
make it back

⦅Vaccinations and Quarantine⦆ July 2021

I see that the vaccination rete is increasing quickly! Have vaccinations started smoothly in Japan?
At first, many seniors felt the booking process was confusing, but it's going well now.
I see. My friend tested positive for COVID-19 last month.
Really? Are they okay now? I don't know anyone who's been infected yet.
He's fine now but, he had to stay home for two weeks. His family had to be in quarantine as well.
I heard that those who self-isolated at home were sent care packages.
Right. He said it happen him focus on getting better. He had an extreme fever and a cough.
senior シ-ニア adj)年上の・高齢の

We accommodate elderly first.
We accommodate elderly with vaccine first.
accommodate  ア モ デイト  v)収容する、用立てる、供給する 語源:~に適させる

Do you wanna get vaccine? 
I wanna try and return to normal life ASAP.
On the other hand, I especially doubt if the vaccine make it back to the normal life before the pandemic.

I'll see how it goes.様子をみる
I'll wait and see.
Let me wait and see, for vaccination.
I'm going to wait and see.
I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude. 

I wanna going to events, cinema and restaurant and so on.
I wanna get all the back again.

make it back 戻ってくる
She made it back alive.
He didn't make it back home
They made it back from the moon.
I managed to make it back home.

make it  たどり着く、間に合う
She made it to the train. 電車に間に合った。
We finally made it to the station. やっと駅にたどり着いた。

diaper イ パー n)おむつ(米) a disposable diaper, change diapers
nappy ピー n)おむつ(英)


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