break down=details n)分析、分類、内訳 v)分析する、分類する
Could you give me the break down of products sold last week?先週売れた製品の分析をお願いできますか?
Cloud you break down the list for me?
Thank you for the estimate, but we need one that clearly shows the cost breakdown. 見積書ありがとう。でもコストの内訳が明確にわかるものが必要です。
in line with... ...に沿って、...通りに、...に合わせて
The results for this quarter were in line with analysts' predictions.この四半期の結果は、評論家の予想と一致していた。
Hopefully the answers are in line with your expectations.
I can book the lesson in line with my work hours.
Was it in line with your forecast?
way adv)はるかに、あまりに
I devoted way more time and money to study English. It's been nearly forty years!
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