Sunday Roast 日曜日の昼食・夕飯
Car boot Sales フリーマーケット=flea market flea フリ- n)蚤
at the weekend=on the weekend
either イ-ザァ アイザァ 接)eigher A or B AかB
Saturday is a holiday except for if you work in retail because then obviously you have to work in the shops or if you work in the restaurants or whatever because that's the busiest time. I think Saturdays are mostly the same as the way that Japanese people spend their Saturdays.
We often hang out with friends, might go to the pub, grab a few beers, maybe have something to eat some nice lunch or something. but a lot of people they work during the week , Monday to Friday, they use Friday nights as their party time.
Friday night everybody goes out drinking, so quite often Saturday is used as a recovery day for some people I think. recovering from a hangover. so take it easy on Saturday usually, and obviously in England football is a big sports it's the most popular sport for a lot of people and Friday Saturday Sunday is when most of the games happen so a lot of people will watch football on Saturday, either at home with their friends or maybe in the pub, because bub is that kind of crowd atmosphere, right? without actually having to go to the game they can just enjoy it at the pub,
aside from that just shopping, Saturday is used for shopping, if you want to go and buy some new clothes or some new items or just your weekly shop you know your groceries and that kind of things a lot of people do that on Saturdays I think.
Sunday, very different for a lot of people, often it's used for housework which guess is the same in Japan right?, doing your laundry and cleaning and that types of thing, , Sunday is usually used again for relaxing but also to visit family members, for religious people obviously they go to church that's very common, but for those who aren't religious they often use it just to see their family members so often when I was back in England I would go and see my dad for a few hours you know see how he's doing catch up on the latest news and then go home, almost every Sunday. but that's the time i think we've talked about it before when we did the british foods episode and we talked about the sunday roasts, so the origin of the sunday roast was that you would put the food in before you went to church and then by the time you came back it would be ready, that tradition still remains today and people when they go and see their family and loved ones they will often prepare sunday roasts for the whole family and then everbody will sit at the table and have the sunday roast, that's one of the things i really miss about england, Why? why just that atmosphere you know the smell of the food and like being in the company of your friends and family and sharing it, that's like i dont get homesick I've been here for over five years and i dont get homesick but those moments that's when i get homesick i think when i think about sunday roasts.
Bar アルコールのみ
pub アルコール+フード British Pub
Japanese style pub 居酒屋
break it down すべてを吐き出す・説明する
Can you spell it?
company 仲間
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