
質問+ "because/or" で答えを暗示する

Is this your boat?
Actually, it's my dad's old sailing dinghy, but he's kind of lost interest in it.
It looks like fun. Did you take sailing up recently or have you been doing it a long time?
Just in the last few years, since my kids were old enough to come along.

Your car looks pretty full. Are you going climbing again this weekend?
Yeah. We're heading up to some cliffs in the valley.
Do you have to buy your own gear? Because I've heard it can be pretty expensive.
It can be expensive, but I buy most of my stuff on sale or at outlet store. 

dinghy/dingey /'dɪŋgi/ n)小型ゴムボート
★ a small open boat that you sail or row
★ a small open boat made of plastic or rubber that is filled with air
・a sailing dinghy
・I sailed the dinghy across the bay.
・She rowed ashore in the dinghy.
・The crew were taken to shore in an inflatable dinghy.

row /rəƱ/ n)横列 v)ボートをオールで漕ぐ
・sit in the front row

sail /seɪl/  n)帆、船旅  v)船旅する・セイリングをする
sailing   /'seɪlɪŋ/ n)船旅・セイリング
★ the sports or activity or traveling in a boat with sails
・to go sailing
・a sailing club
・the college rowing and sailing teams
・They are going on a 10-day sailing trip/ 

cliff   /klɪf/ n)がけ・断崖・絶壁
★ a high area of rock with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea or ocean
・the cliff edge/top
・the chalk cliffs of southern Enbland
・a castle perched high on the cliffs above the river
・We set off along the cliff path

Have you been doing it long?

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