
in class today

K: Hey Lisa, I can't see as well as I used to. 以前よりよく見えないんだ

L: Oh, what's wrong ? どうした?

(what's wrong with you? と言うと「あんた頭おかしいの?」の意になるので大注意)

K: My aged eyes. 老眼だよ The other day, 先日、 oh late at night, あ、夜遅くに I was NOT able to see my significant other. 大切な人

L: What do you mean? She's gone?

(She has gone ではなく She is gone 行ってしまう⇒ふられたの意 の場合が多い)

K: No way! まさか I can NOT see her only when ~の時だけ it's outdoors at night.

L: Hmm, you always need to have glasses, I guess.

K: Well, I forgot to tell you earlier 早めにいうの忘れてたけど that I WAS able to see only her clothes with dark sunglasses on in the daytime.

L: Is they black people? 単数形の主語 they は he or she をまとめた性別無しの意 black は差別用語と思われがちだが black + people にすることで普遍的なイメージとなる

K: No. She's Orientals 東洋人種 having a NICE tan from the mountain area in South-East Asia. Oh, That's it/That's the one それだ!

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