How was your weekend? It was fantastic! I went to see...
Rie did a fantastic job on this project!
afterwards アフターワーズ adv)後で、その後
beforehand ビフォーハンド adv)前もって、予め
afterwards adv)その後=afterward≠later later 後で
I just am talking with my friend at a cafe now.
I'll call you later. laterは漠然とした後
I'll call you afterwards. 友人と別れたら直ぐに電話する意
Very refreshing, I did some reading at a nice cafe and went to the gym afterwards.
I was wondering if you could come to the reception.
reception レセプション n)受付、会合
I was assigned to prepare an e-commerce market report on China.
I was instracted to prepare an e-commerce market report on China.
instruct インストラクト v)指示する、指導する 準備するように指示された。
I was assigned to become a mentor for a new graduate staff member.
assign アサイン v)割り当てる
assignment アサインメント n)割り当て、仕事、宿題
mentor メンター n)教育係、助言者、
an experienced person who advises and helps a less experienced person
mentoring メンタリング n)メンタリング 先輩社員などが新人などを指導すること
a math assignment 数学の宿題
polite ポライト adj)思いやりのある、礼儀正しい
firm ファ-ム adj)堅い、しっかりした、安定した take a firm attitude n)会社、事務所
I'm afraid I can't help you at the moment.
I'm tied up all day with visiting clients.
client クライアント n)依頼人
a person who uses the services or advice of a professional person or organization
We will advice the client on the best way to solve the problem.
I could do it by Friday, if it's ok with you.
I'll be happy to do just a cost analysis, if that helps.
analysis アナリシィス n)分析 複)analyses
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