
7a-29 I would help you, but...

Sorry, I know you're probably busy, but...
Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you, but...

These boxes are really heavy. Why are there so many?
 I don't know. I assume they're the new books for the office.
You couldn't help me, could you? I'm really pushed for time.
 Sorry. I would help you, but I have a bad back. My doctor's told me not to lift anything heavy.

assume ア -ム v)証拠は無いが...だと想定する
attic ア-ティック n)屋根裏部屋
mow モーウ v)草木を刈り取る
lawn ローゥン n)芝生 mow the lawn/mow your lawn

You couldn't give me a hand with the introduction, could you?
 I would give you a hand, but I really don't know anything about that.

wedding anniversary gift
You've hurt your leg.

I've got to drop this letter off at the mail box.
I could help you if you don't mind waiting until I get back.
Great. That'd be a big help.

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