
More travelers enjoy glamping, despite high costs

Camping is one of the cheapest ways to travel. A new kind of camping, called glamping, is becoming popular. Glamping combines luxury and nature. The tents are designed with very soft pillows. Some tents even have their own bathrooms with warm running water. The campsite has fast Wi-Fi. However, the combination of hotel comfort and outdoor glamor is more expensive than high-end hotels. It's very different from what traditional campers spend.

According to a survey, US national park visitors spent $351(about \49,000) on hotels per day in 2021. On the other hand, campers just spent $149(more or less \21,000). However, glamping could cost more. For example, glamping at Utah's Zion National Park could cost up to $650(around \90,800) per night. The resort fee gives visitors a tent with beds, bathrooms, hot showers, and stoves. The accommodations also offer visitors fun activities such as live music and yoga classes.

Despite its high cost, glamping's amenities seem to attract noncampers. For instance, an estimated 10.5 million families went glamping in 2022. About 63% of people surveyed said they enjoy the outdoor experience without having to go camping.

Zion National Park in Utah

glamping   /'glæmpɪŋ/ noun   (glamorous + camping)   
glamorous /'glæmərəs/ also informal; glam  adj)はなやかな・魅力に満ちた
combine /kəm'baɪn/ v)統合して一体にする n)連合体
luxury /'lʌəri/ n)贅沢・豪華さ adj)贅沢な・豪華な
pillow /'pɪləƱ/ n)枕・クッション
even have   ~でさえ持っている
running water   n)水道水
ex. Some houses in the city are still without running water.
combination /,kɒmbɪ'neɪʃn/ /,kɑːmbɪ'neɪʃn/ n)組み合わせること・チームワーク
comfort /'kʌmfət/ /'kʌmfərt/ n)快適さ v)楽にする      
glamor /'glæmə(r)/ /'glæmər/ n)うっとりとするような魅力 v)~を魅了する
ex. The retired celebrity misses the glamor of being on television.
high-end   adj)高級な
ex. He bought a high-end car after winning the lottery.
survey /'sɜːveɪ/ /'sɜːrveɪ/ n)見渡すこと・調査・世論調査
stove /stəƱv/ n)ストーブ・暖炉、レンジ・コンロ
accommodation     n)宿泊施設
ex. I booked our accommodations for the family trip.
offer v)サービスを提供する ≠give
amenities・an amenity  n)生活を便利・快適にするもの、娯楽設備
ex. The swimming pool is her favorite amenity in this hotel.

[Camping and Glamping]
・Which would you enjoy more, camping or glamping?
⦅自身:as for me
古いタイプの人間;old school, old fashioned
I'm old school.
⦅何が良い:What is good⦆
何もない;There is nothing there/The space is empty
何もしない;not to do anything/There is nothing to do
Sometimes it might be better "There is nothing there" and "no to do anything" at all.
⦅理由:the reason why⦆
When something is different from usual/normal, it feels fresh.
⦅結論:I feel⦆
I feel that it's very different from what young adult do.

・Why do you think a lot of people like glamping despite its high costs?
They love being in nature/They like the outdoors. 
They don't want to get a mosquito bite.
They don’t want to deal with problems.
They have plenty of money. 

・Do you think a lot of people in your country will enjoy glamping?
インスタ映え;for instagram
Young adults want to take a perfect shot for instagram.

[Travel and Going on Vacation]
・Do you like traveling?

・In your opinion, how often should a person go on vacation?

・Is it important to consider the cost of one's vacation?

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