
Getting Sick (L5-2-7)

take your temperature 熱をはかる
gargle /'gαːgl/ /'gαːrgl/ v)うがいをする
take vitamin C ビタミンCを摂取する
take medicine 薬を飲む
get the flu shot インフルエンザの予防接種をする
go to the doctor 医者に行く
take some cold medicine 風邪薬を飲む
annual adj)年に一度の
checkup n)検査、健康診断(physical checkup)
the annual checkup
other than (for)... ~以外の

1. When was the last time someone in your family got sick?
About a year ago, my son caught Covid. And then all of my family except me brought his Covid 病気をうつされる
At that time, All I can do is leaving groceries outside at the front door. できることは~だけだった

2. What kind of sickness did he/she have?
same as above

3. Have you ever taken care of someone who was sick?
死にかけた The February of two years ago, my mother almost died
肺炎に転化 because of heart disease that developed into pneumonia. 
pneumonia   /njuː'məƱniə/ /nuː'məƱniə/  n)肺炎

4. When you're sick, do you want someone to take care of you, or do you prefer to be alone?
If I feel under the weather, I wanna someone to take care of me. 
子供のころ・お粥 When I was a child, my mother used to make me rice porridge when I have a fever.
Rice porridge is a type of comfort food eaten mainly during times of illness.
porridge   /’pɒrɪdʒ/ /’pɔːrɪdʒ/  n)ポリッジ
★ a type of soft, thick white food made by boiling oats in milk or water, eaten hot, especially for breakfast 
⇒BrE;boiling oats, NAmE;oatmeal
oats /əƱts/  /əƱts/   n)オートムギ
★ grain grown in cool countries as food for animals and for making flour, porridge, etc.
congee /'kɒndʒi/ /'kαːndʒi/  n)お粥

1. If you have a headache, do you always take medicine?
処方薬と市販薬 I believe prescription is more effective than over-the-counter medicine.
prescription /prɪ'skrɪpʃn/ n)処方箋・処方薬

2. Do you think Chinese herbs are better than medicine?
I've never tried it before.
漢方薬;Chinese medicine, Chinese herbal medicine
I take a decoction of Chinese herbal medicine every day.
A decoction of Chinese herbal medicine is often used to treat ailments and promote overall health and wellness.
herb   /hɜːb/ /hɜːrb/ n)ハーブ・薬草
herbal /hɜːbl/ /hɜːrbl/ adj)薬草の
decoction /dɪ'kɒkʃn/ /dɪ'kαːkʃn/ n)煎じる事
ailment /'eɪlmənt/ /'eɪlmənt/ n)軽い病気、不快
promote /prə'məƱt/ /prə'məƱt/ v)増進する、昇進させる
overall /,əƱvər'ɔːl/ /,əƱvər'ɔːl/       adj)全般的な ajv)全般に
wellness /'welnəs/ /'welnəs/ n)健康

3. Is medicine in Japan cheap or expensive?
国民皆保険 a national health insurance system
We can buy it for reasonable. They(the government) charge quite a bit for health insurance, though.

4. Should a sick person take medicine without a doctor's advice?

1. What do you think about face masks with designs?

2. Have you ever made your own face mask?

3. Do you think that very young children (ex. 3 years old) should wear face masks?

4. Other than for health, what are some other common reasons that people wear face masks?

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