
Travel Risks


What are some possible dangers when traveling to foreign countries?
>>>貴重品には注意しているよ<<< look after my valuables >>>
look after   世話をする・気を配る ≠ take care of
valuable   /'væljuəbl/ adj)大切な n) ~s:貴重品
I look after my valuables. My first overseas travel was about 30 years ago. I took an overnight train trip in Thailand. I left my luggage on the overhead rack. I was so anxious 不安, I couldn't sleep all night long.

How can tourists avoid these dangers?
>>>旅行者はお金持ちに見える<<<Tourists look like rich people>>>
>>>バックパッカースタイル<<<I backpacked at anywhere and anytime>>>
>>>お金持ちに見えないようにする<<< I make myself look like "not a rich person">>>

Have you ever encountered any of these dangers while traveling?
>>もうすこしで騙されるところだった<<I almost got tricked by a scammer>>
>>>案内してくれた<<<showed me around>>>

Who should tourists ask for help when they feel that they're in danger?
>誰も助けてくれない<no one is going to help me>nobody would help me>
>I'm a marathon runner, so I run away ASAP<

encourage : to give somebody support, courage or hope
stay away : to not go near someone or something
get away : to escape
break into : to enter by force
watch out : to be careful
come across : to meet someone or something accidentally
look out : to carefully watch for someone or something
look after : to take care of someone or something
run away : to leave or escape
show up : to appear
favela ポルトガル語  /fə'velə/ n)スラム街:a poor area in or near a Brazilian city, with many small houses that are close together and in bad condition 
advisory  /əd'vaɪzəri/ n)忠告・勧告   adj)忠告・勧告の
 infectious disease advisory/warning 感染症勧告
 We should watch out infectious diseases.
infectious disease   感染症
infectious /ɪn'fekʃəs/ adj)伝染性の・感染症の・人に移りやすい
snatcher n)ひったくり
snatch   v)ひったくる n)ひったくること
remind v)思い出させる・気づかせる
safety risks 安全性リスク⇒安全が危険になるリスク
crime rates 犯罪率
regular incidents 一般的な出来事
street violence 
gun battles 
belongings n)持ち物・所有物
browsing n)拾い読み・ランダムに読む事
violent crimes
civil protests /'sɪvl/シヴル/ n)市民抗議活動・抗議者
victims n)被害者
armed robberies  凶器持ちの強盗
kidnappings  n)誘拐
criminals n)犯罪者
isolated areas 遠隔地・孤立した地域
scammer   /skæmər/ n)詐欺師
scam   /skæm/ n)詐欺 v)~をぺてんにかける
accidental injury 思いがけない怪我
encounter v)思いがけなく出合う

a pickpocket すり
a purse-snatcher 財布のひったくり
a scammer 詐欺師
a beggar 物乞い・乞食
a gang member ギャング
a carjacker カージャッカー

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