
Japan's borders have opened to foreign tourists. That may be bad news for Mount Fuji, which is now completely booked this summer, but it's good news for Fuji Rock as the music festival pulls in 引っ張りこむ some major international names. Drew Damron and Patrick St. Michel join us to discuss Japan's two favorite Fujis.

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Transcript 記録簿 note: Deep Dive is made to be listened to, and we recommend this transcript be used as an accompaniment 付属物・つきもの to the episode. This transcript has been generated 生み出す・発生させる using a combination of speech recognition 認識 software and human transcription, and may contain errors. Please check its accuracy 精度 against the episode.

S: Welcome to Deep Dive from The Japan Times, I'm Shaun Mckenna. Four years ago, I made my debut デビュー・門出 on this podcast, then hosted by Oscar Boyd as he recorded my first ever trek up Mount Fuji. 

O: Shaun Mckenna, you're standing at the top of Mount Fuji in 2 degrees temperature, ferocious 恐ろしい・猛烈な winds. Do you remember how we got here?           
S: I don't know. I don't know if I can remember anything right now.

S: The climb was thrilling, challenging, and definitely one of the highlights of my time here in Japan. The peak is 3,776 meters high, and it's an active volcano. So the hike  is not a walk in the park by any means.(否定文で)どのような意味でもそうではない⇒決して~でない

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