

Stretching can benefit physical and mental well-being.
well-being n)幸福、健康

A daily stretch routine may incorporate both static and dynamic stretches. 
incorporate   v)組み入れる・取り入れる
static   /’stætɪk/ adj)静的な



improving emotional health


A friend of mine has just taken up yoga.


meditate /'medɪteɪt/ v)瞑想・黙想・熟考する
★ to focus your mind, usually in silence, especially for religious reasons or in order to make your mind calm

質問+ "because/or" で答えを暗示する

Is this your boat?
Actually, it's my dad's old sailing dinghy, but he's kind of lost interest in it.
It looks like fun. Did you take sailing up recently or have you been doing it a long time?
Just in the last few years, since my kids were old enough to come along.

Your car looks pretty full. Are you going climbing again this weekend?
Yeah. We're heading up to some cliffs in the valley.
Do you have to buy your own gear? Because I've heard it can be pretty expensive.
It can be expensive, but I buy most of my stuff on sale or at outlet store. 

dinghy/dingey /'dɪŋgi/ n)小型ゴムボート
★ a small open boat that you sail or row
★ a small open boat made of plastic or rubber that is filled with air
・a sailing dinghy
・I sailed the dinghy across the bay.
・She rowed ashore in the dinghy.
・The crew were taken to shore in an inflatable dinghy.

row /rəƱ/ n)横列 v)ボートをオールで漕ぐ
・sit in the front row

sail /seɪl/  n)帆、船旅  v)船旅する・セイリングをする
sailing   /'seɪlɪŋ/ n)船旅・セイリング
★ the sports or activity or traveling in a boat with sails
・to go sailing
・a sailing club
・the college rowing and sailing teams
・They are going on a 10-day sailing trip/ 

cliff   /klɪf/ n)がけ・断崖・絶壁
★ a high area of rock with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea or ocean
・the cliff edge/top
・the chalk cliffs of southern Enbland
・a castle perched high on the cliffs above the river
・We set off along the cliff path

Have you been doing it long?


by the day before

you should book by the day before your stay.

by one day in advance



Snowdonia   /snəƱ'dəƱniə/
Eryri   /ɛrəri/ エ

Eryri is Wales' largest National Park.
Home to over 26,000 people.
Eryri's landscape is steeped with culture, history, and heritage, where the Welsh language is part of the day-to-day fabric of the area.
Eryri has a beautifully diverse range of walks.

is part of    ~の一部です
day-to-day adj)毎日の・日常的な
fabric /'fæbrɪk/ n)布、社会の仕組み・組織
★ material made by weaving wool, cotton, silk, etc., used for making clothes, curtains, etc. and for covering furniture
・They sell a wide variety of printed cotton fabric.
・furnishing fabrics
weave   /wiːv/ v)編んで作る weave-wove-woven
furnish /'fɜːnɪʃ/ /'fɜːrnɪʃ/ v)家具などを備え付ける、供給する
★ the fabric of something   the basic structure of a society, an organization, etc. that enables it to function successfully
・a trend which threatens the very fabric of society
enable /ɪ'neɪbl/ v)人にできるようにする、可能にする
threaten /'θretn/ v)脅迫する、おびやかす



Giving Advice (L5-2-8)


get eight hours of sleep
eat three decent meals
quit smoking
Smoking is a bad habit, causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, and so on. Smoking also increases risk for problems of the immune system.
limit your alcohol
There is a word; "alcohol addiction", prolonged and excessive intake of alcoholic drinks makes us lead to a breakdown in health and addiction to alcohol such that abrupt deprivation leads to severe withdrawal symptoms.
lose weight
get active
follow your advice
some physical activities
a big improvement in my stress level
you eat less meet
improve my health
read an online health advice column

limit   /'lɪmɪt/ n)境界・範囲・限度 v)境界・範囲内・限度とする、制限する
column   /'kɒləm/ /'kαːləm/ n)柱・支柱、縦の列・段、雑誌などのコラム
stroke /strəƱk/ n)スポーツのストローク、一撃⇒脳卒中
lung /lʌŋ/ BrE;ラン NAmE;ラング n)肺
addiction   /ə'dɪkʃn/ n)中毒、依存症
prolong        v)延長する・長引かせる
excessive   adj)過度の・極端な
breakdown   n)故障・崩壊・倒産

1. Do you have a healthy lifestyle?
Well, I believe so. Morning person, exercising a lot for getting into shape, over the past a few years.
2. Do you sometimes eat three hours before bedtime?
I know it's a bad habit but I can't help eating three hours before bedtime.

3. Do you sometimes skip or delay your meals?

4. What can you do to get more active?


numb   /nʌm/

★ if a part of your body is numb, you cannot feel anything in it, for example because of cold
・to be/go numb
・numb with cold
・I've just been to the dentist and my face is still numb.

★ unable to feel, think or react in the normal way
・He felt numb with shock.



That's what I told you.


R.I.P. (Rest in peace) 安らかに眠れ


Olivia Newton-Jon is passing. R.I.P.
R.I.P. John Lennon.
I accidentally dropped my smartphone in the bathtub! RIP to my smartphone.


well-rounded /,wel 'raƱndɪd/  adj)多才な・豊かな

★ having a variety of experiences and abilities and a fully developed personality
・well-rounded individuals
individual adj)個々の、個人の n) 個人、~な人(personal)、群(group)
My personal code is to be a well-rounded individual.
He is good at both sports and studies.


個人のポリシーは ”rule" や " code" を使う
(会社やお店のポリシーは "policy" を使う)

rule   /ruːl/  n)規則・ルール
of activity/game   a statement of what may, must or must not be done in a particular situation or when playing a game
・to follow/obey a rule

code   /'kəƱd/ n)法典、規準、記号・体系
★ a system of words, letters, numbers or symbols that represent a message or record information secretly or in a shorter form
・to break/crack a code(=to understand and read the message)

My rule is that I need to exercise everyday and eat well.
It's my personal code to always to be happy.

Company policy
Store policy


Getting Sick (L5-2-7)

take your temperature 熱をはかる
gargle /'gαːgl/ /'gαːrgl/ v)うがいをする
take vitamin C ビタミンCを摂取する
take medicine 薬を飲む
get the flu shot インフルエンザの予防接種をする
go to the doctor 医者に行く
take some cold medicine 風邪薬を飲む
annual adj)年に一度の
checkup n)検査、健康診断(physical checkup)
the annual checkup
other than (for)... ~以外の

1. When was the last time someone in your family got sick?
About a year ago, my son caught Covid. And then all of my family except me brought his Covid 病気をうつされる
At that time, All I can do is leaving groceries outside at the front door. できることは~だけだった

2. What kind of sickness did he/she have?
same as above

3. Have you ever taken care of someone who was sick?
死にかけた The February of two years ago, my mother almost died
肺炎に転化 because of heart disease that developed into pneumonia. 
pneumonia   /njuː'məƱniə/ /nuː'məƱniə/  n)肺炎

4. When you're sick, do you want someone to take care of you, or do you prefer to be alone?
If I feel under the weather, I wanna someone to take care of me. 
子供のころ・お粥 When I was a child, my mother used to make me rice porridge when I have a fever.
Rice porridge is a type of comfort food eaten mainly during times of illness.
porridge   /’pɒrɪdʒ/ /’pɔːrɪdʒ/  n)ポリッジ
★ a type of soft, thick white food made by boiling oats in milk or water, eaten hot, especially for breakfast 
⇒BrE;boiling oats, NAmE;oatmeal
oats /əƱts/  /əƱts/   n)オートムギ
★ grain grown in cool countries as food for animals and for making flour, porridge, etc.
congee /'kɒndʒi/ /'kαːndʒi/  n)お粥

1. If you have a headache, do you always take medicine?
処方薬と市販薬 I believe prescription is more effective than over-the-counter medicine.
prescription /prɪ'skrɪpʃn/ n)処方箋・処方薬

2. Do you think Chinese herbs are better than medicine?
I've never tried it before.
漢方薬;Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine
I take a decoction of Chinese herbal medicine every day.
A decoction of Chinese herbal medicine is often used to treat ailments and promote overall health and wellness.
herb   /hɜːb/ /hɜːrb/ n)ハーブ・薬草
herbal /hɜːbl/ /hɜːrbl/ adj)薬草の
decoction /dɪ'kɒkʃn/ /dɪ'kαːkʃn/ n)煎じる事
ailment /'eɪlmənt/ /'eɪlmənt/ n)軽い病気、不快
promote /prə'məƱt/ /prə'məƱt/ v)増進する、昇進させる
overall /,əƱvər'ɔːl/ /,əƱvər'ɔːl/       adj)全般的な ajv)全般に
wellness /'welnəs/ /'welnəs/ n)健康

3. Is medicine in Japan cheap or expensive?
国民皆保険 a national health insurance system
We can buy it for reasonable. They(the government) charge quite a bit for health insurance, though.

4. Should a sick person take medicine without a doctor's advice?

1. What do you think about face masks with designs?

2. Have you ever made your own face mask?

3. Do you think that very young children (ex. 3 years old) should wear face masks?

4. Other than for health, what are some other common reasons that people wear face masks?

What are the worst trees for allergies?

Oak   /əƱk/ n)オーク
★ a large tree that produces small nuts called acorns. Oaks are common in northern countries and can live to be hundreds of years old.
Oak tree


acorn   /'eɪkɔːn/ /'eɪkɔːrn/ n)どんぐり
★ the small brown nut of the oak tree, that grows in a base that is like a cup


March to November

ragweed   /'rægwiːd/ n)ブタクサ
★ a North American plant with small green flowers that contain a lot of pollen, which causes hay fever in some people.

Mostly, ragweed sheds pollen during the fall.
shed  /ʃed/ /ʃed/ n)小屋 v)葉や実などを自然に落とす

food allergies


I'm allergic to wheat.
I have an allergy to eggs.

wheat  /wiːt/ n)小麦 


I hear quite a few Americans put ketchup on almost everything.
Do you know somebody who puts ketchup on everything?

Open/Narrow Mind

an open mind 英語は偏見に焦点を当てている
have/keep an open mind (about/on something)
★ to be willing to listen to or accept new idea or suggestions
・Try to keep an open mind until you've heard all the facts.

He has an open mind.
It is important to have an open mind.

open-minded   /,əƱpən 'maɪndɪd/ adj)偏見のない
★ willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas
・I encourage the children to be open-minded about new ideas and experience.

narrow-minded /,nærəƱ 'maɪndɪd/ adj)偏見な
★ not willing to listen to new idea or to the opinions of others
・a narrow-minded nationalist

a person with an open mind
open-minded is important

nationalist /'næʃnəlɪst/ n)独立主義者・国粋主義者
★ wanting your country to become independent
・the nationalist movement/party
★ loving your country very much and being very proud of it; feeling that your country is better than any other
・national sentiments

sentiment n)哀れみ・愛情などの気持ち

Does that mean ...

All facilities are included in the room price.
Does that mean I can use the sauna, too? 
Do they mean



Whitby is a seaside town, port and civil parish in North Yorkshire, England.


The Captain Cook (James Cook)
See the Whitby coastline from a replica of the Endeavour
Whitby has quite a close association with Captain James Cook, the famous British explorer. The man himself was born in the village of Marton, about 30 miles away, but he served his naval apprenticeship in Whitby and his ship, HMS Endeavour, was built here, too.

Captain James Cook
This association is celebrated with a memorial statue near the Whalebone Arch, a museum in the house where he served, and a scaled-down replica of the ship. Slightly less than half the size of the original and powered by a motor instead of the wind, the ship sails every day from Fish Quay in Whitby Harbour, heading along the coast to Sandsend and Back.

Whitby Abbey
Explore goth mecca 
There's been an abbey on this stunning headland since about 657AD, but the ruined remains that stand here now were constructed in the 13th century. They have that distinctive gothic look, which helped to inspire Bram Stoker and, with his help, has made Whitby the Goth capital of the UK.

Whitby Abby
Despite having been damaged by centuries of storms since its closure by Henry Ⅷ in 1540 and even by the German Navy during the First World War, the general shape of the abbey is still clear. Two tall walls remain standing, in dramatic defiance of everything that's been thrown at them.

Dracula Experience
Come for the literature, stay for the ghosts
Most of modern vampire lore is based in Bram Stoker's famous novel, Dracula. A lot of that novel is set in Whitby, among the historical streets and around the famous landmarks. The Dracula Experience is a cross between a haunted house ride and a literary adventure, bringing 8 scenes from the book to life with live actors and special effects.

Bram Stoker's Novel
The building which houses this experience has its own dramatic history. You can return after dark on the first Saturday of each month for a guided ghost hunt, when any weird lights and strange sounds you encounter will definitely not be special effects!

North Yorkshire Moors National Park
The hinterland of Whiby is dominated by a vast area if high moorland - an unforgettable sea of purple heather in summer. It is the largest continuous tract of heather moorland in England and an internationally important wild-life habitat.

North Yorkshire Moors
This is the northern half of the North York Moors National Park - one of the finest landscapes in the country. These high moors are divided and separated by a series of intimate and scenic dales which, in this northern area, join the main valley of the River Esk as it flows to the North Sea.

parish   /'pærɪʃ/ /'pærɪʃ/ n)小教区  civil parish 英)行政区
the Endeavour /ɪn'devə(r)/ /ɪn'devər/ n)エンデバー号
endeavor  v)必死に努力する n)努力
explore イクスロアー /ɪk'splɔː(r)/ /ɪk'splɔː(r)/ v)探検する・探求する
explorer イクスローラー /ɪk'splɔːrə(r)/ /ɪk'splɔːrər/ n)探検家
general shape


It's unusual to see you ... ing

It's unusual to see you running in the morning, not going to swim today.


New Jersey

It is the most densely populated of all 50 US states.


A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where a sinister presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from both past and future.

Horror/Drama 1980 US
Director; Starley Kubrick
Writers; Stephen King
Stars; Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson is an American retired actor
Neptune City, New Jersey
Irish American


Japan prepares for increasing summer heat

Temperatures are rising in Japan and summer is coming fast. In Osaka, temperatures went up to 25 degrees Celsius on March 22(twenty-second), a record for that time of year. Tottori, in the southwest, hit 25.8 C on the same day, the highest in 140 years. Japan is set for another sweltering summer with the temperatures already shooting upward. And the country is at growing risk of flooding and landslides.

The nation is scrambling to project communities from the warming temperatures. But the worsening weather remains a threat. Last year, more than 200 temperature records were broken in cities across the nation. As a result, over 71,000 people went to the hospital for heatstroke. Patients were mostly elderly, but a fair number of children and middle-aged adults were also hospitalized.

To prevent deaths from heatstroke, lawmakers are planning to assign some buildings in communities, including air-conditioned libraries, as shelters. Despite the country's advanced economy, some people cannot afford air conditioning, especially in areas not accustomed to the heat.

fast   /fαːst/ /fæst/ adj)速い・迅速な
be set for ...   ~になる模様である・~が確実なようである
sweltering  /'sweltərɪŋ/ adj)うだる暑さの
shooting n)狙いを定める
upward  /'ʌpwəd/ /'ʌpwərd/ adj)上へ・上向きに・高い方へ
shoot up  v)急増・急拡大する
flood   /flʌd/ n)洪水・水害
landslide /'lændslaɪd/ n)地滑り・崖崩れ
scramble to  /'skræmbl/ v)急いで~する
worse /wɜːs/ /wɜːrs/ adj)より悪い bad/ill の比較級 ill  adj)体調が悪い
worsen /'wɜːsn/ /'wɜːrsn/  v)より悪くなる
threat    /θret/    n)脅迫
heatstroke /'hiːtstrəƱk/ n)熱射病・熱中症
patient /'peiʃnt/ adj)忍耐強い・勤勉な n)病人・患者
fair /feə(r)/ /fer/ adj)清らかで美しい、好天の、見通しがきく、公平な(フェア)な 【BrE】数量などが相当の・かなりの
prevent /prɪ'vent/ v)~を防ぐ
hospitalize /'hɒspɪtəlaɪz/ /'hαːspɪtəlaɪz/ v)[受身]入院させる
lawmaker /'lɔːmeɪkɘ(r)/ /'lɔːmeɪkɘr/ n)議員
assign /ə'saɪn/ v)割り当てる
accustomed to /ə'kʌstəmd/ adj)慣れている

Worsening Weather Condition
Compare the weather this time last year and this year. Which do you think is better?
I guess this year is worst. The flowering of the sakura cherry blossoms was earlier than expected this year.  
・Are you concerned about experiencing a sweltering summer this year?
I'm concerned about experiencing a sweltering summer, which makes me lose motivation to run a marathon.
motivation   /,məƱtɪ'veɪʃn/ n)やる気・自発性・積極性
・What can you do to protect yourself and your family from the worsening weather conditions?
One of my project, not protect, is going for a swim to the ocean, and for a trip to one of the high mountains area in Japan.

Weather-related Sickness
・What weather-related sicknesses do you usually experience (ex. skin allergies, colds)?
I have a terrible heat rush.
・What do you know about heatstroke?
(Heatstroke requires emergency treatment. Untreated heatstroke can quickly damage your brain, heart, kidneys and muscles. The damage worsens the longer treatment is delayed, increasing your risk of serious complications or death.)
Heatstroke is a serious illness. I hear that untreated heatstroke can quickly damage our brain, heart, kidneys and muscles.
kidney   /’kɪdni/ /’kɪdni/    n)じん臓
・Lawmakers in Japan are planning to assign some buildings in communities as shelters. Do you agree with this plan?
I couldn't agree more. but for elderlies, some cities are not very advanced, so the problem is, there are no transportation to get there. We need a new transportation system such as the jeepney(sharing a taxi).


Well remembered


Dietary Restrictions (L5-2-6)

dietary  /'daɪətaəri/ /'daɪətaeri/ adj)日常の食事の、ダイエットの
restriction /rɪ'strɪkʃn/ n)制限・規制
dietary restrictions 食事制限
dairy /'deəri/ /'deri/ n)乳製品 adj)牛乳からつくられる
dairy products 乳製品
animal products 畜産物
greasy /'griːsi/ /'griːzi/ adj)脂っこい
greasy food 脂っこい食事
sugary /'ʃƱgəri/ adj)砂糖のような・甘ったるい
sugary food 甘ったるい食べ物
organic /ɔː'gænɪk/ /ɔːr'gænɪk/ adj)有機体の・生物の n)有機肥料
organic fruits and vegetables
gluten /'gluːtn/ n)グル-トゥン、グルテン 
basket /'bαːskɪt/ /'bæskɪt/ n)バスケット・かご
ban /bæn/ v)禁止する n)禁止
be banned 禁止された
manager /'mænɪdʒ(r)/ /'mænɪdʒr/ n)支配人・責任者
allergy   /'ælədʒi/ /'ælərdʒi/ n)アレルギー 
food allergies
vegetarian /,vedʒə'teəriən/ /,vedʒə'teriən/ n)ベジテリアン
vegan   /'viːgən/ n)完全葉食主義

Dietary Restrictions
1. Do you have any food allergies?
アレジーズ I don't have any food allergies.
好き嫌いなく I'm not picky with food. I'm not a picky/fussy eater.
fussy /'fʌsi/ adj)好き嫌いが激しい、うるさい、こだわる
I eat everything/anything. 
I don't particularly dislike any food.
ゲテモノ;unusual food
Anything is fine with me but unusual food something like insect and toads...etc
toad  /təƱd/ n)カエル(お腹を地面につけて歩く大きなカエル)
I try to eat a wide variety of food with different colors. 
green as in cabbage, orange-colored as in squash, things like that.

2. Do you eat much greasy food?
My stomach is upset/heavy.
I feel heavy in the stomach.
I feel bloated.
bloat /bləƱt/ v)顔・体が膨らむ 

3. Do you have much sugary food?
There's always room for dessert.
I always have room for dessert.
dessert /dɪ'zɜːt/ /dɪ'zɜːrt/ n)デザート

4. Do you know anyone who is a vegetarian or vegan?
I'm a kind of veggie. I prefer vegetables.
カロリーThe calorie is low. 
お腹に優しいEasy on my stomach.
太りにくいVegetables are not likely to make me fat.
build muscle 筋肉をつける
boost my immune system 免疫力アップ
calorie /'kæləri/ n)カロリー
build   /bɪld/ v)建築する、築く、身体を鍛え上げる
muscle /'mʌsl/ n)筋肉・筋力
boost /buːst/ v)押し上げる
immune /ɪ'mjuːn/ adj)免疫をもつ、影響されない
system /'sɪstəm/ n)組織体系

Organic Food
1. Do you buy organic food?
I'm still growing. Quantity over Quality. I'm still going through puberty now.
puberty /'pjuːbəti/ /'pjuːbərti/ n)思春期

2. Where can you buy organic fruits and vegetables in your area?
小さなお店に行列 There is a long line/queue outside the shop, which sells organic food.
queue  /kjuː/ n)待つ人や車の列

3. Is organic food cheap or expensive in Japan?
見返り What we receive in return for expensive shopping should be great.

4. Is organic food popular in Japan?
A high/low  standard of living makes it popular.

1. Do you smoke?
子どもができてやめた 今は別人
I look like a very different person. I used to smoke a lot.
But I quit smoking when I have a baby about 20 years ago.
AmE(quit-quit-quit)  BrE(quit-quitted-quitted)

2. Are cigarettes expensive in Japan  ほぼ税金
仕方ないね It can't be helped.
People who smoke love paying tax on cigarettes.

3. What kind of smoking rules are common in Japan?
いまだに分別がある だが匂いが漏れてくる
(Even now) the smoking areas are still common in Japan.
The smoking areas remain common in Japan.
A strong smell is given off from around smoking areas.
4. Should office buildings have smoking areas?


decent  /'diːsnt/ adj)適切な

★ of a good enough standard or quality
・a decent restaurant/meal
・a decent place to live
・Mark did a decent job as a replacement for Turner.
・I just want to get a decent job with decent pay.
・a decent pension/wage/standard of living
・I need a decent night's sleep.
・We think he's got a decent chance of qualifying.
・The acting in the film is actually pretty decent.
・a decent dog

(of people or behaviour) honest and fair; treating people with respect
・ordinary, decent, hard-working people 
・Everyone said he was a decent sort of guy
・Mr Harvey emerged as a thoroughly decent bloke.
decent to somebody  My uncle has been pretty decent to me.
decent of somebody  That's very decent of you.

★ acceptable to people in a particular situation
・a decent burial
・That dress isn't decent.
・She ought to have waited for a decent interval before getting married again.

★ (informal) wearing enough clothes to allow somebody to see you
・I can't go to the doctor ーI'm not decent.

pension  /'penʃn/ n)年金・手当 v)年金を給付する
pension  /,pαːŋ’sjɔːŋ/  パンショーン n)下宿屋
wage /weɪdʒ/ n)賃金・給料・労賃
qualify /'kwɒlɪfaɪ/ /'kwαːlɪfaɪ/ v)出場資格を与える、認定する
emerge /ɪ'mɜːdʒ/ /ɪ'mɜːrdʒ/ v)姿を現す、知られるようになる、明らかになる
thoroughly /'θʌrəli/ /'θɜːrəli/ adv)徹底的に・すっかり・完全に
bloke /bləƱk/ n)BrE; 男
burial /'beriəl/ n)埋葬・埋葬式、埋葬地・墓地
ought   /'ɔːt/ modal verb 助) ought to ≠should
shouldは主観的 ought to /'ɔːt/ /'ɔːt tu/ は法律規則に基づく

Preference for Cooked Rice

soft/wet/soaked/drenched rice

soft (kind of soft)  soft-softer-softest
soak v)浸かす、つける
soaked adj)ずぶぬれの
drench  v)ずぶぬれにする n)水浸し
drenched  adj)ずぶぬれになった
The rice is drenched.
soaked rice

Rice Pudding
sugary /'ʃƱgəri/ adj)砂糖を含む、甘ったるい
sugary food

hard / al dente

rice that's a little bit hard
The rice doesn't seem to be cooked well today.
Rice that's a little undercooked.
Al dente rice


purpose in life

reason for being


My cold got better.
get well / recover / get over / cure

cure      治癒する・治療する・完治する
The doctor cured the pain in my back.
The medicine cured the sick children.
The medicine will cure your cold.

The new medicine has cured me of cancer.
"of" は「除去・剥奪の of 」と言う
Clear the table of plates.

She's cured HIV.
His cancer was cured.



I endorse Carol's view in favor of supporting a modern art event. The more artificial intelligence takes over human labor, the more we need to embrace art in business. I think art stimulates us to think more deeply, creatively, and empathetically.

endorse  /ɪn'dɔːs/ /ɪn'dɔːrs/   v)小切手に裏書する、承認する、署名する
The more ~, the more ~.  ~すればするほど~する
artificial /,αːtɪ'fɪʃl/ /,αːrtɪ'fɪʃl/ adj)人工の
intelligence /ɪn'telɪdʒəns/ n)知能
labor /'leɪbə(r)/ /'leɪbər/  n)労働
embrace  /ɪm'breɪs/  v)抱きしめる、快諾する、受け入れる
stimulate /'stɪmjuleɪt/ v)刺激する、活発にする、元気づける
empathetically /,empə'θetɪkli/   adv)共感できる、同情できる


Katsu arrives on menu to curry favour

Beloved Japanese comfort food, with fascinating history, available in three varieties

The Japanese curry dish katsu, one of Japan's (and now the world's) most-beloved comfort foods, is arriving at Wetherspoon (2 November). 
Pubs will be serving this brand-new curry dish on the main menu, in three varieties, and as part of Thursday's Curry Club.

The new Katsu curries, served with curry sauce, coconut-flavour rice, sliced chillies and coriander, also include a soft or alcoholic drink as part of the price.

Choose from NEW katsu chicken curry (with sliced breaded chicken escalope), NEW katsu grilled chicken curry (with sliced grilled chicken breast) and NEW katsu Quorn nugget curry, served with eight coated pieces.

Across Japan, curry is a hugely popular option at mealtimes and could possibly be considered a nation dish. However, the origins of the dish are unsurprisingly not from Japan. It was, in fact, during the Meiji Restoration (1868-89) that curry was originally brought to Japan by the British from India. 

Japan's number-one English magazine, Metropolis, reveals: "Legend has it that a party of British sailors, shipwrecked off the Japanese coast, was rescued. They came ashore with their rations, which included curry powder.

"The Japanese navy, at that time. was in search of a way to feed its sailors and needed a cheap, filling option which could be cooked and served with ease. And so, the first Japanese curry recipe was born. "The most popular version of the Japanese curry in Japan, and now internationally, is the katsu curry, 'katsu' being a shortened from of 'katsuretsu' ー meaning 'cutlet'.

It is the perfect combination of deep-fried breaded chicken escalope (or sometimes served with pork loin), accompanied by white rice and a thick sweet and spicy curry sauce.

Originating in India, brought to Japan by the British, then exported by Japan back to Britain (and the world), katsu curry is soon to be served at your local Weherspoon.

favour/favor  /'feɪvə(r)/ /'feɪvər/ n)好意
beloved  /bɪ'lʌvɪd/  ビ ヴィッド adj)最愛の・いとしい
comfort /'kʌmfət/ /'kʌmfərt/  n) 安心感・満足     v)楽にする・ほっとさせる
fascinate /'fæsɪneɪt/ v)心を引きつける・魅惑する
brand /brænd/   n)焼き印・ブランド v)焼き印を押す・ブランド名をつける
alcoholic  /,ælkə'hɒlɪk/ /,ælkə'hαːlɪk/ adj)アルコールの n)アルコール依存症
breaded  /bred/   adj)パン粉をまぶした   breaded pork cutlet
escalope   /e'skæləp/ /ɪ'skæləp/    n)薄肉を用いた料理
breast /brest/ n)胸
nugget /'nʌgɪt/ n)かたまり・小さく丸いかたまりになった食べ物
coated /kəƱt/ adj)上着を着た、表面を覆った
across   /ə'krɒs/ /ə'krɔːs/ 前)横切って      across Japan 日本中で
mealtime   /'miːltaɪm/  n)食事時間
possibly /'pɒsəbli/ /'pαːsəbli/ adv)たぶん...だろう
shipwreck  /'ʃɪprek/ v)難破させる n)難破船
ashore /ə'ʃɔː(r)/ /ə'ʃɔːr/ adv)海湖川から岸へ
ration /'ræʃn/ n)配給・1日分の食料
fill /fɪl/   v)中身を満たす
shorten  /'ʃɔːtn/ /'ʃɔːrtn/    v)短くする
combination  /,kɒmbɪ'neɪʃn/ /,kαːmbɪ'neɪʃn/ n)合同、結合、チームワーク
loin /lɔɪn/ n)腰肉
accompany /ə'kʌmpəni/ v)同行する、伴う、添える 
originate /ə'rɪdʒɪneɪt/ v)起こる、起源を発する
navy /'neɪvi/ n)海軍
sailor  /'seɪlə(r)/ /'seɪlə(r)/    n)水兵・船員
restoration /,restə'reɪʃn/    n)修復・復権・取り返すこと・復活
Britain /'brɪtn/ ブリ トゥン n)大ブリテン島、GB
recipe /'resəpi/ n)レシピ・調理法

Japanese curry was brought by the British from India. Late 19th century, British sailors shipwrecked off the Japanese coast. They were rescued by Japanese. They came ashore with their rations, which included curry powder. Japanese navy fed them cooked and served with ease. And so, the first Japanese curry recipe was born.


tidy up/organize

Did you kondo your room?

put away/put back

clean up/clear
clean up the table

take care of

get over


Not mention ...



keep it simple to avoid confusion 


Your mind controls your health/body.


Considering ....


conserve my strength/save your energy

conserve /kən'sɜːv/ /kən'sɜːrv/ verb
conserve something  to protect something and prevent it from being changed or destroyed
・new lows to conserve wildlife in the area

preserve   /prɪ'zɜːv/ /prɪ'zɜːrv/ verb
(特定の行動をする:冷蔵庫に入れる、補強する etc)

We need to conserve natural areas for future generations.
We need to preserve natural areas for future generations.

I kept the cookies in a box to preserve them.
We need to preserve these artworks for future generations.
The city asked people to conserve water by not taking baths.
She sat down so she could conserve her strength.

strength  /streŋkθ/ noun  力強さ・筋力・体力
the quality of being physically strong
・He pushed against the rock with all his strength.
・It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again.
・She gradually regained strength in her legs.
・He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance.
・She didn't have the strength to walk any further.

outward  adj)外へ
outward appearance 外見・外観・見せかけ
energy       n)エネルギー・活力・元気


congestion /kən'dʒestʃən/ n)密集・混雑
congestion/traffic congestion 大幅に遅いスピードだが前には進んでいる渋滞
traffic jam まったく前に進めない・少しずつしか進めない
heavy traffic/heavy traffic jam(s)
the morning rush hour
be/get stuck in traffic
congested /kən'dʒestɪd/ adj)密集・混雑した
the roads are congested

to avoid the crowds
beat the rush

This part of the highway is prone to traffic jam.
prone /prəƱn/  adj)うつ向きの、うつ伏せになった、⇒好ましくない傾向にある
be prone to ...   ...の傾向がある(良くない傾向)
tend to ...   ...の傾向がある(良くも悪くも使える)
Old cars are prone to breaking, so I think you should buy a new one.


Pets ease the loneliness.

Pets would help ease the loneliness.


leave no stone unturned

ensure   /ɪn'ʃƱə(r)/ /ɪn'ʃƱr/ v)確実にする・保証する ”en-” は「~の中へ」の意
search /sɜːtʃ/ /sɜːrtʃ/ v)綿密に調査、探す
efforts /'efət/ /'efərt/ n)目標達成のための努力
quest   /kwest/ n)探求 v)探求する

S + [will leave][would leave][left] [be leaving] no stone unturned
in ensuring the safty of players and spectators.
in one's search for his natural mother.
in trying to fined more evidence to help his case.
in their efforts to find the little girl/culprit.
in one's search for a peaceful solution to the crisis.
in one's quest to build a champion's game.  build;理論などを組み立てる

culprit /'kʌlprɪt/ ルプリト  n)犯人・刑事被告人

I left no stone unturned, so it should be okay.

explore all avenues

We must explore all avenues to protect ourselves from a takeover.

do everything ... can

We must do everything we can (possible) to move things forward.



/feə(r)/ /fer/ 「運ぶ」 ”travel" 旅する・移動するが語源

運賃:bus/taxi/train/air fares
What's the fare to Hanoi?
Most buses in Central Tokyo charge a flat fare of about 2 dollars.
a flat fare:均一料金

精算所:fare adjustment
料理:delicious traditional fare 美味しい伝統料理 good fare 美味しい料理
作品:family fare 家族向けの作品 Hollywood fare ハリウッド作品

「やっていく」=get on
fare better/well/badly/poorly
I think I would fare better in long distance races.

farewell party:送別会


Pet-friendly aged care boosts health benefits

Allowing elderly people to keep their pets will help them fare better in their nursing homes, according to new research from the University of South Australia. Currently, however, only 18% of nursing homes in Australia welcome pets. This may be because nursing homes need to focus on the elderly, who need a lot of care and attention.

Dr. Janette Young, a researcher at the University of South Australia, is already setting up a project to put cats in nursing homes. She says that the project will help ease the loneliness of elderly residents. It can also relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. Entering a care facility is not easy for the elderly, and having to let go of their pets makes the transition even harder. Dr. Young believes that it adds grief to those who need to enter nursing homes.

Dr. Young said that the project is not easy, but she believe that it's possible and very important. Cathy Webster, a 73-year-old resident in a nursing home, was able to keep her dog Muffin. She said that Muffin keeps her and her husband happy and active.

fare /feə(r)/ /fer/ n)乗物料金 v)人が暮らしていく
a nursing home  n)老人ホーム
ease  /iːz/  v)和らげる n)楽なこと
relieve /rɪ'liːv/ v)解放する・軽くする
relive /riːlɪv/ v)過去の記憶経験を思い出す
anxiety /æŋ'zaɪəti/ n)不安な気持
depression /dɪ'preʃn/ n)憂うつ・スランプ・意気消沈、不況、低下
let go of ...   ...から手放す、...を取り除く、...を解き放つ、...を忘れる
transition  /træn'zɪʃn/   n)移り変わり 
even  /'iːvn/   adj)平らにそろった adv)~でさえ
make ... even harder    ...をより難しくする
grief  /griːf/  n)不幸死別などによる深い悲しみ

DO you agree with Dr. Young's project to put cats in nursing homes?
It seems there are no problems. A life partner, even a pet, is necessary in order to live.

・What do you think are the qualities of a good nursing home (ex. clean, safe)?
Not to mention clean and safe, facilities give elderly residents a pleasure.

・Cathy Webster said that Muffin keeps her and her husband happy and active in their nursing home. Should all elderly residents be allowed to keep pets from thier homes?
It depends on pets. A large breed dog, such as St. Bernard, is out of place. 

from the Western Alps in Italy and Switzerland

・Do you think animals can help improve people's health?
I think so. Animals make elderly residents happy and active. Your mind controls your health (body).

・Service animals are trained to help people with disabilities (ex. blind people) in their everyday lives. Do you think it's a good idea to use service animals?
I couldn't agree more. Some caregivers were arrested for abusing their elderly people. Service animals protect elderlies.

Emotional support animals help ease negative emotions like loneliness and anxiety. Would you like to have an emotional support animal?
Could be. But I am inclined to travel through the year.

not to mention  言うまでもないが
breed  /briːd/  v)子孫をつくる、産む n)種族、血統
out of place  場違いである
caregiver  /'keəgɪvə(r)/ /'kergɪvər/   n)介護士
abuse  虐待する
child abuse  子供虐待
incline /ɪn'klaɪn/ v)物などを傾ける、人の心を傾ける【気持ち的に~する傾向】
tend /tend/ v)~しがちである【普段からの習慣】



filed trip

excursion  /ɪk'skɜːʃn/  /ɪk'skɜːrʒn/  noun

★ a short journey made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized for a group of people