
My Words

raincoat レインコート
hydrate, hydration 水分補給
dehydration, dehydrated 脱水症状
emergency/disaster/survival kit(supplies) 防災用品
tights(base layer)  イツ n)タイツ  
layer イヤー n)層 v)層にする
hotel reservation ホテルの予約
the dress code ドレスコード
to were business casual
I never have cash on me. 現金を持ち歩かない have cash on me
camping equipment キャンプ用品
camping tent キャンピングテント
gadget ジェット n)小物、小さいデバイス
snack おやつ light meal,
nosh ッシュ n)おやつ    treats ご褒美、おやつ
train home 帰宅電車
quantityン テティ  n)量・たくさんの数量
look over
prompt  プンムプト 
statement ステイト メント n)一言、一つの意見、声明 make a official statement
prospective  プロ スク テクティヴ adj)見込みのある prospective candidates
convert コン ヴァ-ト v)...を...に変える convert A to B
deprived ディプ イ ヴド adj)貧しい deprived area
appropriate アプ  ロウプ リ エット adj)適切な  It's appropriate
racket ゥク キット n)ラケット
hatchback ッチ バック n)車種のハッチバック
instrument ン ストル メント n)器具、楽器  musical instrument
saxophone クソ フォーン n)サックス
precaution プリ コ- ション   n)予防措置、用心、警戒
hostage ス ティジ n)人質
threaten ス テン v)脅す
bank teller 銀行窓口・出納係
tie タイ v)結ぶ  tie up 結ぶ、繋ぐ、提携する
deposit ディ ズィット v)置く、積もらせる、預金する
staff スタ-フ n)スタッフ・職員
raid ゥイド v)襲う、侵入する raid the bank
raise ゥイズ  v)上げる raise the alarm
trace トイス n)通った痕跡 v)跡をたどる、探し出す、突き止める
airfield ア フィールド n)飛行場
go off  アラームが鳴る the alarm go off
apparently ア ア レント リー adv)どうやら...らしい

Pull yourself together しっかりして、落ち着いて、気を取りなおして


tedious ティーディアス adj)長ったらしくてあきあきする
tedious work/job, assignment, process, meeting, lecture, etc
The previous meeting is running late.
Sometimes the meetings tend to run late. It's tedious.
assignmentインメント n)割り当て、任務、宿題
process プゥセス n)過程
lecture レクチャー n)講義 v)講義をする

troublesomeブル サム adj)迷惑な・面倒な
Three people including 5-year-old girl presumed to be a family are dead after a Metra commuter train smashed into their vehicle in south Chicago, officials said.
presume プリズーム v)...であると前もって判断する
presumed to be... ...と推測される
dead adj)死んだ、死んでいる
smash into...  ...に激しく突入する
vehicle ヴィ-ァクル n)輸送手段・車両・車


Lumber prices have boomed

How has the pandemic affected your daily life/your job?
How have you/your industry coped with this pandemic?

The dramatic climb in wood price stands out.
Lumber has never been more expensive, more than tripled/3 times their typical price. 

stand out 目立つ、際立つ、抜きんでた

There's going to be ups and downs. 浮き沈みがあります。

The world economy has been going through unprecedented challenges due to the pandemic. 

unprecedented アン プセデンティッド adj)前例のない、かつてない

aside from...

All tings aside, Lumber shortage have a big impact on our industry or rather society.

all things aside  なんといっても

Correct me if I am wrong.

boom ブーム  n)ブーム・急激な増加 v)ブームになる・急激に増加する

A new attraction based on the popular "Demon Slayer" manga series will open on Sept. 17 for a limited time at Universal Studios Japan in Osaka.


Word Banks

load ロ-ウド n)積荷・乗客
bother バァ ザァ- v)人の邪魔をする・悩ませる 
silly リィ adj)愚かな・ばかな  a bit silly
exhibition エクシィション n)展示会、博覧会
sneaker ニーカー n)スニーカー
pity ピディ n)残念  That's a pity
reserve n)ネイティブアメリカン(インディアン)居留地=indian reservation 
野生動物生息(保護)地= wildlife habitats (sanctuary) 
got bitten 蚊に噛まれる  bite-bit bit(bitten) bite かむで  got bitten by mosquitoes
deprived デプイヴト adj)貧しい deprived urban areas
To date, 今までに 
expand イクスンド v)膨らむ・拡大する -expanded-expanded
reunite リ ユイト v)再会させる・再統合する reunite parents with their children
split スプット v)物を裂く・分割する split up by war or natural disasters
inquiry イン クイアリー n)質問する事、取り調べ、事実調査 get more and more inquiries
assist  アスト v)援助する・助ける
acquire アクイアー v)入手する、取得する、獲得する
ask for...   ...を求める
practical プラクティカル adj)実用の、実際の
come around  [回ってくる]訪ねてくる
although 接)もっとも...たけど
convince コンヴィンス v)納得させる
bracelet ブイスリット n)腕輪・ブレイスリット
as if...  まるで...かのように
temperamental テンパラ ンタル adj)気むずかしい、気まぐれな
far/way too...  あまりに...すぎる
raincoat レインコート
hydrate, hydration 水分補給
dehydration, dehydrated 脱水症状
emergency/disaster/survival kit(supplies) 防災用品
tights(base layer)  イツ n)タイツ  
layer イヤー n)層 v)層にする
hotel reservation ホテルの予約


Not too bad, can't complain. Just give you a bit of my background. I'm Kazu. I was born and raised in this neighborhood/Tokyo. There are five people in my family in the place called Yokohama that is the suburb of Tokyo. Now I live away form them in order to caring my frail mother. It can be tough going sometimes. I know we must to be kind to elderly/senior citizen, but once in a while I'm easily upset to her. In that case, I always think that I shouldn't have done that. Yeah, actually she is a kind of mild dementia...Anyway..

Just give you a bit of my background. My name is Kazu. I was born and raised in this neighborhood of Tokyo that is so huge. As I grew up, it felt like, everything is small, cramped and stiff everywhere, everything. Then I thought the suburb became so attractive, fresh air, more space, lush greenery, peaceful and quiet, thing like that. 
I enjoy being a dad of three young children. 5 people in my family in Yokohama. But now away from them as caring my mother.
I make a living off/out of construction. I'm an old hand at building a house.
The things I like doing are connecting with outdoors through the sports such as trail running, wild swimming and other life adventures. It can bring mental as well as physical health benefits.
Also I enjoy studying English. More or less, it's been nearly 40 years since junior high. But even now, I get by on a seven-year-old's vocabulary of English. 

stiffティッフ adj)堅い、堅苦しい、精神的に窮屈な

Outdoor Activities
Long story short. I like connecting with the outdoors through the sports such as trail running, wild swimming(it's called open water swimming) and other life adventures. Then I enjoy the spiritual journey of race events. but over the past a year, you know, most of races have been canceled. i feel, now, my body is getting old...anyway, it can bring mental as well as physical health benefits. We call it green and blue therapy. That's (about) it!
Swimming, which means floating on the water, helps me relax from bipedal walking all day long.
It made me a healthier, happier person.

bipedal バイピ-ドル バイダル= biped イペッド adj)二足の

"forest bathing" is NOT English                  
trail runner

outdoor ウトドアー adj)野外の
outdoors アウトアーズ n)野外 adv)野外へ
physical フィジカル adj)身体の・肉体の
spiritualリチュアル adj)精神の・魂の
mental メンタル adj)心の・精神の⇔physical
therapy セラピー n)治療 複)therapies

My Job
Long story short. I'm an old hand at building a house. My father was a carpenter. So I ended up working as a contractor of housing. I believe it's essential that we work away.

I reckon English is hands down the best global language, learn about different culture, date more people, and exercise my brain.

Japan’s population including foreign residents fell 0.7 percent from 2015 to 126,226,568, dropping out of the world’s top 10 in size for the first time.
include インクルードゥ v)含める
Foreign residents 外国人居住者

Kumi Yokoyama Praised for coming out by US president Joe Biden

US president Joe Biden has praised Kumi Yokoyama, a forward for the Japan women’s football team, for their courage in coming out as members of the LGBTQ+community.
Meanwhile Washington Spirit forward Yokoyama came out as a transgender man this week.
Biden said they were inspiring “countless kids” and he was “so proud“.
Yokoyama, who was speaking to their former team-mate in a Youtube interview, said: “In the future, I want to quit soccer and live as a man.”
The 27-year-old, who joined the National Women’s Super League club in 2019, said team-mates and friends in the US are more open to gender and sexual diversity than in their home country.
Japan does not have any national legislation protecting LGBTQ+people from discrimination.
Transgender people in the country must have their reproductive organs removed to have their gender recognized by human rights groups.
“I would not have come out in Japan,” said Yokoyama who uses they/their pronouns, before thanking their team-mates, friends and girlfriend For their support and courage.

Great Barrier Reef should be listed as ‘In danger’

Australia’s government has lashed out after a United Nations report claimed it had not done enough to protect the Great Barrier Reef from climate change.
UN body UNESCO said the reef should be put on a list of World Heritage Sites that are ‘in danger’ due to the damage it has suffered.
lash ラッシュ v)激しく打つ lash out 激しく非難する
reef -フ n)礁・浅瀬礁
suffer サファー v)被害を受ける・苦しむ


Koala habitat was destroyed

Recent fire season was long and proved disastrous for koalas. Land clearing for agriculture, urban development, mining and forestry are threatening the koalas' survival.
mining  イニングn)鉱業
forestry フォ-レストリー n)林業
threaten ステン v)おびやかす
land clearing  開墾

Great white shark 頬白鮫 Man eater shark

the great  White  is one the most feared sharks in the ocean. it's the largest predatory fish on the earth, and can grow bigger than 20 feet. The Great White commonly only attacks  Humans, but most attacks are not fatal.

Sand tiger shark シロワニ

The sand tiger Shark is second only to the Great White when it comes to human attacks, Their serrated Teeth can cut through anything, and they eat pretty much anything from seals to Birds to Old tires.

second only to...  ...に次いで2番目
when it comes to...  ...について言えば

We need to finish one project by end of this month.
We need to have one project finished by end of this month.

I need to have my hair cut.  cutはpp 床屋で切る
cut my hair は自分で切るニュアンスがある
Where do you go for your haircut ?
I usually just get one of those $10 haircuts.


How does it work? 
What’s the ....... and how does it work? 
I need help right now.
Anything would be fine to me but seafood paella.
 I don't feel like cooking today.
Yeah but sometimes I don’t feel like running.

 this app lets you choose from any restaurant in the area .
I hope dad will let us stay up late tonight.
You can't open the jar? let me try
 let me know if you need help.
 let me know if Friday works for you 
I'll let you know as soon as I get any news
 my brother won't let anyone else drive his new car .


Parts of Sydney go into lockdown as Delta COVID-19 variant outbreak grows

SYDNEY- Downtown Sydney and the city's eastern suburbs, which include Bondi Beach, will go into a one week lockdown from midnight Friday as authorities struggle to contain a spike in the highly contagious Delta COVID-19 virus variant in the city. 
struggle ストグル v)もがく、取り組む、争う、奮闘する、苦労して進む
variant adj)異なる、別の

Miami building collapse leave 99 people unaccounted for

At least one person has died and dozens are missing after the collapse of a 12-storey residential building north of Miami, Florida, officials say.

account アウント v)...の原因を説明する、(受身で)[人・物]の無事・所在を確認する+for n)評価、帳簿、収支報告書
collapseラップス v)(構造物が)崩壊する n)崩壊・倒壊

Across.../last remaining

Across Hong Kong, people lined up early Thursday to buy the last print edition of the last remaining pro-democracy newspaper.
across...  ...の各地で
line up   並ぶ
last remaining 最後まで残っていた


I'm assuming that...

It's weird. I'm assuming that this has to do something with crime. 
assume アッス-ム   アッス-ミング v)思う、仮定・推定する

I'm assuming he has a side job. 彼はバイトしているんですよね?
He can't make a living off of just You Tube. ...だけでは生計立てられないでしょう。
make a living off of...  ...で生計を立てる

1) I’m assuming _____(〜ですよね?)

I’m assuming he has a side job. He can’t make a living off of just YouTube.(彼はアルバイトをしているんですよね?YouTubeだけでは生計を立てられないでしょう。)
It’s a holiday today. I’m assuming they’re closed.(今日は祝日なので、多分あの店は閉まっていると思う。)
In this day and age, I’m assuming most high school kids have smartphones.(現代では、ほとんどの高校生がスマートフォンを持っているでしょう。)
2)Think of it like _____(〜のように考える)
「Think of it like _____」は、何かを説明している時に、聞き手がイメージしやすいように「〜のように考えてごらん」や「こんな風に思ってみたら」といった意味合いとして使われます。今日の会話でエディーさんが「Think of it like an essay.」と言いましたが、ここでは「(ビジネスメールは)作文を書いているように捉えてごらん」を意味します。
◎「Think of it like this」または「Think of it this way」は「こういう風に考えてみたら」を意味するお決まりフレーズです。
Think of learning English like running a marathon. It’s extremely challenging but worth it.
Think of surfing like riding a bicycle. You’ll fall a couple times but once you get the hang of it, you’ll never forget it.
Think of it this way. It might be expensive but it will last for a long time.
3) Take a day off(一日休みを取る)
“Day off”は「休暇」を意味し、仕事を1日だけ休む場合は「Take a day off」、数日間の場合は「Take a couple days off」と表現します。また、具体的な曜日や日付を示す場合は、「Take Monday off」のように“take” と“off”の間に休む日を入れます。
◎ 因に“Take time off”という言い方もありますが、この表現は育児休暇やハネムーン、家庭の事情などの理由で、仕事や学校を長期間休む場合に使われます。
I was wondering if I could take the day off tomorrow.
I took Friday off so I have a three-day weekend this week.
I decided to take some time off from work to spend more time with my family.
4) Time away(〜から離れる)
“Time away”は一時的に何かから離れることを意味します。また、離れることにより、そのことをしばらく忘れるニュアンスも含まれます。基本的に「Time away from _____」と表し、空欄に人や場所、出来事など離れる対象を入れて表現します。
You need some time away from work. Take a vacation and go on a trip.
Sometimes it’s nice to spend time away from our kids.
I think you need time away from him.
5) Wrap up(切り上げる・完成させる)
“Wrap up”は仕事やミーティングなどを切り上げることを意味する口語的な表現です。また、プロジェクトなどを完成させたり、仕上げたりする意味合いもあります。基本的に動詞として用いられますが、今日の会話では「締めくくり」を意味する名詞として使われています。
Let’s wrap it up and go home.
Let’s wrap up this meeting.
We wrapped up the project last night. It feels good to be done.

Bill Gates says no beef for rich countries

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates recently suggested that rich countries should eat only synthetic or plant-based meat. Synthetic meat is grown in a lab from animal cells, while plant-based meat is created from plant and other non-animal ingredients. Gates added that the world's 80 poorest countries should still eat real meat.

In Gates' new book, he says that it's impossible to completely get rid of the greenhouse gases that come from cows and the fertilizers used for grass that they eat. In the US, 10% of the total greenhouse gases come from farming. To lessen them, Gates believes that countries should switch to eating only synthetic or plant-based meat.

According to Gates, the taste of synthetic and plant-based meat is different from real meat, but manufactures are trying to improve it. Some plant-based meat companies have also made their products more affordable and easily available. Impossible Foods now offers a set of two burger patties for $5.49(about \600) and a 340-gram pack of ground beef for $6.99(about \765). A similar company, Beyond Meat, has partnered with Walmart to sell its products in more than 2,400 stores. 

founder ファウンダー n)創設者
synthetic  シン スセ ティック  adj)合成の・人工の 
lab ラァブ n)研究室・実験室
a cell   セル  n)細胞
ingredient イングリ-ディエント n)料理の材料、混合物の成分


We're planning a weekend getaway to the mountains.
We had four days at our mountain getaway.
a two-week getaway in the Bahamas
seaside getaway
Teamwork and interpersonal skills   interpersonal 対人
planning and research skills
effective leadership and management
I have experience managing and leading a large team.
introvert 内気な、内向的な
extrovert 外向的な
personality 性格
talkative 話好きな、おしゃべりな

hold off/worth it

hold off  延期する・先送りする wait to do something
I'm just calling to check that you're still coming to fix my roof tomorrow.
  That's the plan. As long as the rain holds off.
That's why I called. I just saw on the news that there's a chance we'll get some rain. Is it worth me taking the day off work if you might not be able to come?
Well, it's up to you, of course, but the chances of it staying fine are pretty good.
  Okay. Thanks.

worth -ス adj)価値がある、値打がある
worth it   ...の価値がある、...の甲斐がある、...損はしない


What's the official animal of Japan?
We don't have any national animal officially but I recon that Japanese national animal is a monkey. You can see macaques in national parks nationwide. They like to take outdoor baths in Japan's colder regions.

macaque  マカーク n)a type of monkey that lives in Africa and Asia 


I heard female moose is provocative to male. Is that right? The animal that represents/symbolizes Canada is the moose, right? How about human? Canadian woman is provocative??

Female moose does things to get male's attention by animal sound/noise.

moose ム-ス      n)ムース・ヘラジカ
beaver  ビーヴァー n)ビーバー
Canadian horse  カナディアンホース
represent レペル ント v)代わりになる・象徴する
symbolize ンボライズ  v)象徴する
provocative プロヴォケティヴ adj)(人を)挑発的な(憤慨・性的共)
attentionンション n)注意、気、関心、好意
national animal  国獣

no chance/a slim chance/a chance/a good chance

good adj)十分な[限定]

no chance(0%)
It looks like no chance of going out tonight.
There's no chance I'll watch the games in person.
It looks like there's no chance we'll get clear skies before Friday.

a slim chance(25%)

a chance(50%)

a good chance(75%)

light cloud/rain/snow/wind
heavy cloud/rain/snow
strong wind/gale
torrential rain
thick fog

torrential  トンシャル adj)土砂降りの
Giant panda Shin Shin gave birth to two cubs early on the morning of June 23 at Ueno zoo in Tokyo for first time in 4 years. The cubs' genders are yet known.
give birth 出産する
cub 幼獣、子
early on the morning 早朝
be yet known

I've been ...ing

I've been going hiking. 最近ハイキングしている。
I've been playing tennis. 最近テニスしている。


Let me know

Let me know something about your hometown. 


My eyes aged.
Japan's top court says forcing couples to share surname is constitutional.
I thought she was eligible.
Did you hear about the athlete who is transgender. She competes in weightlifting taking advantage of men's physical strength. 
It's fair to say that English is hands down the best global language.
I reckon English is the world's favorite language. 
It's no longer always mandatory to wear masks outdoors.
It's about time to ease restriction. リスリクション
Can I take a look?
A British medical journal has called for a global conversation about what to do with the Tokyo Olympics set to open next month amid the coronavirus pandemic.
It's impossible to hold the games given the development of the pandemic.
It can't be 100% safe despite government wants us make believe.
IOC and Japanese government are only thinking about the financial profits and they don't care if people die. It's complete opposite of the Olympic sprit.
The humidity can cause molding. モーディング
The only good thing about COVID-19 is that air pollution has gone down worldwide.
I'm not much of a runner/swimmer.
I came for a visit.
Yeah, those are the big one.
I get by on a seven-year-old's vocabulary of English.
from miles around.

Conversation Nudges

What's that like?  それどんな感じ?
What's he like?
What's LA like?
What is it like to work there?

Tokyo Olympics organizers plan to allow alcoholic beverages to be sold to spectators at competition venues during the global sports event.
organizer 主催者
plan to.. ...を計画する
alcoholic アルコールの


hydrangea clusters/enraptured with

Visitors are enraptured with heart-shaped hydrangea clusters at a temple in this Kyoto Prefecture city, as the blooms are said to make love wishes come true.
visitor n)a person who visits a person or place  The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year.
enraptured インプチャード adj)formal夢中になっている・うっとりとした enjoying something so much that you can think of nothing else 
heart-shaped adj)ハート型の
hydrangea ハイドインジャ n)アジサイ
cluster スター n)房、集団、連続的な出来事 v)房をなす、かたまりにする、集中する
bloom ブル-ム n)花、開花 v)咲く、開花する、栄える
make love wishes

Transgender weightlifter selected for Tokyo Olympics

Laurel Hubbard will become the first transgender athlete to compete at an Olympics after being selected for the New Zealand women's team at Tokyo 2020.

Hubbard, 43, competed in men's events before transitioning in 2013.

She has been eligible to compete in the Olympics as a transgender athlete since 2015, when the International Olympic Committee changed its guidelines. 

Hubbard was able to secure a place for Tokyo after weightlifting's governing body modified qualifying requirements. 

NZ selects transgender athlete
NZ selects transgender athlete

transgender トランズジェンダー adj) describing or relating to people whose sense of gender identity does not match their biological sex or does not easily fit in with the usual division between male and female
athlete  ア スリート  n)a person who competes in sports
compete  コンピートッ v)to take part in a contest or game, to try to be more successful or better than somebody else who is trying to do the same as you
select ックトゥ v)to choose somebody/something,
transition トランジィション n)the process of changing from one state to another
eligible  リジブル adj)(人が)適格な a person who is eligible for something, is able to have it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc
committee ティー n)a group of people who are chosen, usually by a larger group, to male decisions or to deal with a particular subject
guideline ガイドライン n)a set of rules or instructions that are given by an official organization telling you how to do something, especially something difficult
secure キュ  v)守る、確実にする adj)安全な、確実な 
governing ガヴァニングadj)支配する、管理する
modify デファイ v)よくするために部分修正する
qualifyリファイ クラファイ v)資格を与える、出場資格を与える
requirement リクイアメント n)要求されること、必要条件、


cramped 窮屈(物理的)  
uncomfortable より感情的に居心地の悪さを表現 

serious ⇔ comical
comical コ ミカル  adj)こっけいな・おかしい
I love comical actors.

Pecan Pie(Southern) 
pecan ピカーン n)クルミの高木 南部テネシー州で有名なピカーンパイ 

Piet Mondrian

Dutch painter, He is known for being one of the pioneers of 20th-century abstract art.
pioneer パイオニーァ n)先駆者・開拓者・草分け
abstract ブストラークト adj)抽象的な・抽象芸術の  n)抽象・抽象芸術

Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike said that all live public viewing events during this summer's Olympics and Paralympics in the Japanese capital will be canceled.
public viewing 街頭で大型スクリーンで観戦するイベント

It's fair to say that ...   ...と言ってもいいだろう(過言ではない)
It's fair to say sushi is enjoyed around the world.
It's fair to say that a lot of governments are losing control of the counterinsurgency.
counterinsurgency カウンター インサージェンシー n)対ゲリラ戦
It's fair to say English is the world's favorite language. 



What's your favorite sushi topping?

topping トッピング n)すしネタ
squid  スクウィッド n)イカ
sea urchin シィ- アゥーチン n)ウニ
pickled ginger クルド ンジャー n)がり =sour taste
sour ウアー adj)すっぱい・酸味のある

Laptop Shipments Hit Record High

Laptop shipments in Japan hit a record high in 2020.
Computer sales soared as the COVID-19 pandemic gave rise to widespread telecommuting.

shipment シップメント n)出荷・出荷量


be an old hand at...

be an old hand at=be very skilled and experienced
He is an old hand at that work/this. 彼はあの仕事/これについてはベテランである.
She is an old hand at training dogs.

Do you have any pets?
Yeah, I have/keep beetles and earthworms in plastic cages.
He's also an old hand at breeding Japanese rice fish. 
It needs to control air ventilation. 

a plastic cage
air vent
Japanese rice fish
Japanese Killifish
air vent 
ventilation 建物内の換気
air circulation 空気の循環
get fresh air 外からの新鮮な空気
Let(get) air out the room/Let(get) fresh air in 空気を入れ替えよう

end up

How did you end up in Japan? どうして日本に落ち着いたの?
I have two cats now. How did you end up with them? どうして飼うことになったの?
He ended up in hospital.

My father was a carpenter. So I ended up working as a contractor of housing.
I ended up spending the night at the airport.


"Nikujaga", not "Ninja"

What's your favorite home cooked meal?
Meat and potato stew. We call it "Nikujaga", not "Ninja".
You know what, surprisingly it's originally from England. 
Long story short, This is a story from about 100 years ago.
A guy came back to Japan, studying from England.
He couldn't forget the taste of beef stew.
So, he tried cooking it using Japanese seasoning such as soy sauce,
and then, Nikujyaga was invented.
It's one of the many theories, but it's such a surprising story.

stew スティウー v)シチューにする n)シチュー
You know what あのね、でね、会話始めのちょっとした言葉
long story short = make a long story short 手短に言えば、、
seasoning シーゼニング n)調味料・味付け
soy ォィ n)醤油、大豆(=soybean)
sauce ソーゥス n)ソース
soy sauce  醤油
invent インヴェント v)生み出す・創作する・考案する・発明する
theory スィオリー n)理論・原理・学説・見解
France on Wednesday eased several COVID-19 restrictions, with authorities saying it's no longer always mandatory to wear masks outdoors.
ease v)緩める・軽減する
restriction リス トクション n)規制・制限
authority ソリティー n)権限を持つ機関・当局・官庁
mandatory ンダトリー adj)義務的な・強制的な
ease restrictions


Where are you off to?

I'm off to the mall. モールに行きます。
Where are you off to? どこにいくの?(Where are you goin? は直接的すぎ)
Are you going by ride share today?
Are you going by taxi or by ride share? タクシーそれともライドシェアで行くの?
I'm going by ride share.
The ride share pick up area is that way.
Just curious, what's the name of the ride-share app that you are using?
That's a good one.
How many minutes until your driver arrives?
What information do you see about the car or the driver?
It says, you can text the driver. テキスト送れるドライバーに。
Take a look. ちょっと見る
What color is the car?
What does the driver look like?
What's the driver's name?
For security, license plate, too.
The driver picks up passenger here, right?
It's coming soon.
I'm just asking for security, who are you picking up?
I'm off to bed!




away=continuously 連続して・動きを繰り返す
I believe it's essential that we work away.
I wanna sleep the whole day away.


under 真下・隠れている場合
The cat is under the table.
My boyfriend was wearing a red shirt under his jacket.

There are under ten boys in this class. 10人より少ない少年がこのクラスにいる
Kids 6 and under are free. 6才以下の子供は無料です

below   真下に無い場合
The sun disappeared below the horizon.
My girlfriend lives in an apartment below me.

The temperature was six degrees below zero yesterday. 昨日の気温は零下6℃でした。
From here, you can see the church below. ここから下方に教会が見えます。

beneath ビニース 《フォーマル》=under/below
underneath アンダーニース《カジュアル》=under

Mt. Fuji

Do you know who Mt. Fuji belong to?
Who does Mt. Fuji belongs to? 
(From) 3,360 meters and above/over is the private land of a shrine named Fuji-san Hongu Sengen Taisya.
above p)...より上に adv)上に
From....and above  ...から上は

I'd say it's enhancing my character. 
enhance  エン ンス v)高める・強める《価値・質・能力》

I reckon English is hands down the best 
He won the game hands down.
It's hands down the best pizza place in this town. 
He is hands down one of the greatest minds in animation.

reckon コン v)...だと思う《英カジュアル》

Have a lovely afternoon!
Have a good night!


non-essential lights 不必要な電気

My Own business

I have/manage my own business.

I'm self employed. 自営業者

China said that there was no radiation leak at the nuclear power station and it had not raised acceptable limits for radiation levels around the plant.

radiation n)放射線

leak v)漏れる n)漏れ

nuclear adj)原子力の・核の

nuclear power station 原子力発電所

raise v)上げる

acceptable アクプタブル adj)許容できる・容認できる

limit n)限度

level n)レベル

plant n)植物、工場

Turkmenistan celebrates new hoilday for national dog, June 15, 2021

Turkmenistan has a new holiday dedicated to its national dog breed, the Alabai. The Alabai is one of the world's largest dogs. It can weigh up to 80 kilograms and is known locally as the "wolf-crusher." Many people depend on Alabais to guard their homes and other animals. 

To celebrate the new holiday, a contest was held to find the best Alabai, and the winners received a medal and a car. Participants wore traditional Turkmen clothes and walked their dogs in a parade. The new holiday was celebrated on the same day as a festival for the Akhal-Teke horse breed. which is known for its elegant appearance and shiny coat. Dogs and horses are sources of national pride in Turkmenistan.

Turkmenistan タークニスタン n)トルクメニスタン
dedicated ディケイテット adj)捧げられた、特化した
breed ブリードゥ n)品種、血統
Alabai アラバイ犬
weigh ウェィ v)重さを量る weigh up to...  重さが...に達する
locally ロウカリー adv)地方で、地元で
wolf ヴルフ n)オオカミ 
crusher クゥラッツャ- n)破砕機・痛烈なパンチ・クラッシャー
guard ガーゥァド v)見張る、ガードする
wore ウォァー wear-wore-worn
shiny シャイニィ- adj)光り輝く
coat コ-ウト n)コート(スーツの上着)、動物の毛・皮


What if...?

What if ...? =What would happen if...?

現在形:可能性が高い 過去形:可能性が低い・婉曲(遠まわし)  過去完了:過去の出来事

①提案 仮にどうでしょう? もし~だとしたらどうでしょう? =How about...?

What if I lend you the money? 私がお金を貸すのはどうでしょう?

What if you move the chair a little bit?

What if you go abroad to study instead of enrolling into a Japanese university?

What if you could live forever?

What if we proposed he move to the western edge?

Instead of celebrating Xmas this year, what if took the kids on an overseas holiday?

I don't think I'll be able to make tomorrow's meeting on time.

What if we ask to make it 10 AM instead of 9 AM?

Yes, that would work for me.

Ok. I will call them and see if they can shift the meeting to 10 AM.

make it  成功する、間に合う、都合がつく、乗り越える

see if...   ...かどうか確かめる

②不安 ...したらどうなるだろうか? 問いかけ

What if it rains? 

What if we miss the last train?

What if I didn't pass the final exam?

What if lose my job? What shall we do then?

But what if you make it? でも成功したらどうなる?

What if we skip the class today? Would we fail this class?

What if it rains this weekend? We won't be able to go camping.

What if you had slipped? You would've fallen off the cliff and died.

What if we had missed our fright? We didn't have travel insurance. We would have been in real trouble then.

International Olympic Committee Vice President John Coates arrived in Japan along with other senior officials to coordinate preparations.

committee ティ n)委員会

Vice President 副会長・副社長・副大統領

senior シーニア adj)上位の

coordinate コウオーディネイト v)調整・連帯する

preparation プリパイション ペパレイション n)準備

The final stage of easing lockdown restrictions in England is to be delayed until 19 July. 

All areas of Scotland are due to move to Level Zero Covid restrictions on 28 June- meaning bigger groups can gather in cafes, pubs and restaurants, although they will still have to observe social distancing. 

Limits on indoor gatherings in Northern Ireland are scheduled to be relaxed on 21 June and the rules in Wales will be reviewed on 25 June.


A British medical journal has called for a "global conversation" about what to do with the Tokyo Olympics set to open next month amid the coronavirus pandemic.

call for...  声をあげて...を求める・呼びかける

do with...  ...をどうする(扱いがわからないときに使う)

what to do with... ...をどうしたらいいのか

amidッド p)...に囲まれて・...の真っ最中に

the G7 summit venue, Cornwall

venue ヴェニュー n)開催地・会場、候補地

Tokyo Olympic Games

Public opinion and health experts think that it is "impossible" to hold the Games given the development of the pandemic

given... ...を考慮すると《前置詞的・接続詞的分詞構文》

Nearly 70% of the population do not want the Olympics to go ahead.

The last time Japan hosted a Summer Olympics was in 1964 and at that time, they were seen as an important symbol for the country's rehabilitation and rebuilding process after World War Two.

For the Tokyo2020/21 Games, there's again a symbolic significance. "Japan has seen economic stagnation for a long time, there has been the tsunami and the nuclear disaster of Fukushima, so the Games would been as symbolic of a revival of Japan. It does take a special importance in that sense.

significance シグフィカンス n)意味・意義・趣旨

significant シグフィカント  adj)大きな意味を持つ・重要な

It can't be 100% safe despite Government wants us make believe! 

make believe 見せかける=使役動詞make+(人)+動詞の原形

IOC and Japanese government are only thinking about the financial profits and they don't care if people die. It's the complete opposite of the Olympic sprit.

financial フィンシャル ファインシャル adj)金銭上の・財務上の

profit プフィット n)利益

If our children are having to give up their sporting events, why can the Olympics go ahead is my simple question.

have 使役(当然の事)・make 使役(強制的)


Bizarre Sushi from Overseas

As you know, sushi is a very famous Japanese dish and it's enjoyed around the world.
It's fair to say it's one of the most popular Japanese cuisine.
As it gets more and more popular outside Japan, it has evolved to something that we, Japanese, are not familiar with.
Take California roll for example.
A California roll is a sushi roll that is usually rolled inside-out, and contains cucumber, crab or imitation crab, and avocado.
There is also a thing called Philadelphia roll, which is generally made with smoked salmon, cream cheese, and cucumber.
There are quite different from the authentic sushi we know, but they are actually fairly popular there days.
You might want to check them out.
They should be worth a try.

bizarre ビーァ adj)奇妙な・奇抜な
evolveヴォル v)進化する・発展する
fairly フェアリー adv)公平に、まあまあ、かなり

Are there some things you don't like? 気に入らないこともあるでしょ?

Rainy Season in Japan, JUNE 2021

Wow! it's raining buckets today. I'm glad I wore my rain boots.

Yeah, the rainy season has come earlier/later than usual this year.

It's so wet and humid in Japan this time of year.

If we're not careful, the humidity can cause molding.

I try to ventilate my apartment as much as possible. The dehumidifier setting on the air conditioner also helps.

Good idea! I bought some cooling spray to prepare for the upcoming summer.

Oh! Cooling spray sounds like a great idea, too! I'm gonna pick some up.

bucket n)バケツ、多量の雨


humid ヒュ-ミッド adj)湿った

humidity ヒューディティ n)湿度・湿気

mold ウルド n)カビ v)カビさせる

ventilate ヴェンテレイト v)換気する

humidifier ヒューディファイアー n)加湿器 dehumidifier

upcoming アップカミング adj)やって来る・近づく・今度の



I did something+形容詞

I heard something+形容詞

Japan under-24 claimed a comprehensive 4-0 win over Jamaica's senior side on Saturday, the final game for the Tokyo Olympic hopefuls.

claim v)主張する、獲得する

comprehensive adj)包括的な、総合的な

win over 勝つ・勝利する

hopeful n)見込みがある者 adj)見込みがある


There is far too much noiseありますものすごい騒音ノイズ

There is hardly any natural sceneryありません全く自然の景色が

How’s learning English going?

Studying  English can be exciting

It’s great chance to experience

Pull yourself togetherしっかりして 自分を取り戻して together adj)しっかりした、冷静に

what do you remember the most about Kyoto?

The floor is yours あなたが話す版ですどうぞ話をしてください floor場

Nature is great for a weekend getaway.     weekend getaway 週末のお出かけ


Ohtani's 17th homer of the season was a 470-foot shot deep into the outfield bleachers off Kansas City starter Kris Bubic.

homer ウマー n)=home run

foot フット n)足、フィート  複数形は feet

outfield アウトフィールド(野球)外野

bleachers  ブリーチャーズ n)屋根のない観覧席⦅米⦆

starterターターァ n)開始させる人、先発者

A three-story dilapidated building collapsed following heavy monsoon rains in the western Indian city of Mumbai, killing at least 11 people.

three-story 3階建の

dilapidated   ディ ピデイティッド adj)壊れかけた

collapseップス  v)崩れる・崩壊する

follow あとに続く、下記による


advantages and disadvantages

利点と欠点 メリットとデメリット 長所と短所

The only/one good thing about COVID-19 is that air contamination has gone down worldwide.

Air pollution has gone down worldwide because of COVID-19 lockdowns.

A good thing about,,,

What's good/not good about...

pollution 汚染・公害 contamination 汚染・異物混入

air pollution/marine pollution/environmental pollution

radioactive contamination/contaminated water/be contaminated with...

Working from home has both advantages and disadvantages.

An Abandoned Dog

He was abandoned. He seems despondent but he just needs a little TLC.

abandoned  アンダント adj)見捨てられた・放棄された

野良犬 wild/stray/homeless/feral dog

迷子犬 lost dog

ペット pet dog

捨て犬 abandoned dog

despondent ディスンデント adj)落胆した・気落ちした

TLC n)優しさ tender loving care

tender adj)優しい

Want a treat? (Do you want a treat?) いいものあげようか?

He's Perking up! 元気がでてきたぞ!

He's actually very mild-mannered.

My daughter has been begging us for a dog.

You can't go wrong with him. 彼なら間違いなしです。 

Sometimes she comes in for a visit. 時々(家の中へ)遊びにくるんだ。 come in には「何かが住まいに入ってくる」イメージがある。勝手に入らないのであれば come for a visit と in を使わないほうがよい I come for a visit every other week.

TO tell the truth, I'm not much of a runner/swimmer. 大して上手くないんです。

It's as good as any.  他のとひけをとらない(他のと同じだ)


Alexander Zverev has reached his third French Open quarterfinal by eliminating Kei Nishikori 6-4, 6-1, 6-1.

eliminate  イミネイト v)排除・除外する、敵を抹殺する・敗退させる

Apple kicked off its second annual all-virtual developer conference with a keynote that outlined new updates to its software for iPhones and other devices.

kick off (会議などが)始まる・始める

second annual  年2回の

developer ディヴェロッパー n)開発者

keynote キーノート n)基本方針・要旨 

outline ウトライン n)略図・概要

update ップデイト n)最新情報 アップイト v)最新のものにする


母音《ア》 α・æ・ʌ・ə

α ア-(縦口)

縦に大きく口を開けて(指が縦に2本入るくらい)喉の奥から発声する 舌は下に下がって落ち着いている状態

hot[hαt] lot[lαt]   stop[stαp]

æ ア-(横口)


half[hæf]   cat[kæt]   family[’fæməli]

ʌ ア  (半口)


cut[cʌt]  much[mʌtʃ]  come[kʌm]

ə   アウ  (抜口)

口の力を抜いて、口を半開きにした状態で発声する 「ア」と「ウ」の中間くらいの音

ago[ə'goʊ]   famous['feɪməs] status['stætəs]

What type of guys/girls do you like?

What type of guys do you like?

tall  背が高い

built がっちりしている

athletic 体育会系

muscular 筋肉質

tan guys 日焼けした男性

crazy 変わっている人

spontaneous スポンニアス  adj)自発的な、自然な

ambitious アンシャス  adj)野心的な、意欲的な

passionate 情熱的な

Yeah, those are the big ones. そういうのが大事です。

Somebody who's content 充実している人

content ンテント n)中身・内容・記事・コンテンツ コンント adj)満足している、充実している

Somebody who has a lot of character いろんな個性がある人

Somebody who has funny おもしろい人

I like guys with dark hair, dark eyes 黒髪の男性

I don't really have a favorite type. 好きなタイプはあまり無いですね

Somebody that's nice.

Hot guys セクシーな人

outgoing 社交的な

dark 色黒

handsome ハンサム

Kinda dorky, awkward  ちょっとダサくて、不器用で

adventurous 冒険心がある

I like to laugh, so make me laugh. 笑うのが好きなので、笑わせてくれる人。

I like guys that play instruments 楽器を演奏する男性が好きです

I don't really care if they're buff or anything. 筋肉質なのかとかあまり気にしません

What type of girls do you like?

I like a skinny girl. やせている女性

She's hot. セクシーです。

I like it when girls have big boobs. 巨乳が好きです。

This is hilarious! これすごく笑える!





giraffe ジフ n)キリン

Animals that eat plants are called herbivores.

herbivore  アバヴォア-(ハァバヴォア-) n) plant-eating animal

Herbivores eat leaves, fruits, branches, trunks, roots, flowers, and so on.

branch ブァンチ n)(木の)枝・支店、部門

brunch  n)ブランチ(朝食+昼食)

trunk トゥンク n)(木の)幹

root ルートゥ n)(木の)根


How fast do baby giraffes grow? How many vertebrae are in that long neck? A truly a unique species, giraffes are found only in sub-Saharan Africa and can reach unbelievable heights. Learn surprising giraffe facts, such as why they need such enormous hearts and how they get by on less than thirty minutes of sleep each day.

vertebra ヴァ- チャ ブラ n)《動物》脊椎骨(せきつい・せぼね)

species スピーシーズ n)《生物》種、人種

sub-Saharan Africa  n)サハラ砂漠以南のアフリカ subは下の意 

height イトゥ n)人・物の高さ

heart ハーァトゥ n)心臓・心

get by on...   ...でどうにかやっていく

I get by on a seven-year-old's vocabulary of English.

each day (ある限定された期間の)毎日 ≠every day

I ate breakfast each day during my stay in London. ロンドン滞在中は毎日朝食を食べた。

Every kid likes ice cream.(every は非限定)

Each child in this class room likes ice cream. (each は限定)

Giraffes are the world's tallest mammals, thanks to their towering legs and long necks. A giraffe's legs alone are taller than many humansー about 6 feet. These long legs allow giraffes to run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances and cruise comfortably at 10 miles an hour over longer distance.

mammal モル n)哺乳類


Typically, these fascinating animals roam the open grasslands in small groups of about half a dozen.

Bulls sometimes battle one another by butting their long neck and heads. Such contests aren't usually dangerous and end when one animal submits and walks away.

behavior ビイヴィア n)ふるまい・行為

fascinate ファシィネイト v)心を引きつける・魅惑する

roam アム v)あてなく歩き回る

grassland グス ランド n)草原

bull ブ-ル n)雄牛

butt バットゥ v)頭(角)で突く

contest ンテスト n)競争・競技、争い・抗争、論争・論議

submit サブミット v)服従する・従う

Australia's Olympic softball team opened its training camp after becoming the first group of foreign athletes to arrive ahead of this summer's Tokyo Games.

training camp




Stonehenge is one of the world's most famous monuments. It stands on Salisbury Plain, in Wiltshire, and its giant stone can be seen from miles around.

Stonehenge was built over many hundreds of years. Work began in the late Neolithic Age, around 3000 BC. Over the next thousand years, people made many changes to the monument. The last changes were made in the early Bronze Age, around 1500 BC. 

We may never know exactly why Stonehenge was built, but people probably gathered there for religious ceremonies.

monument モニュメント n)記念建造物、遺跡

stand on...  ...に立つ

can be seen ... ...に見る事ができる Stars can be seen at night. 星は夜に見る事ができる。

from miles around 何マイルも離れた場所から・遠くから

was built over

Neolithic Age 新石器時代 Neolithic ニオシィック adj)新石器時代の

Bronze Age  青銅時代・青銅器時代

We estimate it to be 8,000 years old. 経年数については to be を使うことがよくある

We estimate the spear to be about 35,000 years old. 

spear アー  n)やり

spare ア   n)予備・スペア

urn ア-アン n)装飾的な壺・かめ storage urn

cave ケイヴ n)洞窟・ほら穴

arrowhead  ロウヘッド n)矢じり

skullル n)頭蓋骨

statueチュー n)像

scroll スクウル n)巻物

fresco フスコー n)フレスコ画

relief sculpture n)浮き彫り

sculpture ルプチャー n)彫刻

cave painting 洞窟壁画

an exact number 正確な数


ruins/historic ruins ル-イン n)遺跡(廃墟・残骸、建物・町 破壊されて朽ちた)

ruin v)(建物地域を)荒廃させる

remains イン 遺跡(人・動物、取り残された)

remain v)残存する

wheeze ウイ-ズ v)苦しそうに息をする・ぜいぜい息を切らして言う

breath ブス n)呼吸・息

shortness  n)不足

I've had a dry cough, a fever, wheezing and shortness of breath.


Taiwan will not compete in the final qualifying round for the Tokyo Olympics due to concerns over COVID-19, local media reported.

compete 競争する・立ち向かう

final qualifying round 最終予選

due to ~が原因で


It's every weekend year-round, yeah.

It's every other weekend year-round, temporarily job. 


I personally have been doing Farmers Markets about 10 years and farm has been doing Farmers Markets for closer to 40 years.

beef, pork, poultry

They wanna know how fresh things are.

They wanna know what the growing conditions were like.

They wanna know if everything is organic.

Yeah, they wanna know how things are treated.

The fact that we love what we do. 事実なのは自分たちがしていることに満足しています

to make all this happen すべてこの(準備の)ために

not too long ago 最近

I encourage people to get outside of just the classic. 私が勧めるのは、普通と違うことをすることです。

encourage 勇気づける・促す

(It's)mainly/partly/only because... 主に、一つに、ただ(単に) ~だから

sociable ⇔ reserved adj)予約してある、控えめな・内気な・無口な

consequence ンセクエンス n)結果

dent ント n)くぼみ・凹み