
Food Waste

food waste 食品ロス、食品廃棄物
   Food thrown away unnecessarily,      throw-threw-thrown
   Not used when it could have been.    使うuseユース・ユーズ-usedユーズドゥ-usedユーズドゥ
   waste of money, waste of talent, be a waste of
   I personally think expensive hotel rooms are a waste of money. 
   All I do is sleep and leave my luggage there.

inspiring adj)感動的な、触発する
   an inspiring report

affiliateフィリエイト n)関連会社、子会社
 a company, organization etc that is connected with or controlled by a larger one

fellow フェロウ adj)親しい仲間の n)親しい仲間 
 My fellow Americans  大統領が国民に向けて呼びかけるスピーチの冒頭
 fellow Americans
 fellow citizens/countrymen  同国人、同郷人、同胞
   fellow workers  仕事仲間、同僚
 fellow students  学友、クラスメート、同窓生

 I went drinking with my coworkers.
   I went drinking with my fellow coworkers. 

fella フェラ n)男友達(fellowのくだけた形) fellasとして男性が仲のよい男友達のグループを呼びかける時に’Hey guys!'の代わりに’Hey fellas!'という具合に用いられる
 I met your son last night. He's a nice, young fellow(fella).
   Who's that fellow(fella) over there? Is he your boyfriend?
   What's going on fellas? Sorry to keep you guys waiting.

Stretch Goal ちょっと背伸びをした目標(type:Business Goals)
 A stretch goal is a target that is intentionally designed to be difficult to achieve.
   Setting a stretch goal... ストレッチゴールを設定する
   achieve our stretch goal  ストレッチゴールを達成する

get behind/be behind  ...を後押しする、後援する、遅れる
 Give someone or something our support like we stand behind them.
   We all need to get behind the company and save it from bankruptcy.
   The spectators were behind underdog player all the way.

behind in work 仕事が遅れる
fall/get behind 思ったほど仕事が進まない、遅くなる
be/run behind すでに遅れている
This cold of mine is making me fall behind in my work. 風邪が仕事を遅らせている。
She has a credit card balance of $15,000! How could someone get so behind on their payments?
Sorry this reply is so late. I just got back from a business trip, so I am a little behind in my e-mail.
Sorry, but I'm really running behind this morning. Can I call you back later?
They're running behind with the move into their new store and probably won't be open for business until the end of October.
balance 預金、支払残高

worthy ワ-ジィ- adj)立派な、尊敬すべき、価値がある
 deserving respect from people
   this very worthy project
 She is prison-worthy. 彼女は刑務所行きに値するよ

deserving デザ-ヴィング adj)


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