Working in a constantly as an English teacher, how do you achieve work-life balance?
いいえと断る;say no
仕事の電話に張り付く;be glued to your work phone
仕事を職場に残す;leave work at work
楽しい時間をもつ;make time for fun
社交的な生活を送る;have a social life
充実感を得る;gain satisfaction
glue /gluː/ n)接着剤・のり v)~に接着剤を塗る、受身)~について離さない
correction /kə'rekʃn/ n)校正・修正・訂正
italicize /ɪ'tælɪsaɪz/ v)イタリック体を使用する
clause n)節
stative n)状態動詞
①Do you know someone who doesn't have a good work-life balance?
世の中は変わりつつある;The world is constantly changing.
時代は変わった;The times have changed.
終身雇用;lifetime employment
転職;transferring jobs
欧米;Western countries
②What happens to people who don't have a good work-life balance?
最悪の場合;In the worst case, worst case scenario
自殺;commit suicide, kill myself
過労自殺;suicide from overwork, overwork suicide
過労死;death from/by overwork
People who commit suicide due to mental stress are called "karoujisatsu”.
Overwork and heavy stress from the workplace should be strictly observed by the labor ministry.
電車に飛び込み自殺;commiting suicide on the train
飛び込み;throwing themselves
commit /kə'mɪt/ v)身をゆだねる
suicide /'suːɪsaɪd/ n)自殺
scenario /sə'nɑːriəƱ/ /sə'næriəƱ/ n)シナリオ
③Is work-life balance important in Japan?
We used to prioritize work over family.
人材を確保;keep/retain employees
retain /rɪ'teɪn/ v)持ち続ける・維持する
④What can companies do to improve their employees' work-life balance?
flexible work hours, work from home
労働力不足;labor shortage
①How much time should people spend at work?
(=How long)
8 hours of sleep, 8-hour work day, 8 hours free time a day
②How much time should people spend with their families?
Having a meal together is essential way.
③Is it easy for you to leave work early for family events?
④Are you willing to quite your job for your family?
①Is your social life important?
すき間時間;spare time/moment
活用する;make good use of
I try to make good use of spare moment.
②Do you prefer to have a lot of casual friends or a few close friends?
③When do you usually go out with friends?
④What can you do to improve your social life?
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