
How the coronavirus is changing working styles in Japan

open start an activity [transitive] to start an activity, event, or set of actions
The pandemic has opened people's eyes to possibility of new working styles such as working from home, staggered work hours and even four-day workweeks could become the norm.
people's eyes 人々のものの見方 
staggerダッガー v)ふらつく、ジグザグ配置の、重ならないように調整する
staggered work hours 時差出勤
norm ノ-ァム n)基準労働量、標準

pneumonia ニュゥニア n)肺炎
comedian dies from coronavirus-caused pneumonia. コロナウイルスが原因の肺炎
the spread of the pneumonia-causing virus 肺炎を引き起こすウイルス

be keen to   とても...したい

be keen on  ...に夢中
keen adj)【英】鋭い、鋭い関心を持つ、好きな
I'm keen(=eager) to learn Japanese.
She's keen on Yoga.
I've been very keen to speak to British. 
(I was looking forward to take your lesson.)
not keen/not too keen  乗る気がしない
I don't want to go because I don't like Karaoke. 直接的
I'm not too keen on Karaoke. やんわり感がでる

lift 解除する
the nationwide state of emergency has been lifted

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