
Emotional Health (L5-2-9)

How/what about noun or verb+ing ...?
Why don't you/why not verb(原形) ... ?

set some goals
As a monthly goal is losing 2 kilos.
(short-term goals)   
spend time outdoors
take care of your body
do some stretches
take a vacation
try something new

feel anxious
You can suggest ways to reduce stress
anxious /'æŋkʃəs/ adj)不安に感じて

1. What makes you feel stressed?
せっかち I'm kind of hasty. I feel that somehow When I can't get on the same wavelength with someone, I tend to get to stress out.
2. How do you feel when you have too much work to do?
仕事を断る   I could say, I'm afraid to say I can't accept your offer.
Thanks for your offer, however, we are not in a position to accept because the date you have required doesn't match the availability of our service. Thanks very much again and looking forward to your next offer. 
3. What are some of the bad effects of stress?
食べすぎ I know I shouldn't but I sometimes overeat in the end.
4. Do you agree that stress can cause other illnesses?
We are likely to overeat or overdrink when we get stress. To end up getting sick.

wavelength /'weɪvleŋkθ/ n)波長、個人の物の考え方
somehow adv)どういうわけか・どうも
in the end  結局
availability   /ə,veɪlə'bɪləti/ n)利用できること、有用性

1. Do you know someone who needs to improve his/her emotional health?
mywife 切れやすい
2. Do you think taking a vacation can help improve emotional health?
気分転換が必要だ 機械じゃないので
3. Do you think it's helpful to read books about how to improve emotional health?
4. What other things can you do to improve your emotional health?
Exercise active⇒不安解消

1. Have you ever tried yoga before?
2. Is yoga popular in Japan?
yoga 専用ジム  hot yoga
3. Do you think yoga is a good way to meditate?
4. Why do you think so many people practice yoga?
人生不安 いっぱい  

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