
Business Trip Itineraries (L5-3-2)

reschedule thing
shorten thing
skip thing
push thing back to time   ~を~時に延期する
have a one-on-one meeting with person
hold a workshop
Sometimes, I have to shorten after-work hours in order to work overtime.

itinerary   /aɪ'tɪnərəri/ n)旅行計画
seminar /'semɪnαː(r)/ /'semɪnαːr/
★ a class at a university or college when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic.
★ a meeting for discussion or training 
You don't even have time for lunch!
Can I take a rain check on thing.   延期する

①Is it important to have a schedule?
効率的 efficiently  仕事計画を進める proceed with the work
I'd like to proceed with work efficiently.

②Do you like doing things according to a schedule?
時間に余裕をもつ take my time 
Yes, I do. but I want to take my time on my schedule.

③Do you make a lot of changes to your schedule?
許されない cannot be allowed  決定後 after the decision
The changes after the decision cannot be allowed in the construction industry.

④What activities do you usually have on your schedule?
顧客との打合せ a meeting with
Having a meeting with my customers and construction workers about the construction on my schedule.

proceed /prə'siːd/ /prəƱ'siːd/ v)(仕事計画を)どんどん進める
(=go ahead)

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