6 April 2020 入門ビジネス英語3
You lived in the state. (May I ask) where about? アメリカのどこから?
Isn't it great that coffee is free here?
Yes, it's a small world.
The world is not as big as it seems.
I'm always tempted to come here. to buy something
tempt テンプトゥ v)誘惑する
How did you like it there?
It was great, kind people, good food and great outdoor life.
What more could I ask for? 文句なし。これ以上何を求めますか。
I'm glad to enjoy it.
7 April 2020 入門ビジネス英語4
How do you find your work? 仕事はどうですか? findは「見つける」ではなく「思う」
How do you like your current job?
How do you find life in Japan?
Did you get used to a team quickly? すぐチームに慣れた?
No, not really. Actually, in the beginning,
I was a bit overwhelmed, but I feel more comfortable now.
overwhelmed オーヴァーウェルムド adj)圧倒される、まいっている
I'm overwhelmed by piles of work.
Sometimes, I find it challenging, but it's very rewarding.
I sometimes find it a bit monotonous, but it's full feeling to contribute to the team.
reward リウォード n)報い、報酬
monotonous モノトナス adj)単調な、退屈な
contribute コントリビュート v)寄付する、(時間、労力を)与える、ささげる
The job is stressful, but it's rewarding when we win a contract.
Did you join us immediately after graduation? 新卒でここに来たの?
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