
Office Culture

It affects employee productivity and motivation.
affect /ə'fəkt/ v)影響を及ぼす
productivity /,prɒdʌk'tɪvəti/ /,prəƱdʌk'tɪvəti/ n)生産力・生産性・生産量
motivation /,məƱtɪ'vəɪʃn/ n)自発性・積極性・やる気

It's 〇〇〇〇 to do ....

It's common to ask for help from coworkers.
It's frustrating to be late because of train issues.
It's unnecessary to talk about the same thing over and over.
It's difficult to do many things at the same time.

You look depressed again.

The Japanese phrase otukaresama-deshita doesn't have a direct English translation.
英語圏;in English-speaking countries 

[Good Office Culture]
・Does a friendly office culture motivate you?
自然体でいられる;I can be natural/myself.
motivate   /'məƱtɪveɪt/ v)動機を与える
I feel motivated if I can be myself in the office.

・What kind of office culture can help you be productive?
ほめられる;get/be praised
say nice things about
I'm in a good mood because everyone said nice things about me.
commend /kə'mənd/ v)ほめる、推薦する(recommend)
His book was highly commended.
compliment /'kɒmplɪmənt/ /'kɑːmplɪmənt/ n)お世辞・賛辞 v)お世辞を言う
get a compliment
praise /preɪz/ v)ほめる・賞賛する n)賞賛・賞賛の言葉
get praised; If I get praised, I feel motivated.
We feel motivated after receiving a lot of praise from a boss.
昇給;get a (pay) raise
raise /reɪz/ v)~を上げる、育てる n)上げること、高まり、昇給、値上がり

・Do you know any companies that are famous for their good off ice culture?
職場環境;work/working/company's environment
工夫/良くする;think/improve out
I'd like to improve out work environment through helping each other.
互いを尊重する;be equals and respect
We should always be equals and respect each other.
equal /'iːkwəl/
respect /rɪ'spekt/

・Should companies organize activities that improve office culture? 
仲良しが一番⇒いい関係;have a good relationship
会社の人たち;people at workplace
Building a good relationship with people at workplace is essential element/ingredient.
essential adj)必須の
element n)不可欠な構成要素
ingredient   n)食材、構成要素・要因
運動会を開催;hold/organize the company sport day
飲み会を企画;to plan a (drinking) party

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