Beloved Japanese comfort food, with fascinating history, available in three varieties
The Japanese curry dish katsu, one of Japan's (and now the world's) most-beloved comfort foods, is arriving at Wetherspoon (2 November).
Pubs will be serving this brand-new curry dish on the main menu, in three varieties, and as part of Thursday's Curry Club.
The new Katsu curries, served with curry sauce, coconut-flavour rice, sliced chillies and coriander, also include a soft or alcoholic drink as part of the price.
Choose from NEW katsu chicken curry (with sliced breaded chicken escalope), NEW katsu grilled chicken curry (with sliced grilled chicken breast) and NEW katsu Quorn nugget curry, served with eight coated pieces.
Across Japan, curry is a hugely popular option at mealtimes and could possibly be considered a nation dish. However, the origins of the dish are unsurprisingly not from Japan. It was, in fact, during the Meiji Restoration (1868-89) that curry was originally brought to Japan by the British from India.
Japan's number-one English magazine, Metropolis, reveals: "Legend has it that a party of British sailors, shipwrecked off the Japanese coast, was rescued. They came ashore with their rations, which included curry powder.
"The Japanese navy, at that time. was in search of a way to feed its sailors and needed a cheap, filling option which could be cooked and served with ease. And so, the first Japanese curry recipe was born. "The most popular version of the Japanese curry in Japan, and now internationally, is the katsu curry, 'katsu' being a shortened from of 'katsuretsu' ー meaning 'cutlet'.
It is the perfect combination of deep-fried breaded chicken escalope (or sometimes served with pork loin), accompanied by white rice and a thick sweet and spicy curry sauce.
Originating in India, brought to Japan by the British, then exported by Japan back to Britain (and the world), katsu curry is soon to be served at your local Weherspoon.
favour/favor /'feɪvə(r)/ /'feɪvər/ n)好意
beloved /bɪ'lʌvɪd/ ビ ラヴィッド adj)最愛の・いとしい
beloved /bɪ'lʌvɪd/ ビ ラヴィッド adj)最愛の・いとしい
comfort /'kʌmfət/ /'kʌmfərt/ n) 安心感・満足 v)楽にする・ほっとさせる
fascinate /'fæsɪneɪt/ v)心を引きつける・魅惑する
brand /brænd/ n)焼き印・ブランド v)焼き印を押す・ブランド名をつける
alcoholic /,ælkə'hɒlɪk/ /,ælkə'hαːlɪk/ adj)アルコールの n)アルコール依存症
breaded /bred/ adj)パン粉をまぶした breaded pork cutlet
escalope /e'skæləp/ /ɪ'skæləp/ n)薄肉を用いた料理
breast /brest/ n)胸
nugget /'nʌgɪt/ n)かたまり・小さく丸いかたまりになった食べ物
coated /kəƱt/ adj)上着を着た、表面を覆った
across /ə'krɒs/ /ə'krɔːs/ 前)横切って across Japan 日本中で
mealtime /'miːltaɪm/ n)食事時間
possibly /'pɒsəbli/ /'pαːsəbli/ adv)たぶん...だろう
shipwreck /'ʃɪprek/ v)難破させる n)難破船
ashore /ə'ʃɔː(r)/ /ə'ʃɔːr/ adv)海湖川から岸へ
ration /'ræʃn/ n)配給・1日分の食料
fill /fɪl/ v)中身を満たす
shorten /'ʃɔːtn/ /'ʃɔːrtn/ v)短くする
combination /,kɒmbɪ'neɪʃn/ /,kαːmbɪ'neɪʃn/ n)合同、結合、チームワーク
loin /lɔɪn/ n)腰肉
accompany /ə'kʌmpəni/ v)同行する、伴う、添える
originate /ə'rɪdʒɪneɪt/ v)起こる、起源を発する
navy /'neɪvi/ n)海軍
sailor /'seɪlə(r)/ /'seɪlə(r)/ n)水兵・船員
restoration /,restə'reɪʃn/ n)修復・復権・取り返すこと・復活
Britain /'brɪtn/ ブリ トゥン n)大ブリテン島、GB
recipe /'resəpi/ n)レシピ・調理法
Japanese curry was brought by the British from India. Late 19th century, British sailors shipwrecked off the Japanese coast. They were rescued by Japanese. They came ashore with their rations, which included curry powder. Japanese navy fed them cooked and served with ease. And so, the first Japanese curry recipe was born.
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