
Why time seems to go by more quickly as we get older

When we were children, the summer holidays seemed to last forever, and the wait between Christmases felt like an eternity. So why is that when we get older, the time just seems to zip by, with weeks, months and entire seasons disappearing from a blurred calendar at dizzying speed?

last forever  永遠に続く
zip v)ビュッと音を立ててすばやく動く
zip by さっと行く、速く過ぎる
eternity n)永遠 イターニティ
entire adj)全部の
blurred adj)はっきりしない、ぼんやりしている  ブラード
calendar n)カレンダー カァレンダー
dizzy v)目が回る

Time flies. 時が飛ぶ(時がたつのは早い)

Time fries when you're having fun. 楽しいときは時がたつのが早い
You haven't changed a bit. 少しも変わらないね
Your lesson makes the time pass way too quickly.
 pass 時が経過する
 way adv)=away あっちへ

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