

humanities/science course

humanity n)人類・人間・人道・人文科学
course   /kɔːs/ /kɔːrs/

Comparing Jobs (L5-3-4)

立派な respected
respected artist/doctor/hospital
highly respected university
most respected in Japan
They say make your parents be proud of you.
Play hard/well, study hard/well and become a good/an excellent adult.

給料のいい well-paid
a well-paid work/job
well-paid industries

ハイテクの high-tech
high-tech industries
high-tech security system
high-tech weapons

礼儀正しい polite
I can't eat cakes politely lol.
I wrote a polite letter.

専門的な professional
successful professionals
a health professional
business professionals
Many young professionals are attracted to the opportunities available in the world's capitals, like New York, Paris, Tokyo, and London.  

話し好き talkative
become talkative
talkative person
less talkative

プログラマー  programmer
mental illness
We need to keep a balance between health and jobs.
In any cases, one of the causes is dealing with computers, not a human.

同じ as ... as   違う not as ... as
Manufacturing in China is not as high-tech as manufacturing in Sweden.
Performers in Thailand look as flashy as in India. 
The airport staff in the US is not as professional as in Japan.
Servers in Canada are as friendly as in the US.

Comparing Jobs
①What are two common jobs in Japan?
文系理系 choose between humanities and science course.
営業マン;a sales staff, a salesman, a sales rep(representative)
 He works in sales. He works in a sales department.
技術者;engineer, technical expert, technician

②What are two busy jobs?
外食業界;One is the food service industry.
介護業界;The other is the elderly care sector.
介護業界;the nursing care industry
nursing   /'nɜːsɪŋ/ /'nɜːrsɪŋ/ noun
the job or skill of caring for people who are sick or injured
・a career in nursing
・nursing care
・the nursing profession
sector /'sektə(r)/ /'sektər/ n)産業などの領域

③What are two jobs that need friendly employees?
接客業service/hospitality industry   ex. hotels, restaurants
work in hospitality, work in customer relations

④What are two fun jobs?


stiff shoulders

stiff   /stɪf/ adj)曲がらない、堅い
★ difficult to bend/move


/'hektɪk/ adj)とても忙しい・バタバタしている
★very busy; full of activity 


/spɒn'teɪniəs/ /spαːn'teɪniəs/ adj)いつもと違うことを急にやりだす

Be more spontaneous!

I decided to go out tonight spontaneously.

unplanned  adj)無計画な
It was unplanned, but she decided to go out tonight.


Olympians’ food: baguettes but no wine

Some 15,000 athletes will get to feast on fresh baguettes, gourmet dishes, and environment-friendly French meals ー but no wine ー when Paris hosts the Summer Olympics next year. The company that will serve 40,000 meals a day at the Olympic Village presented its planned Olympic menu created by some of France's most-renowned chefs. Chef Alexandre Mazzia said his team will bring a "fun, gourmet, and healthy" touch to the Olympians' plates.

French food services company Sodexo was selected to oversee the catering at the athletes' village and other sites of the Paris Games. The company will take the 2024 Olympics as a great opportunity to present French dishes. The restaurant at the Olympics Village, which is meant to be the "biggest restaurant in the world," is expected to seat 3,500 people.

However, the French meal experience at the Paris Olympics has one exception: No wine, or any form of alcohol, will be offered to Olympians in the village, organizers said. Champagne and liquor will only be served during formal events.

feast /fiːst/    v)贅沢に食べる、大いに楽しむ n)祝宴、ごちそう、祭日
feast on 大いに食べる
baguette /bæ'get/ n)バゲット・細長いフランスパン
gourmet /'gƱəmeɪ/ /'gƱrmeɪ/ n)食通・グルメ adj)美食の・質や価格の高い
present  v)贈る、発表する
renowned /rɪ'naƱnd/ adj)有名な
catering /'keɪtərɪŋ/ n)仕出し
meant   /ment/   mean-meant-meant
exception   /ɪk'sepʃn/ n)例外
form /fɔːm/ /fɔːrm/ n)形、類型
champagne /ʃæm'peɪn/ n)シャンパン
liquor   /'lɪkə(r)/  /'lɪkər/ n)アルコール飲料・酒

Gourmet Food
①Would you like to eat gourmet food?
美味しい食べ物;tasty food
太りやすい;it's easier to put on/gain weight
年をとると;when I get older
私の年齢では;as my age

②Gourmet food is often more expensive than regularly prepared food. Do you think it’s okay for it to be expensive?
仕方ない;It can't be helped.

③In your opinion, is gourmet food always more delicious than regularly prepared food?
いつも~だ;be always ....  
I don't think that gourmet food is always more delicious than regularly prepared food.

Food for Athletes
①What kind of food do you think athletes should eat?
バランスのよい食事;well-balanced diet
They should have well-balanced diet.
炭水化物;carbohydrates (carbs) for stamina (physical endurance)
タンパク質;protein for muscle

②In your opinion, how can the Olympic organizers ensure that the athletes' food is good?
ensure  v)確実にする
アンケートを取る;do survey,  take a survey
survey  v)見渡す、調査する n)見渡すこと、調査

③Imagine that your country will host the Olympics. What food in your country should be served to the athletes?
アレンジする;make adjustments to something,  Arranging the parts of the meal will satisfy the customer



I cycled here.

The handlebars are too low.
adjust the handlebars higher/lower
Would you adjust the handlebars higher?

Would you adjust the seat lower?

ten speeds
This bike has ten speeds.
My bike only has three speeds.

Your kickstand is still down.
My kickstand is broken.

The Netherlands
The Netherlands is the cycling paradise of Europe.
A lot of people cycle in the Netherlands.
Let's cycle around Amsterdam.

cycle/bicycle/bike lane
The Netherlands has a lot of bicycle lanes.

Always + verb
Always wear a helmet.
Always use your light at night.
Always stop for pedestrians.
the right/left side of the road
Always cycle on the right side of the road.

Never + verb
Never use your phone while cycling.

Let's be safe.
Safety first.
Better safe than sorry.
No pain, no gain.



Should I be happy or sad?

Job Ads (L5-3-3)

~に~年の経験がある have [number] years' experience in [thing]
I have nearly 30 years' experience in construction.

対人スキルが高い   have excellent interpersonal skills
時間管理スキルが高い have good time-management skills
Some people have excellent interpersonal skills.

問題解決能力がある be a problem solver
海外出張を受け入れる be willing to travel overseas
適応力がある be flexible
a person who is administrative position needs to be a problem solver.

advertisement /əd'vɜːtɪsmənt/ /,ædvər'taɪzmənt/ n)広告・宣伝
ad /æd/ n)広告・宣伝
submit /səb'mɪt/ v)(書類等を)提出する
enthusiast /ɪn'θjuːziæst/ /ɪn'θuːziæst/ n)熱心な人、ファン、狂
reliable /rɪ'laɪəbl/ adj)信頼できる
interpersonal /,ɪntə'pɜːsənl/ /,ɪntər'pɜːrsənl/ adj)個人間の、対人関係の
solver /'sɒlvə(r)/ /'sαːlvər/   noun
a person who finds an answer to a problem or a difficult situation
permission   /pə'mɪʃn/ /pər'mɪʃn/ n)許可、免許
proofread /'pruːfriːd/ v)校正する
financial /faɪ'nænʃl/ /fə'nænʃl/ adj)金融の、財務の
institution /,ɪnstɪ'tjuːʃn/ /,ɪnstɪ'tuːʃn/ n)設立、協会、団体
assist /ə'sɪst/ v)援助する、力を貸す
errand /'erənd/ n)使い走り
administrative /əd'mɪnɪstrətɪv/ /əd'mɪnɪstreɪtɪv/ adj)管理上の、行政上の
attach /ə'tætʃ/ v)くっつける
corporate /'kɔːpərət/ /'kɔːrpərət/ adj)法人の、会社の、企業の
translator /trænz'leɪtə(r)/ /trænz'leɪtər/ n)翻訳家、通訳
resume /rɪ'zjuːm/ /rɪ'zuːm/ n)要約、NAmE;履歴書
marital /'mærɪtl/ adj)夫婦の
status /'steɪtəs/ n)身分、立場、社会的評価、状態
discrimination /dɪ,skrɪmɪ'neɪʃn/ n)区別・識別、差別
document /'dɒkjumənt/ /'dαːkjumənt/ n)書類
contraction   /kən'trækʃn/ n)収縮、短縮形
bank   /bæŋk/ n)銀行

①Do you read job ads?
(過去は行っていたが現在は行っていない;I used to ...)
(現在に関しては言及しない;I would often ...)
求人情報;job openings
I would often look up part-time-job openings from magazines, not online, when I was a student. Good old days.
古き良き時代(なつかしい);Good old days

②Where do you usually find job ads(ex. newspapers, the Internet)?
雇用あっせん所;employment agency
採用コンサルタント;recruitment consultant
In the big city, recruitment consultants are becoming more and more common nowadays.
On the other hand, in the countryside/rural area, employment agency is still common.  
employment   /ɪm'plɔɪmənt/ n)雇用、就業
agency /'eɪdʒənsi/ n)代理店・あっせん所、機関・庁・局、仲介
recruitment /rɪ'kruːtmənt/ n)召集・募集・採用
consultant /kən'sʌltənt/ n)コンサルタント、相談役

③What jobs are often advertised in Japan these days?
外食産業;food service industry
人手不足に直面する;faces a shortage of workers
ロボットウエイター;robot waiters
~を補う;make up for 
The food service industry faces a shortage of workers.
So robot waiters appear in the restaurants to make up for the labor shortage.

④Have you ever written a job ad?
優秀な人材;talented (human) resources


think positively

Running makes me think possitively.



socialization /,səƱʃəlaɪ'zeɪʃn/ /,səƱʃələ'zeɪʃn/ n)社会的適応


muddy   /'mʌdi/ adj)泥んこの v)泥だらけにする
mud   /mʌd/   n)泥

in the mud/covered with mud
The kids play in the mud.  泥んこになって遊ぶ


bonfire /'bɒnfaɪə(r)/ /'bαːnfaɪər/ n)たき火
campfire /'kæmpfaɪə(r)/ /'kæmpfaɪər/

make a bonfire/campfire

The cracking sound of the bonfire is relaxing.



change the date
rain check

I make out a schedule.

It's on schedule.

I have a schedule.

I have to go according to schedule.

Business Trip Itineraries (L5-3-2)

reschedule thing
shorten thing
skip thing
push thing back to time   ~を~時に延期する
have a one-on-one meeting with person
hold a workshop
Sometimes, I have to shorten after-work hours in order to work overtime.

itinerary   /aɪ'tɪnərəri/ n)旅行計画
seminar /'semɪnαː(r)/ /'semɪnαːr/
★ a class at a university or college when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic.
★ a meeting for discussion or training 
You don't even have time for lunch!
Can I take a rain check on thing.   延期する

①Is it important to have a schedule?
効率的 efficiently  仕事計画を進める proceed with the work
I'd like to proceed with work efficiently.

②Do you like doing things according to a schedule?
時間に余裕をもつ take my time 
Yes, I do. but I want to take my time on my schedule.

③Do you make a lot of changes to your schedule?
許されない cannot be allowed  決定後 after the decision
The changes after the decision cannot be allowed in the construction industry.

④What activities do you usually have on your schedule?
顧客との打合せ a meeting with
Having a meeting with my customers and construction workers about the construction on my schedule.

proceed /prə'siːd/ /prəƱ'siːd/ v)(仕事計画を)どんどん進める
(=go ahead)


You'll get sick from working too hard.



I won/beat against him.

Home remedies

gargle with salt hot water

gargle throat


to transfer money

bank transfer

Does it make sense? わかった?
わかった。    That makes sense.

Forest schools popular in Sweden

In Sweden, most people agree that muddy children are happy children. So, young students play outdoors as part of the national curriculum. But most of the teaching takes place outdoors in I Ur Och Skur preschools. I Ur Och Skur literally means "Rain or Shine." Managers of these forest preschools believe that a natural environment encourages learning more than just hearing and seeing lessons in a classroom.

I Ur Ock Skur schools started in 1985 and now offer "experience-based learning" across the country. Recently, more and more parents and children are becoming interested in these forest preschools because of climate change. In one of their schools, around 300 students are on the waiting list for a chance to attend.

Still, when it comes to teaching outside, the children's health comes first. Children who attend forest schools always wear proper clothes for the rain and the snow. After returning from the forest, the children eat warm lunch and go to the school porch to take a nap before going to the forest again. But when it's too cold or too hot outside, children have their lessons indoors.

Sweden /'swiːdn/ n)スウェーデン
muddy   /'mʌdi/ adj)泥んこの v)泥だらけにする
curriculum   /kə'rɪkjələm/ n)カリキュラム、学習過程
preschool   /'priːskuːl/   n)幼稚園・保育園
★ a school for children between the ages of about two and five
literally adj)文字通りに
shine v)太陽が輝く n)太陽の輝き
encourage   /ɪn'kʌrɪdʒ/ /ɪn'kɜːrɪdʒ/
★ to give somebady support, courage or hope
proper   /'prɒpə(r)/ /'prαːpər/ adj)適した、ふさわしい
porch /pɔːtʃ/ /pɔːrtʃ/ n)ポーチ、張だし玄関

Going to school
①Do you think children should be required to go to preschool?
Yeah, should be. Preschools provide important benefits to working parents, especially working mothers.
②In your opinion, what should students learn in preschool (ex. language, making friends)?
I guess students should learn how fun it is to play outdoors.
③Do you want to have forest schools in your country?
I want to have these kind of schools. I have 3 young children, but they have already grown up. If there were forest schools, I really wanted my kids to go there.

Outdoor Activities
①Do you like doing outdoor activities?
I love to be in nature.
②In Sweden, most people agree that muddy children are happy children. Do you agree or disagree with this?

③According to the article, a natural environment encourage learning more than just hearing and seeing lessons in a classroom. What is your opinion about this?
When I was a child. We were free to go and have fun outdoors without restrictions.
But nowadays, Children don't have much time outdoors. So we offer children to play outdoors.


Office Tours (L5-3-1)

be in charge of thing   ~を担当する
lead things   ~の先頭に立つ
work on thing   ~に取り組む
I've been working on renovating a house to help for making their life more comfortable.
an office tour
I have never given an office tour before.

your superiors
superior   /suː'pɪəriə(r)/ /suː'pɪriər/ adj)上の・上位の

①What do you call your superior at work? What do you call your other coworkers?
The way to call our superior is their position at work such as 'general manager', 'vice-captain' things like that. It's kind of old-fashioned.
The way to call our other coworkers is their 'family' name. not a first name.
②At your job, is it okay to call your superiors by their first name?
I don't think it's okay in Japan. we usually call our superiors last name plus their position.  
③What do people call you at work?
People call me "family name" adding "san". San meaning is to be polite.
④Do you have nicknames for any of your coworkers?
I don't have any nicknames at all. but some people have nicknames. Nicknames sound like very friendly. 

①Have you ever tried working from home?
I wish I could.
②What are the advantages of working from home?
通勤時間の節約 Not having to commute saves us time.
③What are the disadvantages of working from home?
It's going to be poor communication if we don’t meet in person.
④Should more companies in Japan allow their employees to work from home?
It's going to be good for a change of pace. You can do household chores.
household /'haƱshəƱld/ n)家族、家庭
chore   /tʃɔː(r)/  /tʃɔː(r)/ n)家事、雑用

①Do Japanese companies usually give office tours?
We don't have office tours, but instead of that, we have construction site tours.
②How long does an office tour usually take?
会社規模による It depends on how to scale company.
③Have you ever given an office tour to a new employee or business partner?

④Would you like to give someone an office tour in English?



It's not only like that in Japan.

Afghan Herat potters fear ancient craft may vanish

Afghanistan has a proud history of creating traditional pottery, and potters still use many of the same methods for generations. However, with the influx of cheaper plastic products imported from neighboring countries like Pakistan, Iran, and China, Afghan pottery is at risk of extinction. One potter said that in past years, their workshop sold between 5,000 and 10,000 flower vases in spring. This year, they didn't even sell 100 because of plastic flower vases in the market.

Local potters are seeking help from authorities. Another potter with over two decades of experience urged the government to restrict the import of plastic items. He believes that doing so would contribute to the growth of this art and craft. If they don't receive support, one potter seller fears that people who run pottery workshops may be forced to change their professions.

Potters fear that this historical art might soon vanish. Another potter who learned the craft as a child said that they used to create various types of items and sell them. They also held exhibitions for tourists. However, the ancient art of Herat pottery has experienced stagnation for the last two decades.

Afghanistan /æf'gænɪstαːn/ /æf'gænɪstæn/ n)アフガニスタン
proud  /praƱd/ adj)自慢・誇りに思う
create /kri'eɪt/ v)創造する、生み出す
pottery /'pɒtəri/ /'pαːtəri/ n)陶芸
potter /'pɒtə(r)/ /'pαːtər/ n)陶芸職人
method /'meθəd/ n)方法、筋道
generation /,dʒenə'reɪʃn/ n)世代、同時代の人々
influx /’ɪnflʌks/ n)流れ込み、流入、到来、殺到
neighboring adj)近所の
extinction /ɪk'stɪŋkʃn/ n)消失・消滅・廃止
vase /vαːz/ /veɪs/ 花びん
market /'mαːkɪt/ /'mαːrkɪt/ n)市場、食料品店、取引の場
urge /ɜːdʒ/ /ɜːrdʒ/ v)人に~するように要請する
restrict /rɪ'strɪkt/ v)制限する
vanish /'vænɪʃ/ v)消滅する、急に消える
ancient /'eɪnʃənt/ adj)古代の、古くからの、由緒ある
Herat n)ヘラート(アフガニスタンの都市)

Old vs. New
・Afghan potter is at risk of extinction because of cheaper plastic goods. Should the government import fewer plastic products? アフガニスタンに限った話はでない
It's not only like that in Afghanistan. 環境問題 使い捨て The huge environmental problems caused by, for example, single-use plastics. プラスティック減らす It's time to reduce our plastic footprint on a global scale.

・Do you think old, traditional things can exist with modern things(ex. traditional clothing with modern clothing)? ファッションの進化を見てよ Let's have a look at how fashion has evolved!  衣服に限った話では 取って変わる
If we are only talking about clothing, which replaces traditional with modern.  中東 エジプト In the middle-east. ファッションだけでなく気候に応じた衣服 Their clothes are crafted not only for fashion but also according to the climate, as these regions are very hot. 

・Things made through traditional methods are often more expensive than factory-produced products. Why do you think people still buy traditionally made products?
植木鉢の話だが It's about flower vases. 壊れやすい Traditional products break easily, ひとつのいい点は but it's worth using. A good thing about one for plant, 植物によい 土の渇きがよい such as clay pots, which make a great environment for plant that prefers moderate to dry soil.

Traditional Artists
・Many Afghan potters still use the same methods for generations. Do you think they can keep preserving their methods for many more years?

・What traditional art forms does your country have (ex. kimono-making, wagashi/traditional sweets)? Do you think your country did well to preserve old art forms?

・Some traditional art forms are no longer as popular these days. Do you think artists who practice them should consider changing professions?

single-use  adj)使い捨ての
footprint  n)足跡、負荷
evolve   /ɪ'vɒlv/ /ɪ'vαːlv/ v)徐々に発展・進化する
craft  n)職業、工芸、クラフト、船、飛行機 v)巧みに作る
according to ...    ...によれば、...に応じて (第三者による引用)
clay /kleɪ/ n)粘土
pot /pɒt/ /pαːt/ n)容器、なべ、珈琲ポット、びん、壺、植木鉢
moderate   adj)適度の、中くらいの ⇔excessive
art forms   n)芸術形式

feel guilty

After overeating, I feel guilty.


It's hard to say/tell/work out

It's hard to get up in winter.
It's hard to understand.
It's hard to explain.

work out   v)機能する・上手くいく・解決する・ジムで鍛える
workout  n)ジムで鍛える


hasty   /'heɪsti/ adj)急な、迅速な、せっかちな
impatient /ɪm'peɪʃnt/ adj)いらいらして、黙認できない、せっかちな

⇔easy going
⇔laid back

lay /leɪ/ v)横に置く、人の身体を横にする・寝かせる
laid-back  adj)のんきな・のんびりした、リラックスした・レイドバックの


fickle /'fɪkl/ adj)天候が変わりやすい、人が心変わりしやすい
Some women are a bit fickle.

Gain experience in riding a bike this month.

Day Job

An objective. While goals describe what you want to achieve, objectives are the steps taken to reach the goal. For example, "I want to become a confident public speaker" is a goal. "I will work with a coach to practice my public speaking skills by the end of this month" is the objective.


Shabu shabu

鍋・Boiled meet and vegetables
Shabu-Shabu is a type of hot pot dish.
It's boiled meat and vegetables.
It's made by placing thinly sliced meat and vegetables into boiling water.
And served with dipping sauces.
Then dip it in sauce and eat it.

Shabu-shabu used to be a fancy dish, but these days it becomes the food that is easy to eat. I mean it's getting cheaper.

pot /pɒt/ /pαːt/ n)なべ、珈琲ポット、植木鉢
placing /'pleɪsɪŋ/ n)置くこと
dip /dɪp/ v)液体にちょっと浸す・つける
a high-class/quality dish


I'm not typically very Japanese.
Personality-wise you're not very Japanese.
I don't follow the crowd.



If we are only talking about ...

If we are only talking about mask, I'm not typically very Japanese.
typically /'tɪpɪkli/ adv)典型的に

As far as ... goes, ...
When it comes to ... 
In the case of ... 
If we look just at ...


Emotional Health (L5-2-9)

How/what about noun or verb+ing ...?
Why don't you/why not verb(原形) ... ?

set some goals
As a monthly goal is losing 2 kilos.
(short-term goals)   
spend time outdoors
take care of your body
do some stretches
take a vacation
try something new

feel anxious
You can suggest ways to reduce stress
anxious /'æŋkʃəs/ adj)不安に感じて

1. What makes you feel stressed?
せっかち I'm kind of hasty. I feel that somehow When I can't get on the same wavelength with someone, I tend to get to stress out.
2. How do you feel when you have too much work to do?
仕事を断る   I could say, I'm afraid to say I can't accept your offer.
Thanks for your offer, however, we are not in a position to accept because the date you have required doesn't match the availability of our service. Thanks very much again and looking forward to your next offer. 
3. What are some of the bad effects of stress?
食べすぎ I know I shouldn't but I sometimes overeat in the end.
4. Do you agree that stress can cause other illnesses?
We are likely to overeat or overdrink when we get stress. To end up getting sick.

wavelength /'weɪvleŋkθ/ n)波長、個人の物の考え方
somehow adv)どういうわけか・どうも
in the end  結局
availability   /ə,veɪlə'bɪləti/ n)利用できること、有用性

1. Do you know someone who needs to improve his/her emotional health?
mywife 切れやすい
2. Do you think taking a vacation can help improve emotional health?
気分転換が必要だ 機械じゃないので
3. Do you think it's helpful to read books about how to improve emotional health?
4. What other things can you do to improve your emotional health?
Exercise active⇒不安解消

1. Have you ever tried yoga before?
2. Is yoga popular in Japan?
yoga 専用ジム  hot yoga
3. Do you think yoga is a good way to meditate?
4. Why do you think so many people practice yoga?
人生不安 いっぱい  


overeat/eat too much/gorge

gorge /gɔːdʒ/ /gɔːrdʒ/ n)峡谷 v)詰まらせる、食べ物をがつがつと詰め込む

upset stomach/sit(feel) heavy on(in) my stomach

As I am getting older, I have an upset stomach after eating too much.
Because of my age, food sits heavy on my stomach after overeating.

I overate again. When am I gonna be able to control myself.
I tend to eat more than enough.
I tend to overeat mindlessly/unintentionally.

intentionally     adj)意図して・故意に


ride sharing  相乗り
Ride sharing is a great way to cut down on fares expenses and pollution.
fare n)運賃・交通費
expense n)出費 

ride together

share/sharing a car/taxi
Do you want to share a taxi?   We split the fare?
split the fare   タクシー料金を割り勘すること
split /splɪt/    v)裂く、分割する ≠ divide

carpool   /'kαːpuːl/ /'kαːrpuːl/ NAmE; n)相乗り v)相乗りする
★ a group of car owners who take turns to drive everyone in the group to work, so that only one car is used at a time
carpooling   n)相乗り
・We should encourage more people to carpool. 
a carpool buddy   一緒に相乗りする友人
a carpool lane   相乗り専用車線



She made her son clean the room.
My boss made me work overtime.


I have my girlfriend make lunch.
I had my wisdom tooth pulled out last weekend.

get ... to ...

We finally got our client to sign the contract.


My parents won't let me go to the party until I've done my homework.
I'll let you go if you want to leave.


Gain experience in riding a bike this month.


As for seasonings, chopped green onions are preferred.
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.
It has long been a precious condiment.
Set all condiments such as ketchup, green onion, salt, according to service standards.
service standards; サービス基準
Check seasoning and garnish with parsley.
Japanese horseradish and green onion are served as condiments.
Stir in the lemon rind and seasoning such as green onion.
Return to pan with seasoning and a little chopped mint.
Saute garlic and green onion briefly in 3 tablespoons of oil.
Condiments are green onion, mushroom, ham, bacon, chive, olive.
Actually, nothing better than seasoning your meals with freshly ground pepper.
Scatter the green onion and half the ginger on the plate.
Add salt, black pepper and green onion into the bowl.
The green onion has long, crisp, the sweet characteristic.
Adjust the seasoning and add salt, if necessary. 
Heat wok with oil, add ginger, spring onion, and cabbage.