as I don't     want to get stuck in rush hour.
 What is your daily commute like? Is it long, short or hectic?
   My commute time is about 2 hours long to and from. to and from 行き帰り
 You might be in trouble when you use public transport with your large backpack     or suitcase during peak time. I recommend that we travel when it is off peak.
   School closure nationwide will go on until early May. But I red the paper, in the       UK, is going to go on until Sep.


2 April 2020
That's for sure.
Life saver
life savings
oh, ヤイクス!
money is no object

I feel really uneasy. an uneasy feeling. uneasy feelings. やるせない気持ち
It's a relief to finish the lesson. reliefリーフ n)解放、安心
 It's a relief to get away from the city.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said "sending TWO face masks to every household" I don't understand why TWO face masks. I have three young children.
I am a big help in population decline.
(New words)
I couldn't have finished the evaluations without you.
 evaluation イヴァリュエイション n)評価
 introvert ントロヴァート
 extrovert クストロヴァート
(New topics)
ーA prisoner undergoing a psychiatric evaluation escaped from his detention room in a hospital in Fukuoka on Monday morning but was recaptured after five hours, police said.
 undergo アンダーゴー  v)受ける、経験する
 psychiatric サイキトリック adj)精神上の、精神医学の psychiatric evaluation 精神鑑定 
ーI saw a strange person yelling while riding a bike. I'm wondering there are a lot of people who should undergo a psychiatric evaluation.


1 April 2020
No question at all
so far so good
I'm doing well, thanks.
It's a thing.(はやっている)
 I have a thing for endurance sports such as...  ...が好き
   I have a ting about... ...について特別な感情を持っている(...が好き/...嫌い)
   <thing aboutの場合は嫌いの場合もあるので文脈やイントネーションで判断>
 Endurance sports are my thing such as...
looks like ladies-men もてる男
divorce party
That makes sense
My pleasure
is wide spread(普及している)