an open mind 英語は偏見に焦点を当てている
have/keep an open mind (about/on something)
★ to be willing to listen to or accept new idea or suggestions
・Try to keep an open mind until you've heard all the facts.
He has an open mind.
It is important to have an open mind.
open-minded /,əƱpən 'maɪndɪd/ adj)偏見のない
★ willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas
・I encourage the children to be open-minded about new ideas and experience.
narrow-minded /,nærəƱ 'maɪndɪd/ adj)偏見な
★ not willing to listen to new idea or to the opinions of others
・a narrow-minded nationalist
a person with an open mind
open-minded is important
nationalist /'næʃnəlɪst/ n)独立主義者・国粋主義者
★ wanting your country to become independent
・the nationalist movement/party
★ loving your country very much and being very proud of it; feeling that your country is better than any other
・national sentiments
sentiment n)哀れみ・愛情などの気持ち
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