
take someone to task

task タ-スク n)課された仕事 v)仕事を課す 原意:義務・税

The regulatory commission was taking him to task for faulty brakes on some of their new cars.
My principal took the mas teacher to task for taking smoking breaks during the middle of classes.
He is really addicted to cigarette.

He was taking a task. 彼はタスクを取っている⇒非難されている、責められている
The government was taking the task for the luck of a clear plan and slow reaction to the disaster.

The Japanese government was taking a task for slow reaction to the COVID-19.
Oh, that's what I'm thinking.    それが私が思っていることです。私もそう思うよ。
That's NOT what I'm thinking.

There were some circumstances to accept the vaccines. 
First of all, Japan was not included for clinical trials, because the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations(hospitalized patients) were overwhelmingly low compared to other countries.
Secondly, immune system is completely different from Western people. So it took a while to consider the safety of us. That makes sense I guess.

regulatory ギュレトゥリー adj)規定を持つ、取り締まる
commission コムッション n)委員会   regulatory commission 規制委員会
faulty フォー ゥルティー adj)欠陥のある The problem is my faulty brain!!
brake ブイク n)ブレーキ
wheels ウィ- ルズ n)車
addicted ディク ティド adj)中毒になっている
cigarette ガァ レット n)たばこ
patient ペイ シャント n)患者 adj)がまんできる
hospitalization ホス ピ タリ イ ション n)入院
overwhelming オゥ ヴァー ェルム イング adj)圧倒的な

I learned something new today !!

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