
Personal Fulfillment

There are a lot of pressure from society, TV shows, movies which say, to be successful in life, you need to do this thing by this age thig like that.
I think the most of successful thing in life is, if you enjoy your life without regret, it doesn't matter about age.

regret リグットゥ  v)後悔する n)後悔

When I was young like you, I wanted to figure out how to be successful in my life.
Have you considered like that?
Being successful isn't necessarily about being rich or winning awards.
It can be about personal fulfillment.
If you had to design your perfect day, what would it look like?
necessarily ネ セス サア- ゥリー / セス サァ ゥリー adv)どうしても、必要な
award ア ウォ-ゥド n)栄誉 v)栄誉を与える
fulfillment フル フイル メント  n)満足感、達成、成就

And also, there are a lot of pressure from society which says "You are NOT married yet?" "You don't have kids yet?" "You don't have own house yet?"
People are always comparing to other people each other. 

After coming to Japan, did you notice/find any different perception about age?

perception  パゥァー プ ション  n)考え方・感じ取ること・認識・理解
chronological クロ ノ ジ カル adj)実年齢の  chronological age 実年齢
biological バイオ ジ カル adj)生物学の biological age 健康状態からみた年齢

We Japanese often say that mental age is younger than you though.
And also say, my maturity hasn't changed since teen(teenager).

Age is just a number.
maturity ュウァ ティ n)成熟した大人
mature ュゥア adj)成人の、大人びた、成熟した
immature イン マュァ adj)未熟な =not mature
though 口語:文末につけて ~だけどね の意

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