

It's/That's because

That's why

The reason why/that

2023 February 20th


I didn't read the instructions carefully.

instructions  n)指示・命令・指導・教育


信号灯 a signal light


α(NAmE) [短母音]

box  /b'ɑks/

母音の中で口の開きが一番大きい 最も口の奥で発声される

ɒ(BrE) [短母音]  

foggy  /'fɒgi/  /'fαːgi/


at a clothing store

When it comes to the size of clothes, I continuously complain about it.
I'm a bit tall and thin, also have a long arms. 
There are not just the right size for me.

clothes 服
clothing 衣料品

clerk  /klαːk/ /klɜːrk/ n)店員、事務員 sales clerk

casual ⇔ formal
tight ⇔ buggy
plain ⇔ flashy

肯定文・疑問文(肯定的な返答を期待している場合)には something を使う
I want something casual. 
Do you have something formal?

否定文・疑問文には anything を使う
I don’t want anything buggy.
Do you have anything plain?

否定を強調したい場合は肯定文で nothing を使う
(I want) nothing flashy. 派手なのはありえない 派手なのは絶対欲しくない

look for
shopping for clothes
can fit or not

You look good in blue/T-shirt
blue colors/T-shirts look good on you. 

You want to give a vague description.
vague  adj)曖昧な、はっきりしない、ぼんやりした
description n)表現、描写




Bon voyage  ボン ヴォヤージ


Matching schedules

I can match my schedule with yours.

Let me know your suitable date.



Work efficiently

This way is more efficient


bustling/hustle and bustle

/’bʌslɪŋ/ adj)活気のある、賑わっている 

The bustling atmosphere is great.
This city is a bustling.
Tokyo is a bustling city.
a bustling area
a bustling restaurant
a bustling people area
Roppongi is bustling with nightlife.

/'hʌsl/ and /'bʌsl/ n)喧騒と賑わい 

hustle n)慌ただしい喧噪、はりきること、ハッスル
bustle n)活気、にぎわい
I can't stand the hustle and bustle of big cities.
I need to get away from the hustle and bustle of Osaka.


/s/  [子音]



soon[suːn] kiss[kɪs]


ð [子音](摩擦音)




that[ðæt] mother['mʌðər]

right before/after

I hit the gym right after work.



from daily hard work

from daily fatigue


finish up early

I'm going to finish up early today.


moter skills

a motor skill  運動能力

I refine my motor skills.
I'd like to improve the motor skill for riding a bike.
A single bout of exercise can improve motor skill learning.
The motor skills are promoted not only in children.
Exercises improve the motor skills as well as the ability to communicate.

promote  v)促進する、助長する
fine motor skills 細かい運動能力
fine adj)細かい
certain fine motor skills ある種の細かい運動能力
certain adj)確信して、きっとする、ある種の

with physical disabilities


 θ [子音] (摩擦音)





theme[θiːm] think[θɪŋk] mouth[maƱθ]



human/personal relationships

human relations
interpersonal relationships

interpersonal  adj)対人関係の

I'm really happy to be here.

So, do you live far from here?

No, I live pretty close. My house is not far from the big shopping mall.

That's really close!


What do you like doing in your free time?

These days, I've been trying to get more exercise, so I play a lot of sports and do outdoor activities in my free time. Hiking is a recent favorite.

Why do you do those activities?

At first, my motivation was to get in shape and be healthy, but I've realized that I really enjoy being outside too.

How much free time do you have on weekdays?

That varies a lot. On some busy days, I don't have any free time. On days with lighter work, I often have a few hours free.

Is there anything you'd like to change about how you spend your time?

Not especially. I think I'm using my time well. That said, I'm sure I'll want to try new things soon. I'm always getting into new hobbies.

vary  /'veæri/'veri/'veæri/ ヴェリ ヴァリ  v)変わる、異なる  varies
That varies a lot  時と場合によります、さまざまですね
That said,  とはいえ、、、


ʃ   [子音](摩擦音)



she[ʃiː]  English[’ɪŋglɪʃ]

I'm in the hospital. ⇔ I'm in hospital.

I moved. ⇔ I moved house.

I'm studying/reviewing for my test. ⇔ I'm revising for my test.
revise /rɪ'vaɪz/  v)修正する 英)復習する


bouquet  /bu'keɪ/ ブ-ケィ 


a bridal/wedding bouquet
She received a bouquet of red roses on Valentine's Day.


Your hair look like bush.

I have bedhead.
I've had bedhead all day today.
My hair has been sticking up/out since this morning.
stick up  上に跳ねている感じ
stick out 横に跳ねている感じ

My hair is messy.
My hair is a mess.


/triːt/  verb   扱う、治療する、ごちそうする

pay for something pleasant
★treat somebady/yourself (to something) to pay for something that somebady/you will enjoy and that you do not usually have or do
I treated my parents to dinner.
I'm going to treat myself to a new pair of shoes.


æ  「え」の口で「あ」を発声 

[短母音] (横口)




half[hæf]   cat[kæt]   family[’fæməli] 


give a gift to someone / give someone a gift

a Gift 

どんなとき when
I usually give gifts to my customers during the construction period.
Mostly, I give some sweets I like. Baumkuchen, German tree cake,  is best.

どこで買う Where
Over the past a few years, 
buying gifts on line are very convenient/are becoming very popular.

I gave Baumkuchen to my friend who had provided/offered the place we had had the party.

I think food or drink is the best choice. Also daily necessities is a good option.

provide /prə’vaɪd/
offer /
necessity /nə'sesəti/ n)必要性・必要不可欠


ə   [短母音](抜口)暗くて弱い音 

口の力を抜いて、口を半開きにした状態で発声する 「ア」と「ウ」の中間くらいの音


ago[ə'goʊ]   famous['feɪməs] status['stætəs]


fulfill /fƱl’fɪl/ verb  満足・充実する


fulfilled  満足・充実した

fulfilling    満足・充実のある

fulfillment    満足・充実感

I feel very fulfilled.

I feel a sense of fulfillment.



I feel better



errand  /'erənd/ noun エァランド お使い

★ a job that you do for somebody that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy something, deliver goods, etc.

run an errand
run some errands

He often runs errands for his grandmother.
Her boss sent her on an errand into town.

お使いのお願いがあるの I have an errand for you.
お使いに行ってきてくれない   Can you go run an errand for me?
妻のためにお使いをしています I'm running a few errands for my wife.
これが私の初めてのおつかいです This is my first time running an errand.


It's like / feel like / as if(though)

I haven't recovered yet, I feel as if I ran yesterday.



wake up on the right/wrong side of the bed

ローマ時代の迷信:ベッドの右側から起床→縁起がよい 左側→縁起が悪い

wake up grumpy  機嫌の悪い寝起き

a little cranky
not so happy

grumpy ランピー adj)機嫌の悪い、気むずかしい
cranky ランキー adj)気むずかしい
=not so happy



/sniːk/  verb こっそりやる 


I sneaked up the stairs.
I've never sneaked a look at her phone/diary.

⇒sneakers スニーカー


⦅直接的断定⦆This medicine doesn't work.
⦅思わないよ⦆I don't think this medicine is working.
⦅俺合わない⦆This medicine isn't right for me.
⦅控えめ表現⦆This medicine doesn't seem to be working.


There used to be ....


Speaking of ramen shops, there used to be a nice one in my neighborhood.


”used to.....” 以前の習慣を伝える

動作◎   I used to play golf.
状態◎ I used to be shy.

”would+頻度” 昔していたことを懐かしむ

When I was young, a sightseeing(tour) bus/ a roller coaster would sometimes make me get car sick.

動作◎   My grandmother would always wear Japanese kimono. 
状態×   I would be shy.

almost と mostly の違い

almost   adv   あともう少しで完全な状態になる

I almost forgot a mask. もう少しでマスクを忘れるところだった

mostly   adv   大半がその状態にある

I mostly forgot about it. それをほとんど忘れていた
I mostly drink coffee in the morning.

How does it taste?


a morning person

Hello there. I'm "K" as in Kazuhisa. Just call me "K".

I live in Yokohama with my family. I have three young children. I enjoy being a dad. They have already grown up though. So, Now, they don’t hang out with me. So, I have started enjoying 'me time' by doing such as running, swimming, and hiking.

For that, I need to make good use of early in the morning. I'm a sort of early riser (a morning person) like senior citizens (the elderly) lol. So, I prepare to "age well" lol. Anyway, I wake up (ealy morning) and go running or swimming first thing. Ater that, I feel as though that (working out early morning) sets me up for the day. You know, they say, the early bird catches the worm. That's all for now.

I compete in marathon and triathlon to live a fulfilling life and lead heathy life (one).

worm  ウァ-ム n)ミミズ

in the mood to/for

mood /muɪːd/   noun  ム-ドゥ   空気・気分・機嫌

I’m in the mood to

I'm not in the mood to go out tonight.

As it started to rain hard, we canceled the barbecue.

A cyclist ran into as I was crossing the street.
I fell asleep as I was watching TV.
As I gained experience, my confidence also grew.


I've had a super busy week. So, my house is a disaster. I need to catch up on chores.

to catch up on   遅れを取り戻す
chore/chores    チョア-   n)家事、日常の雑用


It's a story like dream.

What a dreamy story!


in common

in common with

I have in common with



be lucky enough to...

I was lucky enough to meet British rock music, when I was a junior-high. It's early 1980s. I was really young and completely inspired by that, also English language.
After I graduated university, My first overseas travel was to Thailand. At first, I stayed in a guest house in Bangkok, the cost was about only $3. The guest house got a large number of young people including me from around the world. Majority of them used English to communicate everything. At that time I wasn't able to speak English at all. So, I felt inspired to speak English again.
After that, I determined to study little by little. It's almost 30 years since then.

It's almost 30 years since then, after going to the first overseas trip in Thailand, I felt inspired to speak English at all. 

You are really experienced in teaching

Could you tell us/me how your career in Japan developed over the years?


accustomed  /ə'kʌstəmd/ スタムド  adj)慣れている

★ familiar with something and accepting it as normal or usual

accustomed to something
to be/become/get/grew accustomed to something
My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dark.
She had grown accustomed to his long absence.

accustomed to doing something
She was a person accustomed to having eight hours' sleep a night.

grow-grew-grown  v)育つ、成長する  
absence ブセンス n)不在、留守、欠席、不参加

come to think of it

Come to think of it, ・・・・
When I come to think of it, ・・・・
By the way, ・・・・
That reminds me, ・・・・

come to think


run into person


He looks a kind of mob figure.
He was the sort of mob figure. 犯罪者みたいな姿


stay home and stay warm

keep warm
keep out of the cold


I feel chilly.

chilly  /'tʃɪli/  リィ adj)肌寒い・寒気さ
★ too cold to be comfortable
It's chilly today.

chill /tʃɪl/    ル   n)肌寒さ・寒気
★ a feeling of being cold
There is a chill in the air this morning.

chilly / a chill / chills
I feel chilly.
I feel a chill.
I have chills.
I get chills.

a number of / the number of



/kəm'pleɪnt/  コン レイント  n)不平・不満・文句・クレーム
★ a reason for not being satisfied; a statement that somebody makes saying that they are not satisfied

complaint about somebody/something
I'd like to make a complaint about the noise.

complaint against somebody/something
I believe you have a complaint against one of our nurses. 

complaint to somebody
They said their complaints to the police were often not acted on.

complaint from somebody
Council bosses said they would respond to complaints from residents.

complaint from somebody about something
We received a number of complaints from customers about the lack of parking facilities.

complaint by somebody
'Complaints by patients are now at their lowest level,' she said.

My only complaint is that the website is a little difficult to use.
We did not receive any complaints from customers this month.


The customer complained about the waiter's attitude.


コン レイナー  n)所謂クレーマー

a frequent complainer よくクレームを入れる人

statement テイトメント n)発言、申し立て、声明
council カァウンシル n)協議会・審議会  原義「呼び集める事」
resident  ジデント  n)〈長期〉居住者 原義「残っている」 一時滞在者は visitor
a number of....   いくつかの~


/kleɪm/ レイム 

★ to say that something is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it

She claimed that she had written a book.
He claims he is not responsible.
I made a claim on my insurance when my suitcase was lost.

prove プル-ヴ v)〈事実などを〉証明する 


/ɪn'lɑːdʒ/ イン -ァジ v)大きくする、拡大する

enlarge (something) to make something bigger; to become bigger

enlarge my social circle

circle  サ-ァクル  n)円、仲間の輪


~で目を覚ます  be woken up by
I was woken up by the earthquake last night.

wake  v)目が覚める wake-woke-woken(waked)
awake adj)目が覚めて、眠らずに v)目が覚める awake-awoke-awoken(awaked)

environmental concerns

environmentally conscious


used/used to/be used to(...ing)


used /juːzt/  v) use 過去形

used to /juːst/ 以前は~した used toで助動詞となる v) use 過去形だが発音は ユースト

I used to live in London.
He used to be a mean person. 以前彼は意地悪な人だった
This city used to be much smaller. この都市は以前はずっと小さかった
My mother used to earn a lot. 私の母は以前たくさん稼いでいた


used   /juːzt/  adj) 慣れて、使用・利用された
a used car
be used to  /juːst/ ~に慣れている  used: adj)~に慣れて  = get used to
I’m used to living in London.
She is used to the hot weather.
The students are used to the teacher who shouts at them all the time.
He's used to taking a long flight.
You are very much used to Japanese food.


/'histəmiːn/   ヒスタミ-ン 

★ a chemical substance that is given out in the body in response to an injury or allergy
化学物質 放出される 体内で 病気・アレルギーに反応して

substance ブスタンス  n)物質
give out (give:与える out:外に)放出する
in response to   ~に応じる、~に反応して

※「ヒスタミン食中毒」:食品を保管状態で細菌が増殖して Histamine がつくられてしまう

antihistamine /,ænti’hɪstəmiːn/ n)抗ヒスタミン

★ a drug used to treat allergies, especially hay fever
We have/take allergy medicine such as anti-histamine for hay fever.


hay fever/pollen allergy

I'm allergic to Japanese cedar pollen.
I have an allergy to Japanese cedar pollen.


Pollen is floating around.

I have hay fever.
I have a pollen allergy.
I got hay fever. 花粉症に(最近)なった

hay へィ n)干し草 ※昔、英語圏で干し草が原因で起こると考えられていたため
pollen パァ-レン  n)花粉
histamine スタミ-ン n)ヒスタミン
antihistamine ンティ- スタミーン n)抗ヒスタミン

I have terrible hay fever. Also lots of people are suffering from that. We have to be ready/well prepared for. We have/take allergy medicine such as anti-histamine for hay fever.

how to prevent/reduce hay fever




as much as


Oh, I see. I'll try as much as I can.
Well, I try to swim as much as I can.

I try to save time as much as I can. x asを取ると意味が通じない
I try to save as much time as I can. ◎ asを取っても意味が通じる

We have to save much electricity as we can.

I have gained as much as 2 kios this week.

The average healthy person can lose as much as one-third of his or her blood without fatal results.
fatal  /'feɪtl/ フェイトゥル adjective: 命にかかわる、致命的な、命がけの


/ɪm'pruːv/ verb

★ to become better than before; to make something/somebody better than before

improve myself
I'm a kind of person who wants to improve myself, such as "marathon", "swimming" and also "English".

improve significantly/dramatically
Every day running helps me improve significantly.
My quality of life has improved dramatically since I started studying English.

improve quality of my life
It helps to improve the quality of my life.

significantly シグフィカントリー  adv)かなり・著しく・はっきりと
dramatically   ドラティカリー     adv)劇的に


tie ァイ v)ひもを結ぶ、つなぐ、同点になる n)ひも、ネクタイ、つながり、同点

family ties

improve ties with someone/something ~との関係が前よりよくなる
I had a party of the triathlon team last week. So, I have improved ties with members.


agreed to 

reached an agreement on

The agreement is seen as

agreed to sharply boost their defense ties
allowing Japanese troops greater access to Philippine territory
as tensions rise in Asia amid China's growing influence
reached an agreement on allowing the US more access to Philippine military bases to keep China's territorial ambitions in check
The defense agreement signed by Marcos Jr, and JPM will allow Japanese troops to join training exercises to respond to natural disasters and humanitarian needs in the Philippines.
The agreement is seen as a step toward broader military cooperation and could lead to similar agreements between Japan and other Southeast Asian nations.


To understand or think of somebady/something in a particular way



My strategy for ...

strategy ストラテジー n)目標達成のために入念に作られた計画、戦略

My goal for a marathon is to finish within 3 hours and a half. (3 and a half hours)
So, My strategy is I get up 5 o'clock every day, and running for 7 miles before breakfast. Also try to take a power nap after lunch.

My strategy for competing a triathlon is ...


run home from work

Work 仕事 職場
go home

a Skilled craftsman


She is a well-known singer.

well-known for the excellent customer service

well-known as the hottest place

well-known in the circles of construction industry

well-known to young people.

well-known to the public as


Traveling Backcountry Roads

Death Valley Nati Park

I have experience traveling backcountry roads in California.
Driving on country roads was always on my bucket list.

Hottest & Driest
the hottest place on Earth, with a recorded temperature of 134℉(57℃) in 1913.

below-sea-level basin
Bad Water Basin features the lowest elevation in North America. (-282 feet)

Walk among majestic sand dunes

experience  イクス ペェリエンス  n)経験
backcountry  ック カントリー n)奥地、田舎、山奥
California  カリ フォ-ニア
bucket バケット n)バケツ 
death デェス n)死ぬこと・死
valley ヴァリィ- n)谷、大河の流域
basin イスン n)たらい・洗面器、くぼ地・低地・水たまり
feature フィ-チャ-ァ  v)目立った特徴とする・売りにする、主演する n)特徴・特集記事
record  ゥレコード n)記録   ゥレ コ-ド v)記録する
majestic  マジェスティック adj)壮大な
sand ス ンド n)砂 
dune デューン n)砂丘

Joshua Tree Nati Park

Joshua ジョ シュア

have a sore throat

sore ア adj)ひりひりする
throat ロウト n)のど


act my age

have a good taste

very excited
well-known as the highest mountain in Indochinese Peninsula
try the local food

Indochinese ンド チャイニーズ  adj)インドシナの
peninsula ペンシラ n)半島


observe everything

Every now and then, I feel customers are observing everything we do.

observe  オブ ザァ-ブ v)注意してよく見る・観察する

squash up


squash スク ツシュ  v)押しつぶす

look squashed up  押し潰されているようだ

Japanese commuter trains look squashed up. So, we've been (feeling) stressed out.

rub out


rub out some of the pencil with an eraser to create sharper highlights.

pencil ンシル  n)鉛筆、鉛筆で書いた線
sharper  sharp adj)鋭い、はっきりした の比較級
highlight ハイ ライトゥ n)ハイライト v)ハイライトする、強調する、目立たせる

to rub out a mistake   ミスをもみ消す

Yeah, but every now and then I want to rub out my mistakes. 


(a) walk in the park

My job isn't just a walk in the park.
You know, English isn't just a walk in the park.


flexible working hours
I have flexible working hours, so I'm working late today.
I have a flexible work schedule.

⇔ a fixed work schedule


It's a little warm today.


Chiropractor accused of molesting woman during treatment

The Police have arrested the director of a chiropractic clinic in Kita Ward over the alleged molestation of a female patient a few days ago.
He allegedly fondled the chest of the woman, aged in her 30s, during a 40-minute treatment.
"There is no question that I touched her chest, but it was part of the treatment, the suspect was quoted by police.
"It is regrettable that there was a misunderstanding."

chiropractor  カイロ プラクター n)脊髄ヘルスケアの専門家 = back doctor
accused  ア キュ-ズド adj)告訴された
molest モ スト v)性的いたずらをする
molestation  モレ テイション  n)性的いたずら
alleged  ア レッジト  adj)主張された、申し立てられた
allegedly  ア レッジトリー  adv)主張によれば、申し立てによれば

fondle ファンドル v)愛撫する、いちゃつく

A friend of mine said, she goes to the chiropractor who was accused.


see  見ようとしなくても自然と見えてくる


run out of / be out of 

every day / everyday

every day 名詞

everyday  形容詞


fulfilled (fulfilling) フル フィ  adj)充実した

I do things I like every day, so I feel very fulfilled.
It was a fulfilling weekend.
have fulfilling days
have productive days
have enriching days
enrich イン リッチ   v)裕福にする、生活を豊かにする


quality/enjoyable time  

have/spend quality time



ease entry restrictions

restrictionトリクション n)規制


garlic -ァリック  n)ニンニク 

ramen with lots of garlic in it
stinky  ティンキー  adj)不快なにおいを持つ


Chili (Chilies) チリィ n)唐辛子   BrE:chilli

Basically, I love foods of south-east Asia such as noodle soups.
But sometimes, it's a chili hidden under vegetables.
I was not there for a chili.
Every time I eat a noodle soup, I play Hide-and-Seek with chilies.
Has that ever happened to you?

tom yam kung  トム ヤム クン

pho ァ-  n)フォー
rice noodle
cilantroラ-ントロ   n)パクチー

basil イジル  n)バジルの葉    BrE ズル
jalapeno ハラ ペ-ニョ n)パラペーニョ
lime  イム  n)ライム
bean sprouts  ビ-ン スプラウツ  n)もやし    bean 豆 sprout 芽  


be/feel tired
be worn out
be exhausted
have fatigue
haven't recovered
I haven't recovered from last weekend.
I'm still tired from yesterday/last weekend.




the rewards card

Guide to Point Cards in Japan = How to Earn and Redeem Points

Go shopping anywhere in Japan, and you're bound to be asked: Do you have a point card?

You might think that point cards take up valuable real estate in your wallet. But, use them wisely, and your wallet will thank you! Japanese point cards have been long dismissed as something just for convenience store and neighborhood eateries, but point cards have evolved into something unstoppable. Nowadays, you can rack up points at gas stations, fast food chains, major department stores, electric stores, and supermarkets ー all with one card!

If you want to get a point card in Japan and don't know where to start, or are eager to earn more points with your existing point card, read on! We'll start with a broad introduction of the 6 major point card programs, and round up with a few tips and tricks that will help you rack up more points when shopping in Japan.


via  ヴァイア  ヴィア   前)~経由で

We go to Macau via Hong Kong.
I frighted to Rio de Janeiro via New York.


real/actual thing

場合によって thing を他の言葉と入れ替える
marathon の本番 ⇒ the real/actual marathon
dance show ⇒ the real/actual performance/show

Today, I run a marathon for getting into shape in order to ready the real one.



get in/into shape
Today, I run a marathon event for getting into shape.
Shape the physical condition of somebody/something

get in/into a good condition
I get into a good (physical) condition.

prepare my body
I prepare my body by walking before the race.
I have to prepare my body better for the race.
Good to hear.
I'll friend-request her.

My physical condition is not so good.
I'll stay home exercises tonight.
I'm not decided yet if I go to swim in the morning tomorrow.

Do you think is there anyone who has a fever eat such a large meal like this?

I am full.

You know, I am sophisticated man. I don't eat like an animal at all lol.

My mental condition is in high sprits. But physical is still not so good. I will not go for a swim tomorrow to be on the safe side.

I do mini workouts throughout the day.
It provides the same benefit as one continuous workout.

over a few times riding a day


Japanese sweets
Japanese traditional sweets/traditional Japanese sweets

Thank you for unique traditional Japanese sweets.
I had it deliciously.
I had these all deliciously.

unique  ユ ニ-ク  adj)唯一の、特有の
deliciously  デ シャスリー  adv)おいしく


a skyscraper
a high-rise building
tower blocks
a tower
a tall building
a superstructure


the night view

The city lights are beautiful.

night views


to be precise  正確に言うと

I work for a house builder company, to be precise, I work for myself.

precise プリイス adj)正確な(かなり厳密な正確さを表す)
approximateロクスメイト adj)およその、概算の


stomach feels heavy / have an upset stomach

My stomach feels heavy.
I have an upset stomach.


Take the stairs
Go up/down the stairs


The term something

The term "limousine bus" is actually Japanese English.

term  n)用語、言い方



I'm farsighted. 

My eyes are bad.
My aged eyes
I can’t see as well as I used to.

farsighted ファー イテッド adj)近くがよく見えない、老眼   BrE) long-sighted

I'm getting far-sighted in my old age.



to be in great/good/okay/bad/terrible shape

I feel good.
I don't feel good.

I'm very well.
I'm not very well.


Physical/Mental condition

condition は日本語と異なりシリアスな場合に用いられる傾向がある

My mental condition is in high spirits, but physical is still not so good.

great ⇒ good ⇒ stable ⇒ bad/poor ⇒ critical condition



the dictionary form of the verb


to give orders


I'm full/stuffed

stuff タッフ  n)漠然とした物、持ち物、飲食物、作品
stuffed タッフト adj)詰めた、満腹した


prescribed medicine
prescribe /prɪ'skraɪb/   v)医師が処方する
Luckily, I found some prescribed medicine as fever reducer.

medication by prescription
prescribe プリ クライブ  v)医師が薬を処方する
prescription  プリ クリプション  n)処方箋
Prescribed medicine is better than over the counter medicine.


over-the- counter medicine

non-prescription medicine

medicine comes from the drugstore

I use over-the-counter medicine to cure my colds.

medicine ディスン  n)薬
cure キュアー v)治す・治療する n)治療・回復


"have dinner" and "have a dinner"

To say "have dinner" is like saying let's eat dinner together, but "have a dinner" is like planning an event. 


Hey, a newcomer!
It's been a long day today, right?

About the morning swim.
I was thinking of going for a swim tomorrow, but I decided not to.
Actually, I have a slight cold.
Maybe, I'll go there on Friday.

It's been the dinner time.
Stir-fried pork with ginger that is one of my favorite meals.

I'll enter the marathon of the riverside this coming Saturday.
The location is the nearest field from my workplace, in case.

Enjoy running at night.
Running 30K needs to recover from being worn out.
Plus, I have a slight cold.
So, I won't run tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Both are going to be a good rest.

It's actually about booking a hotel of the Nagano city marathon that I was telling you last time.
It's already February.
Like I promised, in this evening, I was booking a hotel I told you before.
So, don't worry about it.

The location of the hotel is 1.5km away from JR Nagano station.
The place of the Marathon is 3.0km away from the hotel.
We can walk or take a local train there.

About...  ~についてですが


I was thinkig of ...ing / I was going to...

I was thinking of going for a swim tomorrow but I decided not to.
decided not to  するのをやめました


have a slight cold
coming down with a cold
have a bit of a cold
I'm feeling under the weather.