~に~年の経験がある have [number] years' experience in [thing]
I have nearly 30 years' experience in construction.
対人スキルが高い have excellent interpersonal skills
時間管理スキルが高い have good time-management skills
Some people have excellent interpersonal skills.
問題解決能力がある be a problem solver
海外出張を受け入れる be willing to travel overseas
適応力がある be flexible
a person who is administrative position needs to be a problem solver.
advertisement /əd'vɜːtɪsmənt/ /,ædvər'taɪzmənt/ n)広告・宣伝
ad /æd/ n)広告・宣伝
submit /səb'mɪt/ v)(書類等を)提出する
enthusiast /ɪn'θjuːziæst/ /ɪn'θuːziæst/ n)熱心な人、ファン、狂
reliable /rɪ'laɪəbl/ adj)信頼できる
interpersonal /,ɪntə'pɜːsənl/ /,ɪntər'pɜːrsənl/ adj)個人間の、対人関係の
solver /'sɒlvə(r)/ /'sαːlvər/ noun
★ a person who finds an answer to a problem or a difficult situation
permission /pə'mɪʃn/ /pər'mɪʃn/ n)許可、免許
proofread /'pruːfriːd/ v)校正する
financial /faɪ'nænʃl/ /fə'nænʃl/ adj)金融の、財務の
institution /,ɪnstɪ'tjuːʃn/ /,ɪnstɪ'tuːʃn/ n)設立、協会、団体
assist /ə'sɪst/ v)援助する、力を貸す
errand /'erənd/ n)使い走り
administrative /əd'mɪnɪstrətɪv/ /əd'mɪnɪstreɪtɪv/ adj)管理上の、行政上の
attach /ə'tætʃ/ v)くっつける
corporate /'kɔːpərət/ /'kɔːrpərət/ adj)法人の、会社の、企業の
translator /trænz'leɪtə(r)/ /trænz'leɪtər/ n)翻訳家、通訳
resume /rɪ'zjuːm/ /rɪ'zuːm/ n)要約、NAmE;履歴書
marital /'mærɪtl/ adj)夫婦の
status /'steɪtəs/ n)身分、立場、社会的評価、状態
discrimination /dɪ,skrɪmɪ'neɪʃn/ n)区別・識別、差別
document /'dɒkjumənt/ /'dαːkjumənt/ n)書類
contraction /kən'trækʃn/ n)収縮、短縮形
bank /bæŋk/ n)銀行
①Do you read job ads?
(過去は行っていたが現在は行っていない;I used to ...)
(現在に関しては言及しない;I would often ...)
求人情報;job openings
I would often look up part-time-job openings from magazines, not online, when I was a student. Good old days.
古き良き時代(なつかしい);Good old days
②Where do you usually find job ads(ex. newspapers, the Internet)?
雇用あっせん所;employment agency
採用コンサルタント;recruitment consultant
In the big city, recruitment consultants are becoming more and more common nowadays.
On the other hand, in the countryside/rural area, employment agency is still common.
employment /ɪm'plɔɪmənt/ n)雇用、就業
agency /'eɪdʒənsi/ n)代理店・あっせん所、機関・庁・局、仲介
recruitment /rɪ'kruːtmənt/ n)召集・募集・採用
consultant /kən'sʌltənt/ n)コンサルタント、相談役
③What jobs are often advertised in Japan these days?
外食産業;food service industry
人手不足に直面する;faces a shortage of workers
ロボットウエイター;robot waiters
~を補う;make up for
The food service industry faces a shortage of workers.
So robot waiters appear in the restaurants to make up for the labor shortage.
④Have you ever written a job ad?
優秀な人材;talented (human) resources
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