ride sharing 相乗り
Ride sharing is a great way to cut down on fares expenses and pollution.
fare n)運賃・交通費
expense n)出費
ride together
share/sharing a car/taxi
Do you want to share a taxi? We split the fare?
split the fare タクシー料金を割り勘すること
split /splɪt/ v)裂く、分割する ≠ divide
carpool /'kαːpuːl/ /'kαːrpuːl/ NAmE; n)相乗り v)相乗りする
★ a group of car owners who take turns to drive everyone in the group to work, so that only one car is used at a time
carpooling n)相乗り
・We should encourage more people to carpool.
a carpool buddy 一緒に相乗りする友人
a carpool lane 相乗り専用車線
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