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Afghan Herat potters fear ancient craft may vanish
Afghanistan has a proud history of creating traditional pottery, and potters still use many of the same methods for generations. However, with the influx of cheaper plastic products imported from neighboring countries like Pakistan, Iran, and China, Afghan pottery is at risk of extinction. One potter said that in past years, their workshop sold between 5,000 and 10,000 flower vases in spring. This year, they didn't even sell 100 because of plastic flower vases in the market.
Local potters are seeking help from authorities. Another potter with over two decades of experience urged the government to restrict the import of plastic items. He believes that doing so would contribute to the growth of this art and craft. If they don't receive support, one potter seller fears that people who run pottery workshops may be forced to change their professions.
Potters fear that this historical art might soon vanish. Another potter who learned the craft as a child said that they used to create various types of items and sell them. They also held exhibitions for tourists. However, the ancient art of Herat pottery has experienced stagnation for the last two decades.