

To cause problems for other people

Smoking is a bad habit causing problems for other people.

How to Exercise to Become a Better Swimmer

Swimming is a low-impact aerobic exercise, which also strengthens important muscle groups like shoulders, back, legs hips, abdominals and glutes. 


How to Swim the Butterfly Stroke

Use the correct arm movement. The arm movement in butterfly stroke can be broken down into three parts: the pull, the push and the recovery.
・Starting with your arms extended above your head (shoulder width apart), pull your hands towards your body in a semicircular motion, palms facing outwards. Remember to keep your elbows higher than your hands. This is the pull.

can be broken down into ... ~に分けることができる
extended  adj)まっすぐ伸びた・ぴんと張った
width   /wɪtθ/ ウィッツ n)広さ・巾
shoulder-width apart   肩幅にひらく
semicircular adj)半円の・半円形の
palm n)手のひら
outward adj)外に向かう
palm facing outward, palm out  手のひらを外側に向けて


Raise your arms out to the side until they are shoulder height.

until they are below shoulder height


Squeeze your shoulder blades together.
Retract your shoulder blades.

squeeze /skwiːz/

blade /bleɪd/

retract /rɪ'trækt/


office work/peperwork
do paperwork/office work

desk jobs/ a desk job

a がつかない不可算名詞の work と a がつく可算名詞の job に注意
I'M STILL NOT SURE I made the right choice when I told my wife about the bakery attack. But then, it might not have been a question of right and wrong. Which is to say that wrong choices can produce right results, and vice versa.

which is to say つまり
vice versa 逆もまた同様



can’t think of anything but ...


Steppin' Out ♪ 1982

Steppin' out tonight !


Joe Jackson is an English musician, singer and songwriter. 

In our lives, with no more angry words to say.


It has become a habit to ...

It is becoming a habit to ...

It's become a habit to eat ice cream after the meal. 

Treaty of Paris (1783)

The Treaty of Paris, signed in Paris by representatives of King George Ⅲ of Great Britain and representatives of the United States on September 3, 1783, officially ended the American Revolutionary War and state of conflict between the two countries and acknowledged the Thirteen Colonies, which had been part of colonial British America, as an independent and sovereign nation.
Map of the United States and its territories following the signing of the Treaty of Paris
The treaty set the boundaries between British North America, later called Canada and the United States, on lines the British labeled as "exceedingly generous". Details included fishing rights and restoration of property and prisoners of war.

This treaty and the separate peace treaties between Great Britain and the nations that supported the American cause, including France, Spain, and the Dutch republic, are known collectively as the Peace of Parice. Only Article 1 of the treaty, which acknowledges the United States' existence as free, sovereign, and independent states, remains in force.

treaty   /'triːti/ n)条約・協定・条約文書
conflict   /'kɒnflɪkt/ /'kɑːnflɪkt/ n)争い・闘争
acknowledge /ək'nɒlɪdʒ/ /ək'nɑːlɪdʒ/ v)しぶしぶ認める・評価する
acknowledged adj)認められた
colonial /kə'ləƱniəl/ adj)植民地の n)植民地人、コロニアル様式住居
sovereign /'sɒvrɪn/ /'sɑːvrɪn/ n)君主・統治者 adj)主権を有する・独立した
fishing rights 

American Enlightenment

The American Enlightenment was a period of intellectual and philosophical fervor in the thirteen American colonies in the 18th to 19th century, which led to the American Revolution and the creation of the United States of America.
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was one of the most important intellectual leaders of the Enlightenment in the thirteen American colonies.

enlightenment /ɪn'laɪtnmənt/ n)啓発・教化・悟り
the Enlightenment ;17-18世紀のヨーロッパの啓蒙運動
intellectual /,ɪntə'ləktʃuəl/ adj)知性の・知的な
philosophical /,fɪlə'sɒfɪkl/ /,fɪlə'sɑːfɪkl/ adj)哲学に通じた、理性的な・冷静な
fervor /'fɜːvə(r)/ /'fɜːrvər/ n)熱烈さ・真剣さ・熱情

Thirteen Colonies

The Thirteen Colonies, also known as the Thirteen British Colonies or the American Colonies, were a group of British colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America founded in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The American Enlightenment led these colonies to the American Revolutionary War.
They declared independence as the United States of America in July 1776, which was achieved by 1783 under the Treaty of Paris.


Virginia is a state in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern regions of the US.
Virginia was one of the original Thirteen Colonies in the American Revolution.

THE WAY IT IS ♪ 1986

That's just the way it is♪
Some things will never change♪

Bruce Hornsby and the Range

Bruce Hornsby is from Virginia.


How did the exam go?



My new glasses broke. The lens(es) came off.

came off   外れた



I will transform into a postman.




voice/sound/speech input


You can't fight city hall.

If you can't beat them, join them.


a food shortage

The era/age of the food shortage is coming.


The world is growing population.

The world increase in population.

The world's population is increasing.

Japan is falling population.

Japan decrease in population.

Japan's population is decreasing.



Fermented foods are good for your health.

ferment   /fə'ment/ /fər'ment/ n)発酵 v)発酵させる
texture /'tekstʃə(r)/ /'tekstʃər/ n)出来栄え、触感、歯ごたえ
consistency /kən'sɪstənsi/ n)物質の硬さ・粘度・密度・濃度、調和、一貫性
sticky   /'stɪki/ adj)ネバネバ(粘着性がある)
stringy /'strɪŋi/ トリニー adj)ネバネバ(糸をひく)
stinky   /'stɪŋki/ adj)臭い
slimy  /'slaɪmi/ adj)ネバネバ(ヌルヌル)
gooey /'guːi/ adj)ネバネバ
Natto, okras and nagaimos all have a gooey consistency.
I like the sticky texture of natto.


My best wishes (for your success ...)


get a raise

(get a pay raise)

raise /reɪz/ v)~を上げる・育てる n)上げること、高まり、昇給、値上がり
praise   /preɪz/ v)ほめる・賞賛する n)賞賛・賞賛の言葉
deserve /dɪ'zɜːv/ /dɪ'zɜːrv/ v)人が~に値する
・You deserve a rest after all that hard work.

君は昇給に値する;You deserve a raise.
給料を上げてほしい;I want a raise.
上司が給料を上げてくれた;My boss gave me a raise.
昇給を狙っている(願っている);I'm hoping for a raise.

It was no pay raise this year.
Despite my relatively good performance, I didn't get a pay raise.


promotion and transfer


the day before


tomorrow evening

tomorrow in the evening

in the evening tomorrow

tomorrow at noon   お昼12時は限定的なので"at"を用いる

Office Culture

It affects employee productivity and motivation.
affect /ə'fəkt/ v)影響を及ぼす
productivity /,prɒdʌk'tɪvəti/ /,prəƱdʌk'tɪvəti/ n)生産力・生産性・生産量
motivation /,məƱtɪ'vəɪʃn/ n)自発性・積極性・やる気

It's 〇〇〇〇 to do ....

It's common to ask for help from coworkers.
It's frustrating to be late because of train issues.
It's unnecessary to talk about the same thing over and over.
It's difficult to do many things at the same time.

You look depressed again.

The Japanese phrase otukaresama-deshita doesn't have a direct English translation.
英語圏;in English-speaking countries 

[Good Office Culture]
・Does a friendly office culture motivate you?
自然体でいられる;I can be natural/myself.
motivate   /'məƱtɪveɪt/ v)動機を与える
I feel motivated if I can be myself in the office.

・What kind of office culture can help you be productive?
ほめられる;get/be praised
say nice things about
I'm in a good mood because everyone said nice things about me.
commend /kə'mənd/ v)ほめる、推薦する(recommend)
His book was highly commended.
compliment /'kɒmplɪmənt/ /'kɑːmplɪmənt/ n)お世辞・賛辞 v)お世辞を言う
get a compliment
praise /preɪz/ v)ほめる・賞賛する n)賞賛・賞賛の言葉
get praised; If I get praised, I feel motivated.
We feel motivated after receiving a lot of praise from a boss.
昇給;get a (pay) raise
raise /reɪz/ v)~を上げる、育てる n)上げること、高まり、昇給、値上がり

・Do you know any companies that are famous for their good off ice culture?
職場環境;work/working/company's environment
工夫/良くする;think/improve out
I'd like to improve out work environment through helping each other.
互いを尊重する;be equals and respect
We should always be equals and respect each other.
equal /'iːkwəl/
respect /rɪ'spekt/

・Should companies organize activities that improve office culture? 
仲良しが一番⇒いい関係;have a good relationship
会社の人たち;people at workplace
Building a good relationship with people at workplace is essential element/ingredient.
essential adj)必須の
element n)不可欠な構成要素
ingredient   n)食材、構成要素・要因
運動会を開催;hold/organize the company sport day
飲み会を企画;to plan a (drinking) party


More travelers enjoy glamping, despite high costs

Camping is one of the cheapest ways to travel. A new kind of camping, called glamping, is becoming popular. Glamping combines luxury and nature. The tents are designed with very soft pillows. Some tents even have their own bathrooms with warm running water. The campsite has fast Wi-Fi. However, the combination of hotel comfort and outdoor glamor is more expensive than high-end hotels. It's very different from what traditional campers spend.

According to a survey, US national park visitors spent $351(about \49,000) on hotels per day in 2021. On the other hand, campers just spent $149(more or less \21,000). However, glamping could cost more. For example, glamping at Utah's Zion National Park could cost up to $650(around \90,800) per night. The resort fee gives visitors a tent with beds, bathrooms, hot showers, and stoves. The accommodations also offer visitors fun activities such as live music and yoga classes.

Despite its high cost, glamping's amenities seem to attract noncampers. For instance, an estimated 10.5 million families went glamping in 2022. About 63% of people surveyed said they enjoy the outdoor experience without having to go camping.

Zion National Park in Utah

glamping   /'glæmpɪŋ/ noun   (glamorous + camping)   
glamorous /'glæmərəs/ also informal; glam  adj)はなやかな・魅力に満ちた
combine /kəm'baɪn/ v)統合して一体にする n)連合体
luxury /'lʌəri/ n)贅沢・豪華さ adj)贅沢な・豪華な
pillow /'pɪləƱ/ n)枕・クッション
even have   ~でさえ持っている
running water   n)水道水
ex. Some houses in the city are still without running water.
combination /,kɒmbɪ'neɪʃn/ /,kɑːmbɪ'neɪʃn/ n)組み合わせること・チームワーク
comfort /'kʌmfət/ /'kʌmfərt/ n)快適さ v)楽にする      
glamor /'glæmə(r)/ /'glæmər/ n)うっとりとするような魅力 v)~を魅了する
ex. The retired celebrity misses the glamor of being on television.
high-end   adj)高級な
ex. He bought a high-end car after winning the lottery.
survey /'sɜːveɪ/ /'sɜːrveɪ/ n)見渡すこと・調査・世論調査
stove /stəƱv/ n)ストーブ・暖炉、レンジ・コンロ
accommodation     n)宿泊施設
ex. I booked our accommodations for the family trip.
offer v)サービスを提供する ≠give
amenities・an amenity  n)生活を便利・快適にするもの、娯楽設備
ex. The swimming pool is her favorite amenity in this hotel.

[Camping and Glamping]
・Which would you enjoy more, camping or glamping?
⦅自身:as for me
古いタイプの人間;old school, old fashioned
I'm old school.
⦅何が良い:What is good⦆
何もない;There is nothing there/The space is empty
何もしない;not to do anything/There is nothing to do
Sometimes it might be better "There is nothing there" and "no to do anything" at all.
⦅理由:the reason why⦆
When something is different from usual/normal, it feels fresh.
⦅結論:I feel⦆
I feel that it's very different from what young adult do.

・Why do you think a lot of people like glamping despite its high costs?
They love being in nature/They like the outdoors. 
They don't want to get a mosquito bite.
They don’t want to deal with problems.
They have plenty of money. 

・Do you think a lot of people in your country will enjoy glamping?
インスタ映え;for instagram
Young adults want to take a perfect shot for instagram.

[Travel and Going on Vacation]
・Do you like traveling?

・In your opinion, how often should a person go on vacation?

・Is it important to consider the cost of one's vacation?


a few hours in advance


You have been selected by the lottery to get a lot of pre-packaged rice. If you want to ger it, let me know ASAP. we can deliver it to you.


I don’t have any favorite shoe brands.


There are a lot more people.

数えられない 例えばsandなど

There is を使う



Popsicle   /’pɒpsɪkl/ /'pɑːpsɪkl/ (TM  ⦅NAmE⦆
★ a piece of ice that tastes of fruit, served on a stick
ice lolly   /'lɒli/ /'lɑːli/   ⦅BE⦆
★ an ice lolly (=a pice of ice with a sweet taste, served on a stick)
ice pop
カロリーが低い;the calorie is low
A popsicle/An ice lolly is lower in calories than an ice cream.
An ice lolly is lower calories than an ice cream.



〇〇, which is used officially.



Home is where you can make it.

To every bird, his own nest is beautiful.

As they say, home is where you can make it, but/except North Korea.


a usual dish/cuisine

毎日食べるような食事;an everyday meal



穏やかで静かな海;the calm and quite sea


Marine foodstuffs

Mountain based foods/foodstuffs


consume /kən'sjuːm/ /kən'suːm/ v)消費する
consumption   /kən'sʌmpʃn/ n)消費・消費量

I consume the most "sports drink" in the world.
I have the highest consumption of "sports drink" in Japan.

consumer   n)消費者


I saw/heard on the news that ....

ある日本人が ”flying Fish" で亡くなった
I saw on the news that a Japanese person died in the accident of "flying fish" that is marine sports in Bali. Bail is a resort island in Indonesia. He went there for a family vacation

水の乗物事故;water ride accident

海上スポーツ;marine sports
水上スポーツ;water sports

ゴムボート;rubber dinghy/raft/boat
救命ボート;life raft/boat

dinghy   /dɪŋgi/ n)小型ゴムボート
raft /rɑːft/ /ræft/ n)いかだ・ゴムボート
Bali /'bɑːli/ /'bæli/ n)バリ
resort /rɪ'zɔːt/ /rɪ'zɔːrt/ n)人がよく行く行楽地 v)よく行く


died in an airplane accident
a car accident
a house fire
a terrorist attack

病死;died from cancer/diabetes/Covid-19
diabetes   /,daɪə'biːtiːz/ n)糖尿病

can't help ...ing

( ≠ always end up ...ing;結局最後には~してしまう)

I can’t help myself cooking/making/eating (dishes/dinner) a lot at once, no matter what I do.

I always end up eating dinner a lot.

no matter what I do;私が何をしようとも問題ない

How to meal prep for the week?
I'll put it in the fridge and the freezer.

meal prep (meal prepping)
prep = preparations  n)準備


sticky   /'stɪki/ adj)粘着性がある、ネバネバする

stick-stuck-stuck verb
I'm stuck on you  貴方に夢中です
stick   noun   棒・杖

I like how/the way S+V 
I like how S + V  (副詞節;how S V)
howはどのように どんなところが好きか

I like how natto is so sticky

I like how you dress up.
("how" can also be changed by "the way")
I like the way you look today.
I like how Americans are nice/friendly.





I can't run that fast!

I don't want to live in that tiny house.


"ever" と "before"

Hove you ever eaten there? or Have you eaten there before?

Have you gone snorkeling before?

Have you gone swimming 

8 Aug 2023 Tuesday


Bad news travels fast.


laundry /'lɔːndri/



be off to ...

I'm off to the gym.

I'm off to go jogging now.

Ice Cream

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Chocolate chip cookie dough?

A very popular ice cream product for Japanese people is "Chocolate Monaka".
Majority of Monaka are round-shaped, and with sweet/red bean paste in them.
Anko is often used for Japanese confectionery.

dough n)パン生地など
confectionery   n)砂糖菓子、菓子屋

 What is it about ramen that makes it craving late at night?

What is it about ramen that makes it so satisfying for you?

the classic flavors
experiment with different toppings and seasonings?
Do you prefer the classic flavors or do you like to experiment with different toppings and seasonings?

experiment   n)実験・試み v)実験する・試す
topping /'tɒpɪŋ/ /'tɑːpɪŋ/ 
★ a layer of food that you put on top of a dish, cake, etc. to add taste or to make it look nice
・baked vegetables with a cheese topping
・The basic pizza is £6 and then each extra topping is 75p.
seasoning /'siːzənɪŋ/ n)味付け・薬味・スパイス・おもしろ味
★ a substance used to add taste to food, especially salt and pepper
・Stir in the lemon rind and seasoning
stir /stɜː(r)/ /stɜːr/ v)かき回す
stir in  入れて混ぜる
rind   /raɪnd/ n)外皮(動物・植物・果物・チーズ・ベーコン等)


About healthy eating


Do you consider yourself a healthy eater?

What are some of the healthy foods that you enjoy eating?

What are some of Japanese foods that you enjoy eating?

That's impressive.
I admire your dedication.

impressive adj)見事な・印象的な
admire v)~を立派だと思う・感心する
dedication   /,dedɪ'keɪʃn/ n)専念・献身
★ the hard work and effort that somebody puts into an activity or a purpose because they think it is important
dedication to somebody/something   I really admire Gina for her dedication to her family.


I'm relieved to hear that.

relieve /rɪ'liːv/ v)解放する・取り除く・安堵させる・救済する
relief /rɪ'liːf/ n)解放・緩和・安堵


Thank you for your concern.


帰国便・復路便:my return flight

Am I on the right track?

on the right/wrong track

I'm not sure. Am I on the right track?
I'm on the right track.

get the hang of it

You'll get the hang of it.
I'll getting the hang of it.
Have you got the hang of it?
It takes a while to get the hang of it.

Are we on the same page/wavelength?

wavelength /'weɪvleŋkθ/

Are you comfortable with that?


How is the painting coming along?
~の進み具合はどうですか? 進捗状況を尋ねる
・How is the report/project coming along?

It's best to start with light colors first.

I entered my account number here. Is that correct?

I tried a new hairstyle. What do you think?

I feel like there has been a misunderstanding.

Our plan requires an increased budget.
                             7 Aug 2023 Monday


have since PP


At first, I/you didn't swim well but I/you've since gotten used to it.

At first, I hated my job but I've since gotten used to it.

I was a little bit chubby but I've lost weight since I started running. 


Phoenix officals ask judge for more time in clearing downtown camp of homeless people

Phoenix city officials said they have been slowly and steady clearing hundreds of people from a downtown encampment of homeless people called "The Zone," and they asked a judge for more time to clear out the remaining hundreds still living there.

About a year ago, as many as 1,000 people lived in the tent city that exploded in size during the COVID-19 pandemic. City officials say up to 300 people have since left the site under efforts launched in late 2022 to get them into shelters, or into temporary or permanent housing. Area shelters are typically full.

Representing Phoenix, attorney Justin Pierce told Judge Scott Blaney that much progress has been made since March, when the court ordered Phoenix to lessen the public nuisance the encampment created. Deputy City Manager Gina Montes testified that Phoenix has now identified a property for a structured camping site with bathrooms and showers for those without housing, which it hopes to open by summer's end. 

Attorneys for area business owners and residents said the city is taking too long and is not doing enough. Blaney said he would issue a decision within 60 days and asked both sides to file their findings and conclusions with the court on Aug. 11. This civil suit is one of two facing phoenix.

Like several other major cities, Phoenix has been challenged to balance the concerns of businesses and homeowners with the rights of homeless people. The U.S. 9th Circuit court of Appeals ruled in 2019 that homeless people cannot be criminalized for sleeping outside if no alternatives exist.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona argued in a federal lawsuit that the city is violating the constitutional rights of unhoused people by slowly clearing the area. However, U.S. District Court Judge G. Murray Snow declined the ACLU's request in May to declare Phoenix in contempt of a ruling he issued in December and said he would not bar the city from further cleanups at the encampment site pending another hearing.

ask for more time   もっと時間をくれるように頼む
judge n)裁判官・審査員
clear out   v)
★ to empty or tidy a place by removing things, sometimes people, that shouldn't be there
・Due to the approaching typhoon, authorities had to clear out the people living in flood-prone areas.
prone  adj)うつ伏せになった、複合語)⦅好ましくない⦆~しがちな・傾向がある
encampment n)テントに住む行為
explode   /ɪk'spləƱd/ v)爆発する、事態が爆発的に増大する
★ to increase quickly or rapidly
・Prices of goods have exploded after the pandemic.
in size   大きさ・規模
up to ...   ~まで
attorney n)代理人・弁護士
lessen v)小さくなる、少なくなる、減る
nuisance n)不愉快な人・やっかい者
testify v)証言・宣言する
identify v)確認・見分ける
property n)財産
structured adj)組織化された
conclusion   n)結末・結論
suit n)スーツ、訴訟
criminalize /'krɪmɪnəlaɪz/    v)人を有罪とする
★ to officially declare that someone's action or behavior is illegal
・The government recently criminalized drinking alcohol in public places.
federal   adj)連邦の・米国連邦の
lawsuit   n)訴訟・告訴
violate   v)法律指示などに違反する、妨害する
constitutional adj)本質的な、健康に良い、憲法上の、合憲の
unhoused /ʌn'hoƱzd/
★ having no house to live in
・There's an organization that builds houses for unhoused families.
ruling   n)決定・裁定・判定
bar n)バー、カウンター、棒状のもの v)横木で妨げる、締め出す、阻止する
pending 前)~まで(until)、~じゅう(during)  adj)未決定の



gym freak

freak   /friːk/ n)マニア・フリーク・熱狂的ファン
★ a person with a very strong interest in a particular subject
・ a health/fitness freak
・ a jazz freak


Would it be all right ...?

Would it be alright if ..

Would it be all right for me 


in the first place



I will always treasure this.

treasure /'treʒə(r)/ /'treʒər/ n)宝・大切な物 v)~を大切に保存する


get back in shape


The US has tons of excess food. Upcycling turns would-be trash into ice cream

Tyler Malek is the head ice cream maker at a restaurant named Salt & Straw Ice Cream in Portland, Oregon. In this ice cream shop, one chef's trash is another chef's cold treat. The shop uses different leftover ingredients to create different flavors. For example, leftover whey turns into lemon curd ice cream. And for the chocolate barley milk flavor, Malek uses leftover rice and grains to give it a mild, creamy flavor. Malek hopes that people will stop calling leftover ingredients "food waste" and call them "wasted food" instead.

Salt & Straw Ice Cream is one of the pioneers of the upcycling concept, which involves turning food waste into high-quality items. Chips and cake mixes made from upcycled food are becoming popular in stores. The ingredients include completely edible fruits and vegetables from farms. But they are often rejected by restaurants and supermarkets because of their appearance.

Chocolate Barley

The Upcycled Food Association awards an official "Upcycling Certified" seal to qualified products. These seals inform customers that the company producing the meal used upcycled ingredients. In 2021, the association verified about 30 products. Currently, 450 products are carrying the seal.

Chocolate Barley Milk
Lemon Curd Ice Cream

excess /ɪk'ses/ n)過剰・超過
upcycle /’ʌpsaɪkl/ v)元のものよりも価値を高めてリサイクルする
straw /strɔː/ n)わら、ストロー
treat /triːt/ v)扱う・対処する n)喜び・楽しみ・、おごり、ご馳走
ingredient   /ɪn'griːdiənt/ n)料理の材料
flavor /'fleɪvə(r)/ /'fleɪvər/ n)味・風味
whey   /weɪ/ n)ホエイ・チーズ製造時に分離される水溶液
curd /kɜːd/ /kɜːrd/ n)カード・牛乳が凝固したもの
Lemon Curd
barley /'bɑːli/ /'bɑːrli/ n)大麦
grain /greɪn/ n)穀物(小麦・トウモロコシ・コメ等)
creamy /'kriːmi/ adj)クリーム状の・なめらかな
concept /'kɒnsept/ /'kɑːnsept/ n)コンセプト・考え・概念
involve   /ɪn'vɒlv/ /ɪn'vɑːlv/ v)深く関りを持つ
item /'aɪtəm/ n)商品の品目、出し物
edible   /'edəbl/ adj)まだ食べられる・食べることができる
award /ə'wɔːd/ /ə'ːrd/ v)賞を授与する n)賞
certify /'sɜːtɪfaɪ/ /'sɜːrtɪfaɪ/ v)証明・保証・認定する、免許を与える
Vaccination certificate.  Certificate証明書
Certification 認証
Certified adj)公認の
a seal /siːl/ n)保証の印、印章
qualify   /'kwɒlɪfaɪ/ /'kwɑːlɪfaɪ/ v)資格を与える
association   n)共同・連携、会・組合・協会、関連・つながり
verify /'verɪfaɪ/ v)妥当性を確認する)認証・証明する
food waste  生ごみ
poisonous   /'pɔɪnəs/

[Upcycled Food]
Salt & Straw Ice Cream uses different leftover ingredients for its ice cream products. Would you like to try them?
怖いもの見たさ;see scary things, rubbernecking
rubberneck   /'rʌbənek/ /'rʌbərnek/ v)振り返って見る
I guess the reason I like horror movies is to see scary things.
I went to a town at night that was rubbernecked by rumors of something scary.
野次馬渋滞;rubbernecking delay
rubbernecking car accidents
社会問題;social issue/problem
食品を捨てる事;food waste, reduce food waste, zero food waste
Food waste is a social issue around the world.
理にかなっている;make sense
材料/食べ物をアップサイクルすること;upcycle ingredient/food
Upcycling ingredients/food really make sense.

Do you think restaurant owners in your country would be willing to serve upcycled food?
関心をあつめる;gather attention
Upcycling foods gather attention from restaurant owners.

人口増加; The population is increasing worldwide.
食料不足;   a food shortage
~の時代; The era/age of the food shortage is coming.
climate change


・Do you think people in your country would like to eat at a restaurant that serves upcycled food?
Japanese are conservative.
In other ward, old-fashioned/outdated. 
We Japanese people are unwilling to change their thoughts.

[Leftover and Wasted Food]
・What do you usually do with your leftover food?
It's my task to eat.
・In your country, is it okay to leave food on your plate after eating?

・In your opinion, is there a lot of wasted food in your home? What about in your community?

They(serving upcycled-food) give the image of the restaurant as good or not.


Time Management

助けを求める;ask for help
仕事を終える;finish your tasks
生産性を上げる;be more productive
物の優先順位をつける;prioritize [thing]
効率を良くする;be more efficient

recession n)不況(depressionほどではない)
submit   v)服従させる、書類などを提出する
strategy n)戦略、計画

①What tasks take up most of your time?
おさめ方(作り方)を伝える⇒物をよりきれいに見せる;I tell construction workers to make things look nicer.

②What tasks do you usually do first?
発注;place an order
place   /pleɪs/ n)場所 v)置く・ある状況に置く・注文を出す
資材の発注;place an order for some materials
(建設)職人;skilled laborer, construction workers
labor /'leɪbə(r)/ /'leɪbər/ n)労働者・労働
laborer /'leɪbərə(r)/ /'leɪbərər/   n)肉体労働者
職人の手配;to arrange for skilled laborers
arrange /ə'reɪndʒ/ v)配置・手配する

③How do you make time for your other tasks?
すき間時間の活用;make good use of spare moment

④Do you think you can manage your time if you do two or more tasks at the same time?
効率よく働く;work efficiently
協力して働く;work together on the task
I feel that working together with the people around you is the secret to achieving great success.

①Do you like to work alone or with a team?
Everyone is so self-centered and it's so annoying.
annoying adj)人を悩ます、いらいらさせる
annoy v)人を悩ます、いらいらさせる

②At work, are you a leader or a follower?

③What time of the day are you most productive?
productive adj)生産力のある・実り多い

④What part of the day are you least productive?

①Do you ask others for help?

②What kind of help do you usually ask from other people?

③Do you like it when people ask you for help?

④What kind of help do you usually give to others?


Work-Life Balance

Working in a constantly as an English teacher, how do you achieve work-life balance?

働きすぎ;work too much
いいえと断る;say no
仕事の電話に張り付く;be glued to your work phone
仕事を職場に残す;leave work at work
楽しい時間をもつ;make time for fun
社交的な生活を送る;have a social life
充実感を得る;gain satisfaction

glue /gluː/ n)接着剤・のり v)~に接着剤を塗る、受身)~について離さない
correction /kə'rekʃn/ n)校正・修正・訂正
italicize   /ɪ'tælɪsaɪz/ v)イタリック体を使用する
clause   n)節
stative   n)状態動詞

①Do you know someone who doesn't have a good work-life balance?
世の中は変わりつつある;The world is constantly changing.
時代は変わった;The times have changed.
終身雇用;lifetime employment
転職;transferring jobs
欧米;Western countries

②What happens to people who don't have a good work-life balance?
最悪の場合;In the worst case, worst case scenario
自殺;commit suicide, kill myself
過労自殺;suicide from overwork, overwork suicide
過労死;death from/by overwork
People who commit suicide due to mental stress are called "karoujisatsu”.
Overwork and heavy stress from the workplace should be strictly observed by the labor ministry.
電車に飛び込み自殺;commiting suicide on the train
飛び込み;throwing themselves
commit /kə'mɪt/ v)身をゆだねる
suicide /'suːɪsaɪd/ n)自殺
scenario /sə'nɑːriəƱ/ /sə'næriəƱ/ n)シナリオ

③Is work-life balance important in Japan?
We used to prioritize work over family.
人材を確保;keep/retain employees
retain /rɪ'teɪn/ v)持ち続ける・維持する

④What can companies do to improve their employees' work-life balance?
flexible work hours, work from home
労働力不足;labor shortage

①How much time should people spend at work?
(=How long)
8 hours of sleep, 8-hour work day, 8 hours free time a day
②How much time should people spend with their families?
Having a meal together is essential way.
③Is it easy for you to leave work early for family events?
④Are you willing to quite your job for your family?

①Is your social life important?
すき間時間;spare time/moment
活用する;make good use of
I try to make good use of spare moment.

②Do you prefer to have a lot of casual friends or a few close friends?

③When do you usually go out with friends?

④What can you do to improve your social life?