
Japan prepares for increasing summer heat

Temperatures are rising in Japan and summer is coming fast. In Osaka, temperatures went up to 25 degrees Celsius on March 22(twenty-second), a record for that time of year. Tottori, in the southwest, hit 25.8 C on the same day, the highest in 140 years. Japan is set for another sweltering summer with the temperatures already shooting upward. And the country is at growing risk of flooding and landslides.

The nation is scrambling to project communities from the warming temperatures. But the worsening weather remains a threat. Last year, more than 200 temperature records were broken in cities across the nation. As a result, over 71,000 people went to the hospital for heatstroke. Patients were mostly elderly, but a fair number of children and middle-aged adults were also hospitalized.

To prevent deaths from heatstroke, lawmakers are planning to assign some buildings in communities, including air-conditioned libraries, as shelters. Despite the country's advanced economy, some people cannot afford air conditioning, especially in areas not accustomed to the heat.

fast   /fαːst/ /fæst/ adj)速い・迅速な
be set for ...   ~になる模様である・~が確実なようである
sweltering  /'sweltərɪŋ/ adj)うだる暑さの
shooting n)狙いを定める
upward  /'ʌpwəd/ /'ʌpwərd/ adj)上へ・上向きに・高い方へ
shoot up  v)急増・急拡大する
flood   /flʌd/ n)洪水・水害
landslide /'lændslaɪd/ n)地滑り・崖崩れ
scramble to  /'skræmbl/ v)急いで~する
worse /wɜːs/ /wɜːrs/ adj)より悪い bad/ill の比較級 ill  adj)体調が悪い
worsen /'wɜːsn/ /'wɜːrsn/  v)より悪くなる
threat    /θret/    n)脅迫
heatstroke /'hiːtstrəƱk/ n)熱射病・熱中症
patient /'peiʃnt/ adj)忍耐強い・勤勉な n)病人・患者
fair /feə(r)/ /fer/ adj)清らかで美しい、好天の、見通しがきく、公平な(フェア)な 【BrE】数量などが相当の・かなりの
prevent /prɪ'vent/ v)~を防ぐ
hospitalize /'hɒspɪtəlaɪz/ /'hαːspɪtəlaɪz/ v)[受身]入院させる
lawmaker /'lɔːmeɪkɘ(r)/ /'lɔːmeɪkɘr/ n)議員
assign /ə'saɪn/ v)割り当てる
accustomed to /ə'kʌstəmd/ adj)慣れている

Worsening Weather Condition
Compare the weather this time last year and this year. Which do you think is better?
I guess this year is worst. The flowering of the sakura cherry blossoms was earlier than expected this year.  
・Are you concerned about experiencing a sweltering summer this year?
I'm concerned about experiencing a sweltering summer, which makes me lose motivation to run a marathon.
motivation   /,məƱtɪ'veɪʃn/ n)やる気・自発性・積極性
・What can you do to protect yourself and your family from the worsening weather conditions?
One of my project, not protect, is going for a swim to the ocean, and for a trip to one of the high mountains area in Japan.

Weather-related Sickness
・What weather-related sicknesses do you usually experience (ex. skin allergies, colds)?
I have a terrible heat rush.
・What do you know about heatstroke?
(Heatstroke requires emergency treatment. Untreated heatstroke can quickly damage your brain, heart, kidneys and muscles. The damage worsens the longer treatment is delayed, increasing your risk of serious complications or death.)
Heatstroke is a serious illness. I hear that untreated heatstroke can quickly damage our brain, heart, kidneys and muscles.
kidney   /’kɪdni/ /’kɪdni/    n)じん臓
・Lawmakers in Japan are planning to assign some buildings in communities as shelters. Do you agree with this plan?
I couldn't agree more. but for elderlies, some cities are not very advanced, so the problem is, there are no transportation to get there. We need a new transportation system such as the jeepney(sharing a taxi).

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