decent /'diːsnt/ adj)適切な
★ of a good enough standard or quality
・a decent restaurant/meal
・a decent place to live
・Mark did a decent job as a replacement for Turner.
・I just want to get a decent job with decent pay.
・a decent pension/wage/standard of living
・I need a decent night's sleep.
・We think he's got a decent chance of qualifying.
・The acting in the film is actually pretty decent.
・a decent dog
★ (of people or behaviour) honest and fair; treating people with respect
・ordinary, decent, hard-working people
・Everyone said he was a decent sort of guy
・Mr Harvey emerged as a thoroughly decent bloke.
・decent to somebody My uncle has been pretty decent to me.
・decent of somebody That's very decent of you.
★ acceptable to people in a particular situation
・a decent burial
・That dress isn't decent.
・She ought to have waited for a decent interval before getting married again.
★ (informal) wearing enough clothes to allow somebody to see you
・I can't go to the doctor ーI'm not decent.
pension /'penʃn/ n)年金・手当 v)年金を給付する
pension /,pαːŋ’sjɔːŋ/ パンショーン n)下宿屋
wage /weɪdʒ/ n)賃金・給料・労賃
qualify /'kwɒlɪfaɪ/ /'kwαːlɪfaɪ/ v)出場資格を与える、認定する
emerge /ɪ'mɜːdʒ/ /ɪ'mɜːrdʒ/ v)姿を現す、知られるようになる、明らかになる
thoroughly /'θʌrəli/ /'θɜːrəli/ adv)徹底的に・すっかり・完全に
bloke /bləƱk/ n)BrE; 男
burial /'beriəl/ n)埋葬・埋葬式、埋葬地・墓地
ought /'ɔːt/ modal verb 助) ought to ≠should
shouldは主観的 ought to /'ɔːt tə/ /'ɔːt tu/ は法律規則に基づく
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