I'm off to the mall. モールに行きます。
Where are you off to? どこにいくの?(Where are you goin? は直接的すぎ)
Are you going by ride share today?
Are you going by taxi or by ride share? タクシーそれともライドシェアで行くの?
I'm going by ride share.
The ride share pick up area is that way.
Just curious, what's the name of the ride-share app that you are using?
That's a good one.
How many minutes until your driver arrives?
What information do you see about the car or the driver?
It says, you can text the driver. テキスト送れるドライバーに。
Take a look. ちょっと見る
What color is the car?
What does the driver look like?
What's the driver's name?
For security, license plate, too.
The driver picks up passenger here, right?
It's coming soon.
I'm just asking for security, who are you picking up?
I'm off to bed!
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