
Be likely/supposed/expected/predicted to...

With the opening of the Tokyo Olympics only about two weeks away, the Japanese government is expected to declare a cronavirus sate of emergency for the fourth time.
opening n)開くこと・開会
only about two weeks away 約2週間後に迫っている
TOKYO 2020 is only about two weeks away.

★  be expected to...    ...することが決まっている
ポジティブな結果を「期待する」 ネガティブな結果を「見込む・予測されている」
It's expected to be clear up/sunny tomorrow.   clear up (雨が止んで)晴れる
The unemployment rate is expected to raise.  失業率が上昇すると見込まれる
expect 原義は外を見る⇒期待する、するつもりである
declare v)宣言する

★  be predicted to... (根拠があって)予想される⇒テスト結果や経済動向・公的情報
The unemployment rate is predicted to raise. 

★  be supposed to... (規則や約束から)...することになっている、当然...するべき
A bento box is supposed to provide all the nutrition we need.
She was supposed to take medicine before the meal.
Today is/was supposed to have been sunny, but it's raining.
Government is supposed to protect us, right?
I thought it's supposed to...... , isn't it?  認識にズレを感じた時の確認  


 noun/njuˈtrɪʃn/nuˈtrɪʃn/[uncountable]food that is needed to grow and be healthy/SYNONYM nourishment
nutrition 栄養をとること
nourishment  栄養のある食べ物
suppose サ ウズ v)...と思う
Asian people including Japanese are supposed to be good at math. But I 'm not. 
English is supposed to be life-changing.
New years day or Christmas is supposed to be spent with family.

★  is likely to...            (客観的に考えて)...しそう
It's likely to rain tomorrow.
The unemployment rate is likely to raise. 

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