
Hello everyone. My name is Ron Ishikawa, marketing director of WCS Tokyo. Thank you for joining our testing session for our latest choices of Kiwi natural wine.
Hello everyone. My name is K as in Kazuhisa, being athletic, health freak, a middle-aged man. Thank you for having me in your class today. I'm very excited.
Now some of you may be surprised to hear WCS has started trading Kiwi natural wines. We've been seen as the old guard for a long time. The truth is we've always been a pioneer in wine trading. When we started importing Bordeaux wine to England in the 14th century, it was regarded as innovative. Today, climate change is putting the future of many traditional wine region in jeopardy.
Nowadays, There are various ways to study English. Not only a video call but also AI starts throwing its weight around in the world. So do you feel that AI is putting the future of real English schools in jeopardy?
WCS will lead the charge to promote sustainable natural wines. Next to me is Ogawa Lisa, global marketing officer. Today, she will take you on a journey to New Zealand. Without further ado, I passed the baton to Lisa.

old guard    保守派・古い意見を持つ人たち
jeopardy   /'dʒepədi/ /'dʒepərdi/ n)危険・危険性
put ... in jeopardy  ~を危険にさらす
without further ado 面倒なことは無しにして・前置きはこのくらいにして
further   farの比較級=farther
ado   /ə'duː/ n)騒動

athletic   /æθ'letɪk/ adj)運動選手の・運動好きな・元気旺盛な
throw one's weight around いばりちらす・巾を利かせる
 throw   気を動転させる
 weight   影響・重要性

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