


ride a bike/ride a bicycle/go cycling/a cycling course/go cycling together/cycling around here/riding into work

When the weather is nice, I go cycling on the weekends.
I cycle over 100kms.

cycling to work/bike to work 自転車通勤
I live too far out in the suburbs for cycling to work to be a viable option for me.
(住んでいる 遠すぎ 郊外の端 自転車通勤 実行可能なオプションではい)
  viable adj)実行可能な イアブル viable option 実行可能な選択肢
I ride my bike to work/to school.
Why are more Americans cycling to work?

all the ins and outs of cycling 自転車の詳細全て、全ての自転車の一部始終
A friend of mine taught me all the ins and outs of bicycle.
(友人の一人 教える 私に 表と裏 サイクリングの)
 the ins and outs of 表と裏、詳細、一部始終、
 know something inside out 表と裏について知っている
 You know something about Japanese inside out.

the long schlep I don't fancy the long schlep for cycling to work.
 fancy the long schlep
 fancy v)ふと考える フンシイ
 schlep n)きつい道 スップ

an alternative commuting
That helped encourage many people who'd never thought of cycling as a commuting alternative to realize it could work for them.
(これはヘルプしてくれる勇気づける多くの人 いままで考えなかったサイクリング 通勤の代替案 気づかされる つかえる)
 a commuting alternative/an alternative commuting
 encourage v)その気にさせる、勇気づける
 commute v)通勤する
 alternative adj)代わりの、二者択一の オルターナティブ

I think pressuring people to wear helmets may actually discourage them from cycling.

Cycling to work has helped me get to know Yokohama really well.

One important thing to keep in mind when you're cycling in a city is that you should always ride defensively.

Never when I'm cycling, I should point out.

So, you guys have been on a cycling trip before, right?

If you can work out a route like that, you come to work less frustrated, and the brisk exercise in the morning makes you more alert and on your toes.
 alert 機敏な、注意を怠らない
Ergonomically speaking, a backpack isn't an efficient way to carry a load in a bicycle.
 ergonomically speaking 人間工学的に言って
 ergonomicallyをhonestly, frankly,technicallyなどに替えた表現もある

But I found the most effective way of finding a good route was to simply go out on my bike in weekends and use the trial-and-error method to find a bike-friendly route.
 trial-and-error  試行錯誤の

One-no-no is riding a bike while listening to music in headphones.
   no-no (口語)してはいけないこと

take a long road trip with my bike.

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