30 Mar. -英会話タイムトライアル
Welcome to our/my house/home.
Enjoy your meal. I hope you enjoy Japan.
31 Mar. -英会話タイムトライアル
誰かに声を掛けるとき E---xcuse me!(エ~クスキューズ ミー)エをのばす。Yes?
Sorry about that. No problem. Nice talking to you. Nice talking to you too.
Thank you so much.本当にありがとう どんでもないです Not at all.
文頭にIt's を付けると丁寧
It's nice to meet you. It's nice talking to you. It's no problem
1 Apr. -英会話タイムトライアル
intersection 交差点
railroad crossing 踏切
crossing 横断歩道
2 Apr. -英会話タイムトライアル
Do you need some help? It's that way. あっちのほうです
3 Apr. -英会話タイムトライアル
I'm a little lost.
How many minutes is it from here?
Does that grocery store have snacks and candy?
Yes, I think so. It has all kinds of snacks and candy.
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