
I feel really uneasy. an uneasy feeling. uneasy feelings. やるせない気持ち
It's a relief to finish the lesson. reliefリーフ n)解放、安心
 It's a relief to get away from the city.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said "sending TWO face masks to every household" I don't understand why TWO face masks. I have three young children.
I am a big help in population decline.
(New words)
I couldn't have finished the evaluations without you.
 evaluation イヴァリュエイション n)評価
 introvert ントロヴァート
 extrovert クストロヴァート
(New topics)
ーA prisoner undergoing a psychiatric evaluation escaped from his detention room in a hospital in Fukuoka on Monday morning but was recaptured after five hours, police said.
 undergo アンダーゴー  v)受ける、経験する
 psychiatric サイキトリック adj)精神上の、精神医学の psychiatric evaluation 精神鑑定 
ーI saw a strange person yelling while riding a bike. I'm wondering there are a lot of people who should undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

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