
Afghan Herat potters fear ancient craft may vanish

Afghanistan has a proud history of creating traditional pottery, and potters still use many of the same methods for generations. However, with the influx of cheaper plastic products imported from neighboring countries like Pakistan, Iran, and China, Afghan pottery is at risk of extinction. One potter said that in past years, their workshop sold between 5,000 and 10,000 flower vases in spring. This year, they didn't even sell 100 because of plastic flower vases in the market.

Local potters are seeking help from authorities. Another potter with over two decades of experience urged the government to restrict the import of plastic items. He believes that doing so would contribute to the growth of this art and craft. If they don't receive support, one potter seller fears that people who run pottery workshops may be forced to change their professions.

Potters fear that this historical art might soon vanish. Another potter who learned the craft as a child said that they used to create various types of items and sell them. They also held exhibitions for tourists. However, the ancient art of Herat pottery has experienced stagnation for the last two decades.

Afghanistan /æf'gænɪstαːn/ /æf'gænɪstæn/ n)アフガニスタン
proud  /praƱd/ adj)自慢・誇りに思う
create /kri'eɪt/ v)創造する、生み出す
pottery /'pɒtəri/ /'pαːtəri/ n)陶芸
potter /'pɒtə(r)/ /'pαːtər/ n)陶芸職人
method /'meθəd/ n)方法、筋道
generation /,dʒenə'reɪʃn/ n)世代、同時代の人々
influx /’ɪnflʌks/ n)流れ込み、流入、到来、殺到
neighboring adj)近所の
extinction /ɪk'stɪŋkʃn/ n)消失・消滅・廃止
vase /vαːz/ /veɪs/ 花びん
market /'mαːkɪt/ /'mαːrkɪt/ n)市場、食料品店、取引の場
urge /ɜːdʒ/ /ɜːrdʒ/ v)人に~するように要請する
restrict /rɪ'strɪkt/ v)制限する
vanish /'vænɪʃ/ v)消滅する、急に消える
ancient /'eɪnʃənt/ adj)古代の、古くからの、由緒ある
Herat n)ヘラート(アフガニスタンの都市)

Old vs. New
・Afghan potter is at risk of extinction because of cheaper plastic goods. Should the government import fewer plastic products? アフガニスタンに限った話はでない
It's not only like that in Afghanistan. 環境問題 使い捨て The huge environmental problems caused by, for example, single-use plastics. プラスティック減らす It's time to reduce our plastic footprint on a global scale.

・Do you think old, traditional things can exist with modern things(ex. traditional clothing with modern clothing)? ファッションの進化を見てよ Let's have a look at how fashion has evolved!  衣服に限った話では 取って変わる
If we are only talking about clothing, which replaces traditional with modern.  中東 エジプト In the middle-east. ファッションだけでなく気候に応じた衣服 Their clothes are crafted not only for fashion but also according to the climate, as these regions are very hot. 

・Things made through traditional methods are often more expensive than factory-produced products. Why do you think people still buy traditionally made products?
植木鉢の話だが It's about flower vases. 壊れやすい Traditional products break easily, ひとつのいい点は but it's worth using. A good thing about one for plant, 植物によい 土の渇きがよい such as clay pots, which make a great environment for plant that prefers moderate to dry soil.

Traditional Artists
・Many Afghan potters still use the same methods for generations. Do you think they can keep preserving their methods for many more years?

・What traditional art forms does your country have (ex. kimono-making, wagashi/traditional sweets)? Do you think your country did well to preserve old art forms?

・Some traditional art forms are no longer as popular these days. Do you think artists who practice them should consider changing professions?

single-use  adj)使い捨ての
footprint  n)足跡、負荷
evolve   /ɪ'vɒlv/ /ɪ'vαːlv/ v)徐々に発展・進化する
craft  n)職業、工芸、クラフト、船、飛行機 v)巧みに作る
according to ...    ...によれば、...に応じて (第三者による引用)
clay /kleɪ/ n)粘土
pot /pɒt/ /pαːt/ n)容器、なべ、珈琲ポット、びん、壺、植木鉢
moderate   adj)適度の、中くらいの ⇔excessive
art forms   n)芸術形式

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