

Shabu shabu

鍋・Boiled meet and vegetables
Shabu-Shabu is a type of hot pot dish.
It's boiled meat and vegetables.
It's made by placing thinly sliced meat and vegetables into boiling water.
And served with dipping sauces.
Then dip it in sauce and eat it.

Shabu-shabu used to be a fancy dish, but these days it becomes the food that is easy to eat. I mean it's getting cheaper.

pot /pɒt/ /pαːt/ n)なべ、珈琲ポット、植木鉢
placing /'pleɪsɪŋ/ n)置くこと
dip /dɪp/ v)液体にちょっと浸す・つける
a high-class/quality dish

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