
Comparing Jobs (L5-3-4)

立派な respected
respected artist/doctor/hospital
highly respected university
most respected in Japan
They say make your parents be proud of you.
Play hard/well, study hard/well and become a good/an excellent adult.

給料のいい well-paid
a well-paid work/job
well-paid industries

ハイテクの high-tech
high-tech industries
high-tech security system
high-tech weapons

礼儀正しい polite
I can't eat cakes politely lol.
I wrote a polite letter.

専門的な professional
successful professionals
a health professional
business professionals
Many young professionals are attracted to the opportunities available in the world's capitals, like New York, Paris, Tokyo, and London.  

話し好き talkative
become talkative
talkative person
less talkative

プログラマー  programmer
mental illness
We need to keep a balance between health and jobs.
In any cases, one of the causes is dealing with computers, not a human.

同じ as ... as   違う not as ... as
Manufacturing in China is not as high-tech as manufacturing in Sweden.
Performers in Thailand look as flashy as in India. 
The airport staff in the US is not as professional as in Japan.
Servers in Canada are as friendly as in the US.

Comparing Jobs
①What are two common jobs in Japan?
文系理系 choose between humanities and science course.
営業マン;a sales staff, a salesman, a sales rep(representative)
 He works in sales. He works in a sales department.
技術者;engineer, technical expert, technician

②What are two busy jobs?
外食業界;One is the food service industry.
介護業界;The other is the elderly care sector.
介護業界;the nursing care industry
nursing   /'nɜːsɪŋ/ /'nɜːrsɪŋ/ noun
the job or skill of caring for people who are sick or injured
・a career in nursing
・nursing care
・the nursing profession
sector /'sektə(r)/ /'sektər/ n)産業などの領域

③What are two jobs that need friendly employees?
接客業service/hospitality industry   ex. hotels, restaurants
work in hospitality, work in customer relations

④What are two fun jobs?

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