
bug spray 殺虫剤
I wish I had a medicine to kill the virus like 'not bug spray but COVID spray'.

A/The good thing about...
A/The good thing about "small" is that people could keep their house tidy.
That makes Japanese people love to be clean or rather tidy habits.
I personally think "simple living is a kind of Japanese concept".
And other such words, "refuse", "throw away" and "separate" are essential.

tidy ィディ adj)整頓された v)片付ける、整頓する(up)
(and) other such (および)その他の..
refuse        【入ってくるいらない物を断つ】
throw away 【家にある不要な物を処分する】
separate v)引き離す、離れる、見分ける【物への執着から離れる】

properly プパリー adv)適切に、ちゃんと、正当に
Some people are not doing their jobs properly.
Finding running shoes that fit properly can be tricky.
Make sure the door is properly closed.

tricky トッキー adj)難しい,扱いにくい

proper プパ- adj)適した


What's the current COVID situation in Canada?
What is the situation like in Japan?

Many major firms continue to push remote work.

be hungry/eager for
I'm hungry for the gym reopen.
eager ーガァー adj)熱意に満ちた

The store has reopened=The store is no longer closed.
open 動詞・形容詞 close 動詞  closed 形容詞(過去分詞)

I'm a gym lover/fan/a fan of (I'm a big fan of ...)
I'm a dog lover 愛犬家
I'm a dog person 猫か犬のどちらかといえば犬 のニュアンス

hold up  (部屋などに)閉じこもる/隠れる/(動物が)冬ごもりする
People are getting tired of holding up at their home.
When the weather turns bad, I like to just hold up at home and take a prefab meal out of the freezer.
Once my train line was stopped due to heavy snow, so for a couple of hours, I was holed up in a coffee shop waiting for it to start again.

prefab プーファブ(prefabricated)  adj)前もって作られた、既成の

grace グイス adj)(形や動きなどの)優美さ、優雅な
My grace period was before getting married. 

shotgun marriage/wedding できちゃった婚
Many people had a shotgun marriage.

In marriage 結婚に関して
the mind before the body 身体の前に気持ちを好みなさい
do thou be wise 人は賢く  
thou ザァウ 代名詞 youの古語
prefer the person before money お金より人を好み
virtue before beauty 美しさの前に美徳を好み
virtue ヴ-ァ チュウ- n)美徳

go and hang out 外出して遊ぶ
It's a perfect day for going and hanging out.

bucket list
Speaking English well is in my bucket list.


transform トランスフォーム v)一変させる、変容させる
transformation トランスフォ-イション n)<外観、様子の>変化
Regular exercise has transformed my body.
He transformed that company into a much more efficient operation.
This neighborhood has had quite a transformation. It's much more modern now.

big box store 量販店
As opposed to the big box store, you can access for the direct experience of shopping.
access ア-クセス v)<情報・知識などを>利用、入手する n)近づく手段、会える手段、<情報・教育等を>利用できる権利



conveyor belt sushi=sushi-go-round(merry-go-round メリーゴーランド、回転木馬)
sushi trains/sushi super high way
conveyor コンヴェィアー n)コンベア a conveyor belt ベルトコンベア

How busy are trains from A to B in rush hour in mornings?

You should buy your ticket in advance and then pick it up at the station. I've bought a ticket online at 6:00 am for a 7:30 am train, so they aren't necessarily sold out. But Amtrak is also now giving cheaper fares for earlier advance purchases, so that's another reason to buy in advance.

You pick up a ticket by putting a credit card in the ticket kiosks and punching in your reservation number. If it's the card you used to purchase the ticket, the kiosk will show you that without needed the reservation number.


Many major firms continue to push teleworking

TOKYO- Major companies such as Hitachi Ltd and NEC Corp said Tuesday they will continue to push work-from-home arrangements even though the state of emergency over the new coronavirus pandemic was called off the previous day.

arrangement アインジメント n)取り決め、協定、配列、整理
pandemic パンミック adj)全国的、世界的流行の n)全国、世界的流行病
call off=lift <約束、催し、進行中のことを>中止する、取りやめる
previous プリーヴィアス adj)前の、先の、以前の 

Hitachi said around 70 percent of its employees on average have been working from home to reduce the risk of infection and curb the spread of the virus after the state of emergency was declared in April, and it will continue promoting teleworking to ensure business continuity in case a second wave of infections occurs.

curb カ-ブ n)抑制 v)抑制する (元意:歩道の縁石⇒抑える、抑制)
promote プロウト v)[活動状態を]促進する、助長する
ensure インシュアー v)[英]<人を危険から>守る《against, from》
in case=ifより口語的
occur アカ-ア v)出来事などが起こる=◆日常的にはhappen

Hitachi said it will ask its employees to work from home in principle through the end of June, except for such cases as infrastructure inspections. It aims to have 50 percent of its employees engaged in telework on average as the epidemic subsides, Senior Vice President Hidenobu Nakahata told an online press conference.

principle プンシプル n)基本理念、原則、方針 in principle 原則として、おおむね
infrastructure ンフラ ストラクチャー n)<社会基盤、建物道路交通等>基幹施設、インフラ
inspection インスクション n)点検、精査、検査

Hello there. Regular lessons have just restarted since last week.
How did you spend during school closures.

Before taking a lesson, I just thought that classrooms had been divided by a see-through screen wall like a prison visitation room in movies.
Holding hands through the screen. that means, in reality, can not hold hands each other. Or talking on the phone despite/even though they are facing each other.

But then, I was really disappointed such a tiny plastic screens.
These are disappointing.
That lets me down. それにはがっかりさせられたよ。

divide ディヴァイド v)分ける、分割する
divided ディヴァイディッド adj)分けられた、分かれた
visitation ヴィズィイション n)訪問、見舞い


It's Lifting the state of emergency yesterday.
That's good. Good news.
The virus has been downgraded.
But stay safe.
Nonetheless, people concern that it could trigger another wave of infections.
We should brace for COVID-19.
Even though lifting the sate of emergency,
We should still take extra precautions.
That's right. Everyone stay safe.
I hope it's going to be "no need to worry about the novel coronavirus.
My swimsuit/swimwear has been dried out.
It cause my swimwear to dry out.

red meat,lean meat赤身の肉⇒low fat
lean(英)ーン adj)引き締まった、贅肉のない  v)傾く、傾ける、寄りかかる
put, install, construct, build

cause 人 to 動詞」で人に〇〇することを起こす、引き起こす、原因となる、といった意味になります。
The earthquake caused people to stock up on bottled water.
This heat is causing me to sweat a lot.
Cold temperatures cause water to freeze.
His comment caused people to be angry.


lift 上げる、撤廃・解除する
Japan lifted a nationwide state of emergency over the coronavirus today.

Some hope is in sight. 希望が見えてきた。

fall asleep unconsciously 寝落ち
after a while/after a long time  久しぶりに
I slept well last night. I fell asleep unconsciously as I was running 10 mile after a while.

spit-spit(spat)-spit(spat) ツト v)つばを吐く spit on...
I read the paper. Some people in the UK who are positive are spitting like crazy on policemen. There are 200 cases every other week. How do you read that?
There was a Taxi driver who was spit on by a positive man. Then he or she has died as coronavirus.
That makes/gives poor/a negative impression of the UK.

normal life/real life 元の生活に戻る
If we get back/return to normal life, what would you do at first?

Man to man/Face to Face 1対1のレッスン
One on one/a private lesson/an individual lesson⇔a group lesson
Man to Man⇒Person to person 姓別を問わない言い方
One-on-one English lessons

Three's a crowd, 3人は多すぎです Four's a crowd. 4人は多すぎです。

break down=details n)分析、分類、内訳  v)分析する、分類する

Could you give me the break down of products sold last week?

Cloud you break down the list for me?

Thank you for the estimate, but we need one that clearly shows the cost breakdown. 見積書ありがとう。でもコストの内訳が明確にわかるものが必要です。

in line with...   ...に沿って、...通りに、...に合わせて

The results for this quarter were in line with analysts' predictions.

Hopefully the answers are in line with your expectations.

I can book the lesson in line with my work hours.

Was it in line with your forecast?

way  adv)はるかに、あまりに

I devoted way more time and money to study English. It's been nearly forty years!


It/That will/might mean...

7a-28 Consequences with Ryan
It/That will/might mean...

I charged a customer the wrong price.
That will/might mean I get into trouble.
If I tell the boss will/might mean I get fired.
 charge チャ-ァジ v)代金を課す、請求する
 wrong ゥロ-ングadj)誤った
 fire ファイアー v)火にかける、解雇する(クビにする) n)火
 consequence ンセクエンス n)結果、結論
The wrong amount was charged to my credit card.
   amount アウント n)量、額、金額

Speaking of beer, my thing is an exercise, so I packed beer away in the garage.

Entertainment Author Murakami hosts 'Stay Home' radio show to lift spirits
TOKYO= Acclaimed Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami, hosting a special radio show from home, painted a brighter side of the world with his favorite music, and said the fight against the coronavirus is a challenge in figuring out ways to help and care for each other.

to be/get fired クビになる
to be let go (残念ながら)解雇される
to be/get laid off (会社が赤字になる時たくさんの社員がやむを得ず)解雇される
 lay-laid-laid v)置く、(人を)...の状態にする
to be made redundant
   redundant リンダント adj)余分の、(英)余剰人員の

Chinese horoscopes

Most people are aware of their astrological signs, and know the characteristics associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac.

I think many people take no care of their time.
Many people think working overtime is a good thing.
Many people think they are contributing to their company by working overtime.

Some hope is in sight! 希望が見えてきた。
Abe is going to lift state of emergency on Monday.


I wonder why they do that

Hey, Have you ever heard of the cheese-rolling festival in England?
  Cheese rolling? What's that?
Well, they roll a big, round piece of cheese down a really steep hill, and then lots of people chase after it.
  You're kidding. Do you know why they roll the cheese?
I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with farming.
at Cooper's Hill, near Gloucester in England

Tomorrow is another day
The other day I purchased a textbook, this one, as lending for free has been canceled. 
I wonder why I devoted a lot of money and time for studying English.

Which one do you think is better, video call lesson or in person(face-to-face)?

Has anything in your lifestyle changed since COVID-19 outbreak?
As for me, tokunikawaranai except my young children

It's overcast all this week. I haven't made much progress on work.



see-through plastic screens/divides
screen スクリ-ン n)ついたて、仕切り、屏風、スクリーン
divide ディヴァイド v)分ける n)分割

7a-50 Wahab
It's time for us to ...

head off
be off
get going
hit the road

Head to/for=go to
I'm heading to the beach.
 head up to 北の方角へ向かう
 head down to 南の方角へ向かう
 head out 出発する
 head back 帰る
I'm heading to the grocery store. Do you need anything?
I'm heading up to San Francisco this weekend.
I'm heading down to San Diego tonight.
What time are you heading out tomorrow?
We have to head back in one hour.  一時間後に帰らないといけません。
The train is heading to Tokyo.
I'm finally heading back to Japan.
I'm heading out to France for a trip.
Where are you headed/heading (to)? どこに行くの?

Off to...  ...へ行ってくる、出かける=going to...
I'm off to work. これから仕事へ行ってきます。
 Go be lazy! Enjoy your free time! = Don't work too hard!
I'm off to bed.   もう寝ます。
I’m off to New York.
Where are you off to? どこへ行くの?
I have to get up early tomorrow. I'm off to bed.

Ongoing 継続や進行を意味する
It's an ongoing problem. 今でも続いている問題。



I could be wrong. 私は間違っているかもしれない。
 couldは過去形ではなく 推量のcould=現在の事を話している
I could have been wrong.   私は間違っていたかもしれない。

I could go to Japan if I had a holiday.
 couldは過去形ではなく 推量のcould=現在の事を話している
I could have gone to Japan if I had had a holiday.


If I had more money, I could travel to the United States.
If I had had more money, I could have traveled to the United States.
3.願望 wish/if only
I wish I could speak English.
If only I could speak English.


Let's go out for a drink this week sometime!
   Sorry. My schedule is packed this week. How about next week?
sometime 過去)ある時、以前 未来)いつか、そのうち、後日


environmentally conscious

consist of   ...で構成される
Be composed of. Things like "This survey consists of 15 questions".
Or, "Her morning routine consists of breakfast, stretching and reading the paper".

return from   ...からの返品、...から返されたもの
Here return is a noun, meaning an item that has been returned to its place of purchase. Stores sometimes have a sign up saying, "no refunds, no returns". So, they're warning their customers", Once you buy something, that's it. You can't bring it back and you can't get your money back". You could also ask a retailer, " What's your return policy?" and they might say something like, "Ah, we accept returns within 30 days and you need to bring your receipt".
no refunds, no returns 返金はいたしません。返品も受け付けません。
All sales are final お買い上げいただいたものは返品、返金できません。
We always quarrel over differences in opinion surrounding our young children.
visit someone in the hospital
Tap or bottled?
Tap beer 生ビール
bottled beer 瓶ビール


only to/never to

I got to the check-in counter only to find out that French citizens need a visa.
only to learn/discover/realize/find out
She got the job of her dreams, only to quit one month later!
He left home never to return. 彼は家を出たきり、二度と戻ることはなかった。
I went all the way to the theater only to learn that the show had been canceled.
all the way はるばる遠いところ
The painting was stolen, never to be seen again.
「見つかる」を「見られる」be seen で表現した例。

You've learned a lesson for future trips.  教訓になったね、今後の旅には。
learn a lesson 教訓を獲る、学ぶ
I didn't even make it there
そこへ(there)make itできなかった。辿り着けなかった。
even adv)...さえ  辿り着くことさえできなかった。

What happened? 何があったの?
You're kidding. 冗談でしょう。

He grew up to be a famous singer. 彼は成長して有名な歌手になった。



To sit on the chair 椅子に座る
To put the cup on the table  テーブルにコップを置く
A picture on the wall  壁にかかっている写真
On the train  電車に乗っている(電車にくっついている状態)

My mother relied on me for financial support.  母は経済的に私に頼っている
We're not sure if we'll have the picnic. It depends on the weather.  天気による

The rain kept on throughout the day. その雨は一晩中降り続いた
He went on talking.  彼は話し続けた
Go on to the next page.  次のページに進んで下さい(続けてください)

Turn on the light.
It's cold here. Put on the heater.  ここ寒いね。ヒーターを入れて。
We go on at 12:00 p.m.  12時に出勤します。
I'm not sure if my gas is on, or off.  ガスを消してきたかわからない。

Overlooking faults and seeing the good in others. 欠点を見逃して他の良い所を見て

IF ...かどうかを(直後に to do または or not が続く場合と、直前に前置詞がくる場合は whether を用いる)
The other day, I received an email message from an editor I know asking if "coronavirus divorces" are on the rise.


COVID-19 is on the rise again. A man on the rise 出世街道を行く男

A number of students were studying very hard in the classroom even after school.

The number of accidents has been steadily increasing in recent years.

THERE SEEMS TO BE ...があると思われる(後続名詞が複数: THERE SEEM TO BE )
There recently seem to be a number of married couples who quarrel over differences in opinion surrounding the novel coronavirus pandemic.
 novel ノーヴァ(ェ)ル n)小説 adj)新種の
 quarrel クア(ヲ)ロー v)口論する n)口論 quarrel over... ...を巡る言い争いをする
   difference in... ...の違い price, awareness 認識, age, etc


'Gray divorces' could pit single boomers against millennials for real estate

High baby boomer divorce rate could make it even harder for millennials to buy homes.

In 2017, a study from The Pew Research Center found that the divorce rate for baby boomers had roughly doubled since the 1990s. By early 2020, additional research by SmartAsset had found that more than one in ten senior citizens are divorced. In short, this phenomenon, known as 'gray divorce', shows no signs of slowing down.

This climbing divorce rate could have a lasting effect on the real estate industry. With that in mind, read on to get a sense of how real estate could be impacted if the gray divorce trend continues into boomers'(those born 1946 to 1964)later years.

baby boomer ベビーブーム、団塊の世代 boomer ブーマァー(宣伝員)=baby boomer
 the generation born in the years after the second world war.
millennials 1980~2000年初頭までに生まれた世代 millennial (マ)ミニアル adj)千年期の
make it (even) harder さらにそれを難しくする、even+比較級 evenは比較の強調

Food Waste

food waste 食品ロス、食品廃棄物
   Food thrown away unnecessarily,      throw-threw-thrown
   Not used when it could have been.    使うuseユース・ユーズ-usedユーズドゥ-usedユーズドゥ
   waste of money, waste of talent, be a waste of
   I personally think expensive hotel rooms are a waste of money. 
   All I do is sleep and leave my luggage there.

inspiring adj)感動的な、触発する
   an inspiring report

affiliateフィリエイト n)関連会社、子会社
 a company, organization etc that is connected with or controlled by a larger one

fellow フェロウ adj)親しい仲間の n)親しい仲間 
 My fellow Americans  大統領が国民に向けて呼びかけるスピーチの冒頭
 fellow Americans
 fellow citizens/countrymen  同国人、同郷人、同胞
   fellow workers  仕事仲間、同僚
 fellow students  学友、クラスメート、同窓生

 I went drinking with my coworkers.
   I went drinking with my fellow coworkers. 

fella フェラ n)男友達(fellowのくだけた形) fellasとして男性が仲のよい男友達のグループを呼びかける時に’Hey guys!'の代わりに’Hey fellas!'という具合に用いられる
 I met your son last night. He's a nice, young fellow(fella).
   Who's that fellow(fella) over there? Is he your boyfriend?
   What's going on fellas? Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

Stretch Goal ちょっと背伸びをした目標(type:Business Goals)
 A stretch goal is a target that is intentionally designed to be difficult to achieve.
   Setting a stretch goal... ストレッチゴールを設定する
   achieve our stretch goal  ストレッチゴールを達成する

get behind/be behind  ...を後押しする、後援する、遅れる
 Give someone or something our support like we stand behind them.
   We all need to get behind the company and save it from bankruptcy.
   The spectators were behind underdog player all the way.

behind in work 仕事が遅れる
fall/get behind 思ったほど仕事が進まない、遅くなる
be/run behind すでに遅れている
This cold of mine is making me fall behind in my work. 風邪が仕事を遅らせている。
She has a credit card balance of $15,000! How could someone get so behind on their payments?
Sorry this reply is so late. I just got back from a business trip, so I am a little behind in my e-mail.
Sorry, but I'm really running behind this morning. Can I call you back later?
They're running behind with the move into their new store and probably won't be open for business until the end of October.
balance 預金、支払残高

worthy ワ-ジィ- adj)立派な、尊敬すべき、価値がある
 deserving respect from people
   this very worthy project
 She is prison-worthy. 彼女は刑務所行きに値するよ

deserving デザ-ヴィング adj)



Retailers, manufactures cautious on outlook under extended emergency
cautious コーシャス adj)注意を払う、用心深い、慎重な
outlook ウトルック n)展望、見方、予想
Workers, parents feel strain as state of emergency extended
strain ストイン n)重荷、緊張
ICU doctor expects long battle against coronavirus
ICU(Intensive Care Unit)集中治療室 intensive インテンシブadj)激しい、集中的な
Man arrested over bomb threat to Fukui prefectural office
Broadway, doors closed and stages empty, faces an uncertain future

It's overcast

We should do this more often. 
 Definitely. 是非 It was nice to see you again, Alan.
What are your plans for this evening?
 I'm going to Lookout Point with a friend to watch the meteor shower.
Really? It's overcast right now.
 It's supposed to clear up by midnight. ...することになっています。Want to come?
I have an early day tomorrow,  明日は早いので。 but thanks anyway.

meteor shower=watching the shooting star
meteor ミーティア- n)流星

It's overcast. The sky is overcast. どんよりしています。
overcast オ-ヴァアキャスト adj)どんよりした

catch up
友達に会う see/meet up/get together
久しぶりに会って話す=catch up=追いつく、時間がなくて出来なかったことをやる
Let's catch up for a coffee! お茶しようよ。
Let's catch up soon! 近いうちに会おう。
We should catch up soon! 近いうちに会わなきゃね。
I'd love to catch up sometime next week. It's been so long since I saw you last!
Let's catch up after the new year. 年が明けたら会おう。
Do you guys want to catch up on Sunday afternoon? 日曜の午後、会わない?
It was great catching up with you today! I'll be in touch!

名詞として(catch up もしくは catch-up)
I'm seeing Kim for a catch-up next week. 来週、キムと会うよ。
I'm free on Friday. I'd love a catch up! 金曜は予定ないよ。是非会って話したいよ!

Tie your hair, Mako 髪を結びなさい。
This isn't working./It's over. もう終わっている
We should break up. 別れるべきだ
I wish I never met you. もう会いたくない
I'm not in love with her anymore. もう好きじゃないね

better off
I'm better off without her. いっしょにいたくないね。
「〜した方がもっとよい状態になる」 "should" に置き換えられる。アドバイス・提案
You would be better off staying here tonight.
You'd be better off resting at home. 家で休んだほうがいいと思うよ。


標準的な "because of", 硬さの "due to/owing to", 感謝の "thanks to".


AZA flight 723 from LA has been delayed due to bad weather conditions.
She had to leave work early due to a family emergency.
The train stopped running due to the typhoon.

We were late for the concert because of you.
He was fired because of his poor sales record.

Thanks to my parents, I could have an excellent education.
We had a great time thanks to your warm hospitality.

I hope it's not too serious.
Her son got injured on the school playground.
 get+受動態 getは動いて手に入れる 動いた感触を濃厚に感じさせる形
I see. That's understandable.
 that's understandable 無理も無いことだ。それで納得した。
Do you know exactly what happened?
He fell over while playing soccer and twisted his knee badly.
 fall over 直立している人や物がバランスを失って~の上に倒れる
 while...  ...している間に
 twist ねじる、ひねる、回転を伴って角度を変える動作
 twist one's ankle/arm/head/mouth
She said she was going to update the software on my PC.

It's pleasant trough the year

What's the weather like (outside)? どんな天気ですか?

What's the weather like in LA?
Oh,it's pleasant trough the year. 年中過ごしやすいですよ。  
Is that right? そうなんですか?
There are few storms.
It sounds lovely.
pleasant プゼント adj)心地よい、好ましい
right イトゥ adj)正しい、適切な、右側の

The sun's coming out. 太陽が出てきました。
It's a great day for a walk. ....日和です。
Wait up!   ちょっと待って!
Let me grab my jacket.   ...を取ってくる。
There's a warbler in the yard. Listen! warbler ワーブラー n)ウグイス
Daffodils are in full bloom. daffodil フェデル n)スイセン in full bloom 満開で
Cherry tree's starting to bud. bud ッドウ n)つぼみ、芽 v)つぼみを出す、芽吹く
Spring has sprung! 春が来ました。
sprung スプング spring-sprung-sprung
spring スプング v)跳ぶ、...の状態になる、急に...になる n)はねる動作、バネ、泉、春
VIEW 窓、展望台からの景色 
SCENERY 自然の景色(山、森)
LANDSCAPE  一目で見渡せる陸地(丘、川、森)の景色
SIGHT 光景、眺め、風景

rural scenery 田舎の景色
a night scene 夜の景色
a beauty/scenic spot 景色のいい場所
a change of scenery 景色の変化

If you want to see the scenery in France, I welcome you to come with me.
The view from the hotel was superb!
Right in front of the balcony is really nice.
I enjoyed the great scenery of the mountain.
At times, I recall the landscape of my hometown. 時々、故郷の景色を思い出す。
The scene from the top of the building was magnificent.壮観
The park is the best place to view the landscaping and the scenery.
As you ride the Shinkansen, you will have a great view of the countryside.

I stayed in a room with a good view.
I took the scenic route.
I'd like a room with a view of the sea.
Nagano is famous for its mountain scenery.
Autumn leaves are necessary for proper autumn scenery.
The view from Mt. Fuji.

view from my window
 I like the view from my window
The view from the balcony is really nice
The view from the observatory was outstanding.

What did you think of the scenery in Switzerland?
 It was absolutely breathtaking(息をのむような)/stunning(美しい).
I was told that some of the scenery in Japan is beautiful.

observation deck / lookout point 展望台
night view 夜景

How was your weekend? It was fantastic! I went to see...
Rie did a fantastic job on this project!

afterwards  アフターワーズ adv)後で、その後
beforehand  ビフォーハンド adv)前もって、予め 
afterwards adv)その後=afterward≠later later 後で
I just am talking with my friend at a cafe now.
I'll call you later.  laterは漠然とした後
I'll call you afterwards.  友人と別れたら直ぐに電話する意
Very refreshing, I did some reading at a nice cafe and went to the gym afterwards.

I was wondering if you could come to the reception.
reception レプション n)受付、会合

I was assigned to prepare an e-commerce market report on China.

I was instracted to prepare an e-commerce market report on China.
instruct インストクト v)指示する、指導する  準備するように指示された。
I was assigned to become a mentor for a new graduate staff member.
assign アイン v)割り当てる
assignment アインメント n)割り当て、仕事、宿題
mentor ンター n)教育係、助言者、
 an experienced person who advises and helps a less experienced person
mentoring ンタリング n)メンタリング 先輩社員などが新人などを指導すること
a math assignment 数学の宿題

polite ポイト adj)思いやりのある、礼儀正しい
firm ファ-ム adj)堅い、しっかりした、安定した take a firm attitude  n)会社、事務所
I'm afraid I can't help you at the moment.
I'm tied up all day with visiting clients.
client クイアント n)依頼人
 a person who uses the services or advice of a professional person or organization
 We will advice the client on the best way to solve the problem.
I could do it by Friday, if it's ok with you.
I'll be happy to do just a cost analysis, if that helps.
 analysis アリシィス n)分析    複)analyses