Some 15,000 athletes will get to feast on fresh baguettes, gourmet dishes, and environment-friendly French meals ー but no wine ー when Paris hosts the Summer Olympics next year. The company that will serve 40,000 meals a day at the Olympic Village presented its planned Olympic menu created by some of France's most-renowned chefs. Chef Alexandre Mazzia said his team will bring a "fun, gourmet, and healthy" touch to the Olympians' plates.
French food services company Sodexo was selected to oversee the catering at the athletes' village and other sites of the Paris Games. The company will take the 2024 Olympics as a great opportunity to present French dishes. The restaurant at the Olympics Village, which is meant to be the "biggest restaurant in the world," is expected to seat 3,500 people.
However, the French meal experience at the Paris Olympics has one exception: No wine, or any form of alcohol, will be offered to Olympians in the village, organizers said. Champagne and liquor will only be served during formal events.
feast /fiːst/ v)贅沢に食べる、大いに楽しむ n)祝宴、ごちそう、祭日
feast on 大いに食べる
baguette /bæ'get/ n)バゲット・細長いフランスパン
gourmet /'gƱəmeɪ/ /'gƱrmeɪ/ n)食通・グルメ adj)美食の・質や価格の高い
present v)贈る、発表する
renowned /rɪ'naƱnd/ adj)有名な
catering /'keɪtərɪŋ/ n)仕出し
meant /ment/ mean-meant-meant
exception /ɪk'sepʃn/ n)例外
form /fɔːm/ /fɔːrm/ n)形、類型
champagne /ʃæm'peɪn/ n)シャンパン
liquor /'lɪkə(r)/ /'lɪkər/ n)アルコール飲料・酒
Gourmet Food
①Would you like to eat gourmet food?
美味しい食べ物;tasty food
太りやすい;it's easier to put on/gain weight
年をとると;when I get older
私の年齢では;as my age
②Gourmet food is often more expensive than regularly prepared food. Do you think it’s okay for it to be expensive?
仕方ない;It can't be helped.
③In your opinion, is gourmet food always more delicious than regularly prepared food?
いつも~だ;be always ....
I don't think that gourmet food is always more delicious than regularly prepared food.
Food for Athletes
①What kind of food do you think athletes should eat?
バランスのよい食事;well-balanced diet
They should have well-balanced diet.
炭水化物;carbohydrates (carbs) for stamina (physical endurance)
タンパク質;protein for muscle
②In your opinion, how can the Olympic organizers ensure that the athletes' food is good?
ensure v)確実にする
アンケートを取る;do survey, take a survey
survey v)見渡す、調査する n)見渡すこと、調査
③Imagine that your country will host the Olympics. What food in your country should be served to the athletes?
アレンジする;make adjustments to something, Arranging the parts of the meal will satisfy the customer
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