

I make myself look like "not a rich person".

Those glasses make you look smart.
That dress makes you look slim.
These jeans make me look fat.
Your new haircut makes you look young.

How could I make myself look more like young?
How can I make myself look more beautiful?
How do I make myself look like a female?


/'meməraɪz/ v)覚える、記憶・暗記する


give it a try/go

I could give it a try.  やってみるよ
Why not give it a try.   やらないわけないでしょ

have a go (UK)
I had a go at snowboarding with my kids about 7 years ago. 


温泉の匂いだ;I can smell the onsen

山を下りる:heading down

Japan is a paradise for hikers.
Japan must be a kind of paradise for hikers.


outside work

I have an outside work.


indoor work

office work


You're most welcome.

That's OK.   It's OK.
That's all right.


My pleasure.

Don't mention that.   お礼なんかいいよ、たいしたことありません


suits you

The sleeveless wetsuit suits you perfectly.

looks good on you

The sleeveless wetsuit looks amazing on you.



Do you have sleeveless shirts?


To force/push my job to finish


My parents force me to take piano lessons every day.
My boss forced me to work until midnight.
She forces him to make a decision almost every day.

(何かが)強制的に(人に)~させる [余儀なくさせる]
Big hurricane forced us to cancel our trip.
A piece treaty forced people to give up weapons.  武器の放棄
The economic depression forced people to retire their jobs.

To make my job finish

be forced to ...  ;  ~させられる・~しなければならない・仕方なしに~する
We were forced to stay at home for a long time.

forced shutdown; PCの強制終了(シャットダウン)


get/suffer a penalty


impose a penalty


penalty n)ペナルティ・罰
suffer   v)苦痛などを受ける
impose  v)制裁・罰金などを課す


for a certain period of time


cancelled without notice

without any notice
without giving notice



Many small houses that are close together like a favela.


How did it go after that?
Tell me, what happened after that?

at the currency exchange shop

How much is this one with a hole?
How much are these paper ones?

This one with dolphins is 5 reais.
That one with fish is 10 reais.

The blue ones are 1,000 won
and the yellow one is 50,000 won.
( won は複数形も won )

The ones with the face are 100 reais.

The bronze one is 5 centavos.
The silver ones are 25 centavos.
The silver ones with the animal are 1 pound.
The two kind of metal one is 2 pounds.

The purple ones with the face are 100 reais.
The green one with the face is 200 pepos.


About/Almost/Around the same age

people around the same age

the same generation

close/similar in age

He is close in age


年間ランキング5位以内>in the top 5 based on the annual ranking
最新年間ランキング>in the latest annual ranking
おしい!!>It's so close!
~でよかったかもしれない>It might have been good that ...
It might have been good that we didn't enter the Mito Marathon.
唯一の参加者>you are the only one that participated in the race in your age category.
So you will jump up the annual ranking if you finish without any problems.
実力がある>You have a real ability as an athkete.
三年後>3 years later

Travel Risks


What are some possible dangers when traveling to foreign countries?
>>>貴重品には注意しているよ<<< look after my valuables >>>
look after   世話をする・気を配る ≠ take care of
valuable   /'væljuəbl/ adj)大切な n) ~s:貴重品
I look after my valuables. My first overseas travel was about 30 years ago. I took an overnight train trip in Thailand. I left my luggage on the overhead rack. I was so anxious 不安, I couldn't sleep all night long.

How can tourists avoid these dangers?
>>>旅行者はお金持ちに見える<<<Tourists look like rich people>>>
>>>バックパッカースタイル<<<I backpacked at anywhere and anytime>>>
>>>お金持ちに見えないようにする<<< I make myself look like "not a rich person">>>

Have you ever encountered any of these dangers while traveling?
>>もうすこしで騙されるところだった<<I almost got tricked by a scammer>>
>>>案内してくれた<<<showed me around>>>

Who should tourists ask for help when they feel that they're in danger?
>誰も助けてくれない<no one is going to help me>nobody would help me>
>I'm a marathon runner, so I run away ASAP<

encourage : to give somebody support, courage or hope
stay away : to not go near someone or something
get away : to escape
break into : to enter by force
watch out : to be careful
come across : to meet someone or something accidentally
look out : to carefully watch for someone or something
look after : to take care of someone or something
run away : to leave or escape
show up : to appear
favela ポルトガル語  /fə'velə/ n)スラム街:a poor area in or near a Brazilian city, with many small houses that are close together and in bad condition 
advisory  /əd'vaɪzəri/ n)忠告・勧告   adj)忠告・勧告の
 infectious disease advisory/warning 感染症勧告
 We should watch out infectious diseases.
infectious disease   感染症
infectious /ɪn'fekʃəs/ adj)伝染性の・感染症の・人に移りやすい
snatcher n)ひったくり
snatch   v)ひったくる n)ひったくること
remind v)思い出させる・気づかせる
safety risks 安全性リスク⇒安全が危険になるリスク
crime rates 犯罪率
regular incidents 一般的な出来事
street violence 
gun battles 
belongings n)持ち物・所有物
browsing n)拾い読み・ランダムに読む事
violent crimes
civil protests /'sɪvl/シヴル/ n)市民抗議活動・抗議者
victims n)被害者
armed robberies  凶器持ちの強盗
kidnappings  n)誘拐
criminals n)犯罪者
isolated areas 遠隔地・孤立した地域
scammer   /skæmər/ n)詐欺師
scam   /skæm/ n)詐欺 v)~をぺてんにかける
accidental injury 思いがけない怪我
encounter v)思いがけなく出合う

a pickpocket すり
a purse-snatcher 財布のひったくり
a scammer 詐欺師
a beggar 物乞い・乞食
a gang member ギャング
a carjacker カージャッカー



on the third Saturday

real-singular (Brazilian currency) /'riːəl/ オゥ ヘアウ(ポルトガル語)
reais-plural of real (Brazilian currency)  ヘアイス(ポルトガル語)



Let's hit the ... ≠ Let's go to ...

〇Let's hit the field. the beach,,,
〇Let's hit the gym.

× Let's hit Japan
× Let's hit McDonald's


It's getting dark earlier.

The days are getting shorter.





Exchanging Money

the local currency   現地通貨
reais   リイス Brazilian reais
real  /'riːəl/ オゥ   レアル(ブラジルの貨幣単位)
centavo  センタ-ボ:基本単位の1/100 (アルゼンチン・キューバ・メキシコ・フィリピンなどの貨幣単位)
peso ペソ(中南米・フィリピンなどの貨幣単位)
a hole:穴
two kind of metal:二種類のメタル
a crown:王冠

①Have you ever exchanged your money for a different currency?
I have an experience. When I went to Vladivostok ヴァディヴォストック far east Russian port by myself by a small plane from Japan. I flew to I flew to at the airport, a currency exchange shop was closed. I was in panic. I went to the information desk but nobody’s there. I coached a person who speak just a little bit English she said to hotel count exchange money, and she usher Me to A taxi stand and then she Explain that I don’t have money at all I felt relieved at the moment.   didn’t have moneyI felt relieved at the moment.  

But the travel itinerary was fixed. So, I caught an usher, information desk to talked to a taxi driver to take me to the Hotel. She said the hotel can exchange money. 
②Is it better to exchange money at the airport or at a bank?
それがポイント;That's the whole point.
レートが良い/悪い両替所;a currency exchange shop with a good/bad rate
~だけが目的ではない;~ is not my only object
お金/時間を浪費したくない;shouldn't waste my money/time
妥協する(折り合いをつける);come to/reach a compromise
妥協点を見つける;find a compromise
That's the whole point. A currency exchange shop with a good rate is always located in the city, not a airport. It's far from the airport. I know I shouldn't waste my money but also my time. Exchanging money is not my only object. sometimes we need to compromise.  We need to find a compromise.
③Is it better to exchange all your money at once or keep some yen? 
Of course I keep some Japanese yen. I need the ones to get from the airport to my house. And also I keep some US dollars in my wallet. That’s very useful. You know Japanese yen can’t exchange anywhere.
④After a trip, do you exchange your remaining money back into yen, or do you keep it?
Well, I don't exchange my remaining money back into yen. so I keep the local currency. but I traveled abroad to over 20 countries and regions. 
見分けがつかない;can't tell
so, I can't tell which countries currency those are(I have).especially coins. The letter is very small, on top of that, my eyes are getting older. I can't see as well as I used to.

compromise   /'kɒmprəmaɪz/ /'kɑːmprəmaɪz/ n)妥協・歩み寄り
your remaining money


a cancer-causing substance

substance   /'sʌbstəns/ n)一定の特性を持つ物質 sub:下に stance:立つ
★ a type of solid, liquid or gas that has particular qualities
・a sticky substance
・a chemical/radioactive/hazardous substance
・Some frogs produce toxic substances in their skin

carcinogen   /kɑː'sɪnədʒən/ /kɑːr'sɪnədʒən/   n)発がん性物質
★ a substance that can cause canser
・known/potential/suspected carcinogen
・exposure to chemical carcinogens in cigarette smoke

solid    adj)固体の n)固体
liquid adj)液体の n)液体
gas  n)気体
sticky adj)粘着性がある、面倒な・やっかいな
radioactive adj)放射性の
hazardous /'hæzədəs/ /'hæzərdəs/ adj)危険な・有害な
toxic /'tɒksɪk/ /'tɑːksɪk/ adj)薬品・ガスなどが有毒・毒性の
exposure /ɪk'spəƱʒə(r)/ /ɪk'spəƱʒər/ v)さらす、身をさらされる事




tall   /tɔːl/
tap /tæp/
took   /tƱk/


Yeah, I could say, 
why must you be so negative all the time?

J: How did you like the onsen in Japan?
F: The water was too hot.
J: It felt fine to me.
F: Androids should not take the baths. We were in danger of rusting.
J: Why must you be so negative all the time?
F: I am not negative. I am just stating a fact.
J: Give it a rest, will you Frankie? We are trying to become more human.
F: Oh I see. In that case, it was relaxing.
J: Really?
F: Yes, I am being positive.

rust   n)鉄さび=iron rust
state   n)状態・ありさま v)述べる・公言する

Undesirable Habits
O: Hey guys, do you have any undesirable habits?
D: Well, I have been known to occasionally leave my socks on the floor.
R: Oh, You are being a bad influence on David.
O: Oh, It's seems like that?

undesirable   /,ʌndɪ'zaɪərəbl/ adj)望ましくない・不快な

18 September 2023 Monday


This is really well researched.

This is really well researched.
Thank you, it did take a long time.

よく考えてある ; well considered
的確な洞察;accurate observation


odd   /ɒd/ /ɑːd/ adjective
strange or unusual
・They're very odd people.
・There's something odd about that man.
・That painting looks very odd.
・a teenage girl with rather odd hair
・After a while she noticed something quite odd.
・When we got inside something struck me as odd.
・It's an odd little movie.
it is/seems odd that...  It seems odd that nobody noticed anything wrong.
・It's most odd that (=very odd that) she hasn't written.
・The odd thing was that he didn't recognize me.
It's odd to do something  It's odd to think I will never see her again.

rather   adv)多少・いくぶん・かなり・ずいぶん
struck  strike(打ちつける・突然襲う・心を打つ)の過去・過去分詞

I felt a little odd at first.




bad connection/reception



phone memory/storage/capacity

My phone's memory is full.
My phone is out of memory.
My phone's storage is always full. How about yours?
My phone memory is always full even though I don't have much installed.

giga byte/gig

How many gigs?
How many gigs do you have on your phone?
How many gigs does your phone have?
How many gigs are on your phone?

What is the hard disk capacity on your phone?
What's your bike's engine capacity?
What's your battery capacity?



Hello everyone. My name is Ron Ishikawa, marketing director of WCS Tokyo. Thank you for joining our testing session for our latest choices of Kiwi natural wine.
Hello everyone. My name is K as in Kazuhisa, being athletic, health freak, a middle-aged man. Thank you for having me in your class today. I'm very excited.
Now some of you may be surprised to hear WCS has started trading Kiwi natural wines. We've been seen as the old guard for a long time. The truth is we've always been a pioneer in wine trading. When we started importing Bordeaux wine to England in the 14th century, it was regarded as innovative. Today, climate change is putting the future of many traditional wine region in jeopardy.
Nowadays, There are various ways to study English. Not only a video call but also AI starts throwing its weight around in the world. So do you feel that AI is putting the future of real English schools in jeopardy?
WCS will lead the charge to promote sustainable natural wines. Next to me is Ogawa Lisa, global marketing officer. Today, she will take you on a journey to New Zealand. Without further ado, I passed the baton to Lisa.

old guard    保守派・古い意見を持つ人たち
jeopardy   /'dʒepədi/ /'dʒepərdi/ n)危険・危険性
put ... in jeopardy  ~を危険にさらす
without further ado 面倒なことは無しにして・前置きはこのくらいにして
further   farの比較級=farther
ado   /ə'duː/ n)騒動

athletic   /æθ'letɪk/ adj)運動選手の・運動好きな・元気旺盛な
throw one's weight around いばりちらす・巾を利かせる
 throw   気を動転させる
 weight   影響・重要性

They will not fill me up

I thought smelled something.

I thought you were asleep.

I told you not to eat snacks after dinner.

You are on a diet.

The doctor said your cholesterol levels are too high.

I know, but I'm still hungry after eating only diet food for dinner.

I have an idea.

Let's start cooking different kind of dishes with soy meat.

I won't get hungry?

They will fill you up.

I told you to hang up your towel.

How many times have I told you to do your homework?

How many times do I have to tell you to do your homework?

I'm fed up with telling you to clean up your room.
I've had it up to here telling you to clean up your room.
I'm sick and tired of telling you to clean up your room.

I told you not to leave the heater on. You'll start a fire.

How many times have I told you to keep your phone on you?

asleep  adj/adv)眠って
cholesterol   /kə'leatərɒl/ /kə'leatərɔːl/ n)コレステロール
fill up   食欲を満たす
fill you up   満足させる
towel /'taƱəl/ n)タオル
fed /fed/ feed の過去・過去分詞

11 Sep 2023 Monday


gas/gasoline/petrol : ガソリン

Do you have enough/plenty of gas in the car?
I have a full tank of gas.   満タンです
petrol   /'petrəl/

lose water : 断水

We might lose water.
We need plenty of water.
bottled water : ミネラルウォーター
Let's buy some bottled water.
tap water ; 水道水
Let's fill up the bathtub with tap water.
Let's not drink the tap water.

be out of ... : ~を切らしている(品切れ) 

be out of stock : 切らしている(品切れ)

The store is out of toilet paper.
Toilet paper is out of stock at the store.
When will you have toilet paper in stock?   いつ入荷しますか?

13 Sep 2023 Wednesday


thunder : 雷 / lightning : 稲妻

Was that thunder/lightning?
lightning/lightning strikes: 落雷
There might be lightning. 落雷が発生するかもしれません 
Did you see that? That was lightning.

lose power : 停電になる 

停電;power outage/black out (blackout)
We might lose power.
We lost power for about two hours.
Just make sure to charge your phone.
Do you have a flashlight?
My phone has a flashlight.
I can't see well. We need a brighter flashlight.

12 Sep 2023 Tuesday


manufacturer/manufacturing company 

/,mænju'fæktʃərə(r)/ /,mænju'fæktʃərər/ n)メーカー・製造業者

producer/production company

/prə'djuːsə(r)/ /prə'duːsər/ n)製造者・生産者

maker /'meɪkə(r)/ /'meɪkə(r)/ n)作る人・製造者



that day/on that day

the day/on the day


It's worth ~ing

It‘s worth going there.
Don't you think it's worth adding these wines to your portfolio.
I think it’s worth visiting there.

It's worthwhile to/~ing

There is value in ~ing

portfolio n)書類かばん、画集、作品集、有価証券一覧、会社の品揃え・製品ライン
worthwhile  adj)時間・労力を費やす価値のある、やりがいのある

13 Sep 2023 Wednesday


keep in mind

I'll keep that in mind.


Calling Customer Service

press the pound key シャープ記号を押す 
leave a message 
call back during regular business hours 
stay on the line   電話を切らない
visit us on the web at [address]
speak to a representative   担当者と話す

automate /'ɔːtəmeɪt/ v)自動化する
automated      adj)オートメーション化された
automated answering services
customer service
a representative
a real person
pound /paƱnd/ n)重量単位・貨幣単位
feel impatient   /ɪm'peɪʃnt/
feel relieved /rɪ'liːvd/
feel angry
place an order   注文する
payphone   公衆電話
combine 組み合わせる・統合する・混ぜ合わせる
volume /'vɒljuːm/ /'vɑːljəm/
I will be checking in late.   チェックインが遅れる

①Do you like automated answering services?
It used to take 15 seconds to get information from a person. But now, with the touch-tone routine it takes 15 minutes.
I know how frustrating it can be.
②Should automated answering services be available in many different languages?
AI, Artificial Intelligence, is going to cover for automated answering services. Ai is throwing its weight around.
③What kind of businesses in Japan have automated answering service?
I call manufacturers to ask about product descriptions. Most of them are building materials companies.
I send an inquiry to the service team. 
Give me more details about this product.
Tell me some more about this product.
④What do they use automated answering services for (ex. reservations, orders) ?
取ってかわる;replace/take the place of
Internet replaces automated answering services.

description    n)説明・描写
product description   商品説明  
the contents of the product   商品の中身
content       n)中身・内容
inquiry /ɪn'kwaɪəri/ n)質問する事・問い合わせ


We used to prioritize work over family.


motivate   /'məƱtɪveɪt/ verb

A friendly office culture motivates me.

motivated   adjective

I feel motivated if I can be myself in the office.
We feel motivated after receiving a lot of praise from a boss.



be approaching
A hurricane is approaching Florida.

When will the hurricane/typhoon hit?

I'll check the news.

be expected to
The hurricane is expected to hit this weekend.
Where exactly is the typhoon expected to hit?
The hurricane is expected to hit Orlando tomorrow.

near us
The typhoon is not expected to hit near us.

evacuate /I'vækueɪt/ verb
Do we need to evacuate?
We don't need to evacuate yet.

To be on the safe side
To be on the safe side, let's evacuate.

11 September 2023 Monday


He's handsome, tall and loaded!

loaded   /'ləƱdɪd/ adj)乗物などが荷物を一杯積み込んだ・いっぱいの・大金持ちの

He has such a fancy car for a high school student.
His family is loaded.

load /'ləƱd/(少し同音で伸ばして発音) v)積む・一杯積む
handsome   /'hænsəm/ adj)ハンサムな


Does Thursday work for you?

Thursday works for me.

That works for me.

That doesn't works for me.

Does that work for you?

6 doesn't work for me.

Does Italian work for you?


Last three-day holiday (3 days off), trekked up mountains 
It's 24 degrees at the top of the mountain.
The peak is 2,857 meters high.
The climb was thrilling, challenging


ridge   山の背・尾根・稜線
range      山脈・領域

The traverse Mt Jounen-dake.
The traverse Mt Jounen-dakes

traverse Jyounen-dake and Tyouga-take.

Hotaka Range
the line of Hotaka

Mt Yari is hiding in the clouds.


nature   /'neɪtʃə(r)/ /'neɪtʃər/ noun

[plants, animals]
★ all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people
・Take time to appreciate the beauties of nature
・man-made substances not found in nature
・A lot of nature conservation is about protecting habitats.

You cannot use 'the nature' in this meaning: the beauties of the nature. It is often better to use another appropriate word, for example the countrysidethe scenery or wildlife: we stopped to admire the scenery. ・We stopped to admire the nature.

★ the way that things happen in the physical world when it is not controlled by people
・The forces of nature are constantly reshaping our world.
・It is impossible to change the laws of nature.
・Her illness was Nature's way of telling her to do less.
・Is genius the result of nature or nurture?

★ the usual way that a person or an animal behaves that is part of their character
by nature   She is very sensitive by nature.
it is not in somebody's nature to do something   It's not in his nature to be unkind.
it is against somebody's nature to do something   It was against her nature to tell lies.
We appealed to his better nature (= his kindness).



grow up

We both have grown up by having various experience in the past two years.


Do not push/work yourself too hard.

Take it easy.

Do not overwork.


fickle/capricious nature

fickle   /'fɪkl/ adjective
changing often and suddenly
The weather here is notoriously fickle.
・Such is life in the fickle world of fashion.
・The latest downturn in sales shows just what a fickle business this is.
・the fickle finger of fate
・Always be properly dressed and prepared to cope with our fickle weather.

★ (of a person) often changing their mind in an unreasonable way so that you cannot rely on them
・She had been a fickle friend, even at the best of times.
・another example of his fickle behaviour

capricious /kə'prɪʃəs/ adjective  気まぐれの・予知できない 

His capricious behavior often leaves his friends feeling confused.

fickle ⇒ 人の性格・天気・物事の説明など(一貫性が無い
capricious ⇒ 物事の説明など(衝動的・突然の変化

She’s so fickle, she can't make up her mind about anything.
The stock market can be fickle, with sudden ups and downs.

Her capricious nature often leads her to make rash decisions.
The weather in this region is notoriously capricious, changing from sunny to stomy in a matte of minutes.

New words
the physical world   自然界・物質界 自然科学対象の物質範囲 精神に対して物質


the football tournament in my local city
the city track and field tournament

県大会:prefecture tournament
地区大会:regional tournament/championship


It's because of my age
It's may be because of my age

The older I get


TBD: To be determined/decided 未決定

TBA: To be announced   後日発表

TBC: To be confirmed   確認中


/pɒn'tuːn/ /pɑːn'tuːn/ noun

★ a temporary floating platform built across several boats or hollow structures, especially one used for tying boats to

★ a boat or hollow structure that is one of several used to support a floating platform or bridge
・ a pontoon bridge

across p)~を横切って、~のいたるところに

hollow  /'hɒləƱ/ /'hɑːləƱ/ adj)木・壁・管などが中空の
★ having a hole or empty space inside
・ a hollow ball/centre/tube/tree
・ a hollow metal cylinder
・ The tree trunk was hollow inside
・ Her stomach felt hollow with fear


/fiːst/ noun

a large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate something
・The women were busy preparing the wedding feast.

★ a day or period of time when there is a religious gestival
・the feast of Christmas
・on the feast of St John

★ a thing or an event that brings great pleasure
・ a feast of colours
・ The evening was a real feast for music lovers.
・ a veritable feast of music

a wining feast 勝者の祝宴
hold a feast 祝宴を開催する ≠ a celebration party



/'rezəvwɑː(r)/ /'rezərvwɑːr/ noun   ため池・貯水池
★ a natural or artificial lake where water is stored before it is taken by pipes to houses, etc.
・The water content of the country's reservoirs had fallen to less than 50% of their capacity.
・They got up early and went for a swim in the reservoir.

store   /stɔː(r)/   /stɔːr/ n)蓄え、保管庫、店
content /'kɒntent/ /'kɑːntent/ n)中身、内容、容量


healthy eating

I consider myself a healthy eater, but also a big eater.
I like eating salads and other healthy foods, and I also enjoy drinking milk and getting enough protein.
I love many dressings, but I'm concerned about the calories.

Do you consider yourself a healthy eater?
It's important to strike a balance between being healthy and enjoying your food.
What are some of your favorite healthy foods?
Salads can be so refreshing, and milk is a great source of calcium.
How often do you incorporate protein into your meals?
That's a good routine!
It's important to fuel your muscles with protein after exercising.
What your favorite way to prepare protein-rich meals?
That's so versatile and you can add all sorts of healthy ingredients to them.
What's your favorite ingredient to include in your omelette?
Onions and carrots add great flavor and texture to an omelet.
Do you have other favorite vegetables that you like to include in your meals?
Do you have a favorite salad dressing you like to use?
Sometimes dressings can have a lot of calories.
Have you tried making your own dressing with healthier ingredients?
I recommend making a dressing with olive oil, vinegar, and herbs.
It's easy and adds lots of flavor.

What do you do for a living?

I'm a contractor who builds houses. I've been doing it for nearly 30 years.
Not always, but most of the time, I enjoy it.
My favorite memory from when I was an elementary student is traveling to Central Tokyo station by myself to take photos of trains. It was very exciting.

That's impressive!
How did you get into construction?
Did you always enjoy building things?
That's great to hear.
That's amazing.
What is one of your favorite memories from growing up in Tokyo?
That sounds like a wonderful memory!


What a happy dilemma!

an envious dilemma
a good problem
a high class dilemma

dilemma   /daɪ'lemə/ /dɪ'lemə/ n)二者択一のジレンマ・板挟み 
envious /'enviəs/ adj)うらやましそうな・ねたましげな

in class today

K: Hey Lisa, I can't see as well as I used to. 以前よりよく見えないんだ

L: Oh, what's wrong ? どうした?

(what's wrong with you? と言うと「あんた頭おかしいの?」の意になるので大注意)

K: My aged eyes. 老眼だよ The other day, 先日、 oh late at night, あ、夜遅くに I was NOT able to see my significant other. 大切な人

L: What do you mean? She's gone?

(She has gone ではなく She is gone 行ってしまう⇒ふられたの意 の場合が多い)

K: No way! まさか I can NOT see her only when ~の時だけ it's outdoors at night.

L: Hmm, you always need to have glasses, I guess.

K: Well, I forgot to tell you earlier 早めにいうの忘れてたけど that I WAS able to see only her clothes with dark sunglasses on in the daytime.

L: Is they black people? 単数形の主語 they は he or she をまとめた性別無しの意 black は差別用語と思われがちだが black + people にすることで普遍的なイメージとなる

K: No. She's Orientals 東洋人種 having a NICE tan from the mountain area in South-East Asia. Oh, That's it/That's the one それだ!


I maintained my bike.


I had/got my bike maintained/serviced there.


I checked my bicycle.

I had/got my bicycle checked at the bicycle shop.
checked v)点検した 形容詞的用法

Where are you going to get your bike checked?

I'll have a bike expert/health check this weekend.


I changed my tires.


I had/got my tires changed.

a tire/tires

I need to change my tire.
I need to have/get my tire changed.

I saw something like a fishbone was stuck in it lol.



It's natural/common sense to/that ...

It's natural to me to ask someone something.


I can’t keep up with the times.

I cant keep up with the flow of time. 



/,əƱvəri'ækt/ verb   過剰反応する

overreact to
I used to overreact to speak English like with a smile.


at any time

What do you think of me taking a yoga class.

but, what does that have to do with it?

   R: Dad can we order a pizza for dinner?
   D: Sure, but I was going to cook something.
   R: Grandma and Grandpa are coming here tomorrow.
   D: I know, bur what does that have to do with it?
   R: Mom wants to keep the kitchen clean.
   D: All right. Hey, Roxy, what do you think of me taking a cooking class?
   R: Why? You already know how to cook.
   D: I want to learn Japanese cooking.
   R: Oh, Mom would love that.

I'm going to invite in some cryptocurrency. what do you think?

I'm going to dye my hair pink. What do you say if I did that?

I'm going to ask for some time off. Do you think it's all right to do it?

I'm going to complain to the manager.
Do you think I'm going too far?

Do you think I'm overreacting?

Do you think that's justified?

I'm going to leave my car here overnight. Do you think it's all right to do it?

I'm going to throw away my son's video games. Do you think I'm going too far?

What do you think of me going back to school? I want to get a master's degree.

cryptocurrency /'krɪptəƱkʌrənsi/ /'krɪptəƱkɜːrənsi/ n)暗号通過
master   n)主人・達人・修士

21 Aug 2023 Monday


Japan's borders have opened to foreign tourists. That may be bad news for Mount Fuji, which is now completely booked this summer, but it's good news for Fuji Rock as the music festival pulls in 引っ張りこむ some major international names. Drew Damron and Patrick St. Michel join us to discuss Japan's two favorite Fujis.

Get in touch: Send us feedback at deepdive@japantimes.co.jp. Support the show by rating しかる(rete) ,reviewing and sharing the episode with a friend if you've enjoyed it. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!

Transcript 記録簿 note: Deep Dive is made to be listened to, and we recommend this transcript be used as an accompaniment 付属物・つきもの to the episode. This transcript has been generated 生み出す・発生させる using a combination of speech recognition 認識 software and human transcription, and may contain errors. Please check its accuracy 精度 against the episode.

S: Welcome to Deep Dive from The Japan Times, I'm Shaun Mckenna. Four years ago, I made my debut デビュー・門出 on this podcast, then hosted by Oscar Boyd as he recorded my first ever trek up Mount Fuji. 

O: Shaun Mckenna, you're standing at the top of Mount Fuji in 2 degrees temperature, ferocious 恐ろしい・猛烈な winds. Do you remember how we got here?           
S: I don't know. I don't know if I can remember anything right now.

S: The climb was thrilling, challenging, and definitely one of the highlights of my time here in Japan. The peak is 3,776 meters high, and it's an active volcano. So the hike  is not a walk in the park by any means.(否定文で)どのような意味でもそうではない⇒決して~でない


anxiety & jitters

How to Cope with Pre-Race Jitters

Every triathlete, runner or cyclist, no matter their level, experience pre-race jitters ー the feeling of excitement or butterflies in your stomach prior to the start of a race. How ever, some athletes turn pre-race jitters into performance anxiety. Pre-race jitters are a natural part of your racing, but pre-race performance anxiety will cause most athletes to tense up, worry about their performance and ultimately not perform up to their ability.

jitters /’dʒɪtəz/ /’dʒɪtərz/   [単複両扱い]  n)いらいら・不安感
★ feelings of being anxious and nervous, especially before an important event or before having to do something difficult
・I always get the jitters before exams.
・Louise had pre-wedding jitters.

anxiety   /æŋ'zaɪəti/ n)不安・心配・懸念、苦闘、心配事、切望・熱望
★ the state of feeling nervous or worried that something bad is going to happen
・acute/intense/deep anxiety
・Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety.
・Waiting for exam results is a time of great anxiety.
★ a mental illness that causes somebody to worry so much that it has a very negative effect on their daily life
・Some people are feeling the pressure and suffering from anxiety and depression.
・patients with an anxiety disorder
★ a warry or fear about something
・If you're worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor
★ a strong feeling of wanting to do something or of wanting something to happen
anxiety to do something the candidate's anxiety to win the vote
・A couple of photographers fell over themselves in their anxiety to get a shot of her
anxiety for something the people's anxiety for the war to end

no matter  関係ない
butterflies  n)蝶の複数形、はらはら・そわそわ
prior /'praɪə(r)/ /'praɪər/ adj)前の、先の 
prior to ...   ~に先立って(before)
tense /tens/ adj)ぴんと張った・緊張した v)ぴんと張る・緊張させる
tense up v)緊張する・こわばる 
ultimately   /'ʌltɪmətli/ adv)結局のところ・最終的には

Before the race, I always need to channel my pre-race anxiety into positive energy.


To maximize my physical health, function and wellbeing.

maximize   v)(数量程度価値を)最大にする
function n)機能・働き
wellbeing n)幸福・繁栄・福利・健康

I get a massage 2 days before the race to maximize my physical condition.


(race day) warm-up

warm-up for a swim
warm ups for swimming the day
pre-race warming up
in-water/dry land pre-race warm up that day
race warm up
race day warm up

dryland   n)海に対しての”陸”
当日;the/that day